- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵贤州编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1983
- ISBN:7218·065
- 页数:339 页
目录 Contents 1
汉语拼音字母表 The Chinese Phonetic Alphabet 1
目录 Contents 1
汉语拼音字母表 The Chinese Phonetic Alphabet 1
汉语词类简称表 Abbreviations 2
汉语词类简称表 Abbreviations 2
汉语发音器官图 The Organs of Speech 3
汉语发音器官图 The Organs of Speech 3
第一课 Lesson One 4
第一课 Lesson One 4
五、声调 Tones 14
六、注释 Notes 14
1.音节 The syllable 14
3.i、u、ü自成音节时的写法 How to write i,u,üwhen they stand for syllables by themselves七、练习 Exercises第二课 Lesson Two 14
二、生词 New Words 14
一、会话 Dialogue 14
2.四声 The four tones 14
四、韵母 Finals 14
三、声母 Initials 14
3.i、u、ü自成音节时的写法 How to write i,u,üwhen they stand for syllables by themselves七、练习 Exercises第二课 Lesson Two 14
2.四声 The four tones 14
1.音节 The syllable 14
六、注释 Notes 14
五、声调 Tones 14
四、韵母 Finals 14
三、声母 Initials 14
二、生词 New Words 14
一、会话 Dialogue 14
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,xuei,uen when they are preceded by aninitialit is at the beginning of a syllableit stands for a syllable by itself 23
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,xuei,uen when they are preceded by aninitialit is at the beginning of a syllableit stands for a syllable by itself 23
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,xuei,uen when they are preceded by aninitialit is at the beginning of a syllableit stands for a syllable by itself 23
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,xuei,uen when they are preceded by aninitialit is at the beginning of a syllable 23
一、会话 Dialogue 23
二、生词 New Words 23
三、声母 Initials 23
四、韵母 Finals 23
五、注释 Notes 23
1.iou前面加声母时的写法 How to write iou 23
when it is preceded by an initial 23
2.i在一个音节开头时的写法 How to write 23
i when it is at the beginning of a syllable3.轻声 The neutrál tone4.汉字 Chinese characters六、练习 Exercises第三课 Lesson Three 23
1.zi、ci、si的韵母[?]及zhi、chi、shi、ri的韵母[?]的表示 The representation of[?]and[?] 23
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,x 23
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,xuei,uen when they are preceded by aninitial 23
1.iou前面加声母时的写法 How to write iou 23
2.i在一个音节开头时的写法 How to write 23
i when it is at the beginning of a syllable3.轻声 The neutrál tone4.汉字 Chinese characters六、练习 Exercises第三课 Lesson Three 23
1.zi、ci、si的韵母[?]及zhi、chi、shi、ri的韵母[?]的表示 The representation of[?]and[?] 23
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,x 23
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,xuei,uen when they are preceded by aninitial 23
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,xuei,uen when they are preceded by aninitialit is at the beginning of a syllable 23
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,xuei,uen when they are preceded by aninitialit is at the beginning of a syllableit stands for a syllable by itself 23
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,xuei,uen when they are preceded by aninitialit is at the beginning of a syllableit stands for a syllable by itself 23
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,xuei,uen when they are preceded by aninitialit is at the beginning of a syllableit stands for a syllable by itself 23
when it is preceded by an initial 23
一、会话 Dialogue 23
二、生词 New Words 23
三、声母 Initials 23
四、韵母 Finals 23
五、注释 Notes 23
5.üe自成音节时的写法 How to write üe when 34
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,xuei,uen when they are preceded by aninitialit is at the beginning of a syllableit stands for a syllable by itself六、练习 34
一、会话 Dialogue 34
二、生词 New Words 34
三、声母 Initials 34
四、韵母 Finals 34
五、注释 Notes 34
3.uei、uen前面加声母时的写法 How to write 34
4.u在音节开头时的写法 How to write u when 34
7.隔音 The dividing mark 34
三、声母 Initials 34
6.卷舌韵母 er The retroflex final er 34
5.üe自成音节时的写法 How to write üe when 34
4.u在音节开头时的写法 How to write u when 34
3.uei、uen前面加声母时的写法 How to write 34
五、注释 Notes 34
四、韵母 Finals 34
6.卷舌韵母 er The retroflex final er 34
二、生词 New Words 34
一、会话 Dialogue 34
8.变调 Tone sandhi 34
2.ü及由ü开头的韵母同j、q、x相拼时的写法 Howto write üand finals beginning with üwhen they are spelt with j,q,xuei,uen when they are preceded by aninitialit is at the beginning of a syllableit stands for a syllable by itself六、练习 34
8.变调 Tone sandhi 34
7.隔音 The dividing mark 34
复习 Revision 41
第五课 Lesson Five 41
第五课 Lesson Five 41
复习 Revision 41
一、会话 Dialogue 58
一、会话 Dialogue 58
二、课文 Text 学习汉语 58
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.名词、动词、形容词、代词 Nouns,verbs,adjectives and pronouns2.主语和谓语 The subject and the predicate3.陈述句和疑问句 Declarative sentencesand 58
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.名词、动词、形容词、代词 Nouns,verbs,adjectives and pronouns2.主语和谓语 The subject and the predicate3.陈述句和疑问句 Declarative sentencesand 58
二、课文 Text 学习汉语 58
一、会话 Dialogue 70
二、课文 Text 看节目 70
一、会话 Dialogue 70
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.副词 Adverbs2.宾语 The object3.动词谓语句 Sentences with a verb as itspredicate六、注释 Notes1.副词“在”、“正在” The adverbs在and正在2.副词“ 70
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.副词 Adverbs2.宾语 The object3.动词谓语句 Sentences with a verb as itspredicate六、注释 Notes1.副词“在”、“正在” The adverbs在and正在2.副词“ 70
二、课文 Text 看节目 70
二、课文 Text 辅导 84
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.介词和介词结构 Prepositions andprepositional constructions2.状语 The adverbial3.形容词谓语句 Sentences with an adjectiveas its predicate六、注释 Note 84
一、会话 Dialogue 84
一、会话 Dialogue 84
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.介词和介词结构 Prepositions andprepositional constructions2.状语 The adverbial3.形容词谓语句 Sentences with an adjectiveas its predicate六、注释 Note 84
二、课文 Text 辅导 84
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.连词、助词 Conjunctions and particles2.定语 The attribute3.双宾语句 Sentences with two objects4.时间状语 The adverbial of time六、注释 Notes1.结 97
二、课文 Text 学校 97
一、会话 Dialogue 97
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.连词、助词 Conjunctions and particles2.定语 The attribute3.双宾语句 Sentences with two objects4.时间状语 The adverbial of time六、注释 Notes1.结 97
二、课文 Text 学校 97
一、会话 Dialogue 97
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.数词和量词 Numerals and measure words2.主谓谓语句 Sentences with asubject-predicate construction as itspredicate3.心理活动动词 Verbs of thought andemo 112
二、课文 Text 买东西 112
一、会话 Dialogue 112
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.数词和量词 Numerals and measure words2.主谓谓语句 Sentences with asubject-predicate construction as itspredicate3.心理活动动词 Verbs of thought andemo 112
二、课文 Text 买东西 112
一、会话 Dialogue 112
一、会话 Dialogue 123
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.方位词和方位结构 Position words andconstructions with position words2.省略句 Elliptical sentences3.修饰性定语 The modifying attribute4.程度状语 The 123
二、课文 Text 在旅馆 123
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.方位词和方位结构 Position words andconstructions with position words2.省略句 Elliptical sentences3.修饰性定语 The modifying attribute4.程度状语 The 123
二、课文 Text 在旅馆 123
一、会话 Dialogue 123
复习 Revision 128
第十二课 Lesson Twelve 128
第十二课 Lesson Twelve 128
复习 Revision 128
一、会话 Dialogue 144
二、课文 Text 一次文艺晚会 144
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.序数词、动量词 Ordinal numbers andmeasure words for verbs2.限制性定语 The restrictive attribute3.起点状语 The adverbial of starting point六、注释 Not 144
三、句型、结构举例 Patterns and Constructions四、生词 New Words五、语法 Grammar1.序数词、动量词 Ordinal numbers andmeasure words for verbs2.限制性定语 The restrictive attribute3.起点状语 The adverbial of starting point六、注释 Not 144
二、课文 Text 一次文艺晚会 144
一、会话 Dialogue 144
一、会话 Dialogue 160
二、课文 Text 足球比赛 160
二、课文 Text 足球比赛 160
一、会话 Dialogue 160
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