英语课外阅读文摘 人间趣谈 英汉对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴上利主编;张季馨翻译
- 出 版 社:上海:上海科学技术文献出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7543905140
- 页数:481 页
1.Life in Space 1
2.Where Is Tomorrow? 5
3.Man's Growth 9
4.Moon Colony 13
5.Vitamins 19
6.Why We Walk in Circles(Ⅰ) 24
7.Why We Walk in Circles(Ⅱ) 30
8.Beethoven 35
9.Dream 42
10.How Could You Afford to Buy the Ticket? 48
11.Comets 51
12.Lightning 56
13.Instant X-Rays for Doctors on the Go 61
14.Robinson Crusoe 65
15.The Discovery of Glass(Ⅰ) 69
16.The Discovery of Glass(Ⅱ) 75
17.Baths and Bathing 79
18.Dick's Coat 84
19.A Missed Diamond Ring 87
20.Cat Naps 91
21.My Best Friend 96
22.Charlie Chaplin 100
23.Louis and the Astrologer 106
24.The Cheaper Wooer 110
25.Flattery and Smcerity 115
26.Documents That Say'No'to Photocopies 121
27.American Buffalo 125
28.Whale Watching 129
29.Carrying A Child 134
30.Iced Water:50p 138
31.For the Sick 142
32.Davies'Blanket 145
33.Greek History 149
34.Advice 153
35.Electronic Funds Transfer 157
36.Noah Webster 160
37.A Tree Frog 164
38.The Ways of Communicating 168
39.That's Why I Took the Orange 172
40.The Greeks Did 175
41.Make Copies of Letter 179
42.Mrs.William's Dish Washer 182
43.The Wrasse 186
44.You've Learned to Cook Now! 190
45.Self-Education (Ⅰ) 193
46.Self-Education(Ⅱ) 197
47.The Proper Use of Stops 201
48.Courage 205
49.Three"C"s 209
50.Probability 213
51.Your Parents and You(Ⅰ) 217
52.Your Parents and You(Ⅱ) 221
53.Animal Behavior 225
54.The MOst Dangerous Animal 228
55.The Right Use of Knowledge 232
56.Shanghai 236
57.Biological Clock 240
58.Lichens 244
59.A Faithful Dog(Ⅰ) 248
60.A Faithful Dog(Ⅱ) 252
61.Self-Help 256
62.Fight Backwards 260
63.Aloha 264
64 Recapture Counting 268
65.Habits 272
66.Recreation 276
67.Visiting the Game Park 280
68.Gold:Ordeal by Fire(Ⅰ) 284
69.Gold:Ordeal by Fire(Ⅱ) 289
70.Continents and Climates 293
71.The Duties of A Student 297
72.The Importan?e of Color 301
73.A Young Soldier 305
74.Diligence 309
75.Crow 313
76.Abraham Lincol? 317
77.The Study of Sea 321
78.Computers Help Fire Fighters 325
79.Long Life 330
80.Pictures 334
81.Spitters(Ⅰ) 338
82.Spitters(Ⅱ) 343
83.Weddings in America 347
84.Deep-Sea Diving 353
85.Giving and Taking Isn't Always Sharing 358
86.How Men First Learnt to Invent Words 362
87.A Trip into the Future 366
88.Luther Burbank 371
89.San Francisco 376
90.Science 381
91.Change and Balance 387
92.Friendship 393
93.The Oil Regions of the World(Ⅰ) 399
94.The Oil Regions of the World(Ⅱ) 405
95.The Disappearing Pavement 409
96.Reading Maketh A Full Man 415
97.The Food We Eat 421
98.The Rock in His Roof 427
99.Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech 433
100.At Home in The Future 437
101.Exploring with an Artist 441
Appendixes:Vocabulary 446
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