- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:冯春燕等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7505346210
- 页数:573 页
LESSON 1 The Progressive Push 1
Evolution of Telecommunications Networks 1
The Global Village 24
What Is a Communication Network? 27
语法概述 29
LESSON 2 Telecommunication Networks 34
Types of Communication Networks 34
Network Protocol Architecture 59
Standards Activities 66
名词 67
LESSON 3 Telecommunication Switching 73
Switching Techniques 73
Advances In Switching Techniques 88
Photonic Switching 94
限定词 98
LESSON 4 Satellite Communications 102
Satellite Communication Systems 102
The Development of Satellite Communications 122
Very Small Aperture Terminal 129
形容词 副词 133
LESSON 5 Mobile Communication 138
The Radio Communication system 138
Cellular Systems and Cellular Radio Telephone Terminals 153
Cordless Systems and Cordless Terminals 159
代词 162
LESSON 6 Optical Fiber Communication 168
Advantages of Optical Fiber Communication 168
The general System of Optical Fiber Communication 187
SONET/SDH Benefits and Deployment 193
动词 199
LESSON 7 Access Network 205
Evolution of the Access Network 205
Opportunities for Advanced Optical Technology in Access Networks 229
Decade of the Access Network? 238
被动语态 243
Basic Concepts of ISDN 248
Evolution Toward Broadband ISDN 268
Benefits 277
虚拟语气 280
LESSON 9 Intelligent Network 284
Intelligent Network Concept 284
What the Intelligent Network Really Is 297
The Evolution of Intelligent Networks 305
非谓语动词 307
LESSON 10 Multimedia 313
CCITT Classification 329
Applications in Technical Traiuing and Computer-Assisted Maintenance 333
介词 336
LESSON 11 The History of Computers 340
Technological Evolution of Cornputers 340
Microcomputer History 356
People and Their Contributions 360
名词从句 364
LESSON 12 Computer System Components 367
Computer System Organization 367
The Hierarchy and types of Memory 381
Classification of Computers 387
定语从句 391
LESSON 13 How does a Computer Work? 395
Instructions Processing 395
RISC vs. CISC:Instruction Set Strategies 413
Operating Systems 420
状语从句 423
LESSON 14 Computer Interfacing 428
An Overview of Data Acquisition & Control 428
Some Interface Technology of PCs 447
External and Internal Bus Data Acquisition 456
主谓一致 459
LESSON 15 Computers And Communications 463
Computer Networks 463
Communication Hardware 479
The Internet 485
倒装句 491
LESSON 16 Computer Application——Office Automation 495
Computers in the Office 495
Office Automation——Integration of Technologies 512
The Office of 1975 and 1990 518
科技英语的特点 522
练习答案 525
词汇表 530
词组表 570
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