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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:应启慎等编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海译文出版社
  • 出版年份:1984
  • ISBN:9188·219
  • 页数:280 页

Contents 1

一、动词 1

1.Know him与know of him 1

2.Make...of...与make...from 3

3.Verb+adverb combinations:come out 5

4.Verb+adverb combinations:put out 7

5.Verb+preposition combinations:call on 10

6.Verb+adverb+preposition combinations: 13

look out for 13

7.Verb+noun+preposition combinations: 15

pay attention to 15

8.Have a swim 18

9.Do a lot of swimming 20

10.Say,speak,tell与talk 21

11.Desire,wish,want,hope与expect 24

12.Look,appear与seem 25

13.Be to 27

二、非谓语动词 27

14.Infinitive without “to” 30

15.Nothing but(to) 33

16.Not+infinitive 35

17.Too...to 36

18.Books to be read与books to read 39

19.Stop to smoke与stop smoking 42

20.Need repairing 46

21.Have my hair cut 47

22.Be able to 50

三、情态动词与助动词 50

23.Can be+adjective 52

24.Could与was(were)able to 53

25.Must与have to 55

26.Must与had to,musn t与was not allowed 58

to 58

27.“Must+完成不定式”等 60

28.May/Might(just)as well 64

29.Had better 66

30.Would rather 68

31.Used to与be used to 70

32.Used to与would 73

33.Have not还是don t have 74

四、代词 77

34.Some-words与any-words 77

35.Some...others,one...the other与 81

one...another 81

36.替代词one与that 84

37.Both与all,either与any,neither与none 88

38.Everyone与every one,anyone与any one, 90

no one与none 90

39.Everybody...their/his 93

五、形容词、副词 97

40.A certain man...与The man is certain 97

41.Don t say:He is possible to come 99

42.Don t say: It s an afraid child 101

43.“-ed”形容词与“-ing”形容词 102

44.Much money与a lot of money 105

45.Go over等 107

46.Hard与hardly,just与justly,late与lately 108

most与mostly,high与highly等 108

47.That用作副词 110

48.Too与either,so与neither(nor),already与 112

yet等 112

49.Ever 114

50.Questions beginning with“how” 116

51.Instead与instead of 119

52.The position of words like“always” 121

53.Go up to town与go down to the country 124

54.Tear up the letter 126

55.Burn up与burn down 127

56.Some time,sometime与sometimes 129

57.Still,already与yet 131

六、介词 134

58.表示地点的in与at 134

59.To the south,in the south,on the south与at 136

the south 136

60.Except与except for 137

61.A man with red hair与a man of violent 139

temper 139

62.Tell one from the other 141

63.Noun+preposition combinations:interest in 143

science 143

64.Adjective+preposition combinations:angry 146

with/at me 146

relationship 149

65.Of表示subjective relationship and objective 149

66.A room to readin 151

67.Look forward to中的,to是介词 154

68.Over the fence is out 156

69.Spend...(in)+v-ing 157

七、连接词 159

70.Because,since,as与for 159

71.Because与because of,(al)though 与in spite 161

of,whether or not与regardless of 161

72.(Al)though不能与but连用 163

73.When 165

74.When与while 167

75.Until 169

76.Like 172

77.And的不同意义 173

78.As if 174

79.Rather than 177

80.Anything but,all but与nothing but 180

八、惯用词组 180

81.As good as与as well as 181

82.Good and warm=very warm 183

83.At all 184

84.But for与but that 186

85.For all that与for all 187

86.Due to 188

87.In case of与in the case of等 189

88.Such as与as such 192

89.Be of value=be valuable 194

九、 句型 194

90.Books are more与more books 195

91.The expletive“there” 198

92.It s no use 201

93.The emphatic pattern 204

94.Wish sentences 208

95.Request clause 211

...than 215

96.Scarcely(Hardly)...when...与No sooner 215

97.Than-从句中的省略 218

98.What-clause 221

99.You are very kind to help us 224

十、时态与主谓语一致 227

100.Be-ing 227

101.Be going to 229

102.Been somewhere与gone somewhere 232

103.Don t say:He has joined the army for three 234

years 234

104.Consider与be considering 236

105.The emphatic tense 238

106.Iron and steel is(不用are) 239

107.Either my wife or I am 240

十一、否定 246

108.No more than与not more than 246

109.Never...but 247

110.I don t think 249

111.Cannot...too 250

112.All...not与none 251

113.Not...because 254

114.Must与needn t等 255

十二、其他 259

115.With结构 259

116.Question tags 261

117.Something of a physician 263

118.A room与a lot of room 264

119.This is the very book 266

120.Hit me on the head与hit my head 269

Index 271
