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  • 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:朱通伯编选
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海译文出版社
  • 出版年份:1991
  • ISBN:7532708934
  • 页数:781 页
标签:编选 文论


Matthew Arnold 1

The Function of Criticism at the Present Time 3

Oscar Wilde 46

The Improvidence of Art 48

From The Decay of Lying 50

Henry James 66

The Art of Fiction 68

Virginia Woolf 102

Mr.Bennett and Mrs.Brown 105

Thomas Stearns Eliot 135

Tradition and the Individual Talent 137

Hamlet and His Problems 151

Ivor Armstrong Richards 160

From Principles of Literary Criticism 162

From Practical Criticism 176

Edmund Wilson 188

From Historical Criticism 190

Cleanth Brooks 210

Irony as a Principle of Structure 212

W.K.Wimsatt and Monroe C.Beardsley 236

The Intentional Fallacy 238

The Affective Fallacy 263

René Wellek 293

The Mode of Existence of a Literary 295

Work of Art 295

Northrop Frye 322

The Archetypes of Literature 324

Harry Levin 348

Literature as an Institution 350

E.D.Hirsch.Jr. 374

Objective Interpretation 376

Stanley E.Fish 433

Literature in the Reader:Affective Stylistics(abridged) 435

Jonathan Culler 485

Literary Competence 487

Terry Eagleton 520

Literary Theory:an Introduction 522

Appendix I:Selected References 555

The Main Trends of Twentieth-Century Criticism by RenéWellek 556

What Was New Criticism?by Gerald Graff 582

Literary Critioism in France(Ⅰ)by Martin Turnell 613

Literary Criticism in France(Ⅱ)by Martin Turnell 641

Freud and Literature by Lionel Trilling 669

Appendix Ⅱ:Glossary of Critical and Theoretical Terms 701
