

- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:诸葛霖,周泰祚著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:1982
- ISBN:90220·10
- 页数:361 页
Section Ⅰ Ocean Shipping 1
1. Basic Concept of Shipping 1
2. Re1ations between Ocean Shipping and Foreign Trade 6
SectionⅡ The Running of Cargo Ships 11
1. Types of Ships 11
2. Ship's Papers2 16
3. Type of Ocean Shipping Service 23
4. Agency 28
sectiOn Ⅲ procedures for carriage of Goods by ocean Goings Ship 32
1. Routine Procedures and Essential Shipping Documents 32
2. Formalities of Ships Entering and Leaving Port 41
Section Ⅳ Port Charges 50
1. Tonnage Dues 50
2. Port Charges Proper 53
3. Loading, Discharging and Tallying Charges 57
4. Miscellaneous Charges 59
5. Agency Fees 60
Section Ⅴ Freight 62
Section Ⅵ Bill of Lading 79
1. Nature, FunCtion and Types Df Bill of Lading 79
2. Essential Terms of Bill of Lading 90
3. International Convention governing Bill of Lading 107
Section VII Charterparty 133
1. Nature, Function and Types of Charterparty 133
2. Essential Clauses of Charterparty 142
Section VIII General Average 181
1. Principle of General Average 181
2. Essential Features of General AVerage 183
3. General Average Sacrifice 187
4. General Average Expenditure 191
5. General Average Contribution and APportionment 196
6. Adjustment of General AVerage 199
7. Procedures following a General Average ACt 210
Section IX Containerized Traffic 212
Section X Combined Transport 227
Section XI Air Transport and Freight Rates 245
1. Advantages of Air Transport 245
2. Air Freight Rates 249
Chargeable weight 251
Formation of Freight Rates 251
Minimum Charge 251
General Cargo Rate 252
Specific Commodity Rate 253
Class Rate 255
3. Valuation Charge 256
4. C. O. D. Service Charge 257
Section XII BoOking Procedure and Air Waybill 258
1. Air Cargo Agents 259
2. Air Freight Forwarder 261
3. Air Waybill 263
I Abbreviations and Definitions 270
II Port Conditions 274
III International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading Signed at Brussels on 25 August, 1924 283
IV The 1968 Brussels Protocol 293
Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading, signed at Brussels on 25 August,1924 293
V United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea, 1978 300
VI International Convention for the Uuification of Certain Rules of Law in regard to Collisions (Brus-sels, September 23, 1910) 323
VII International Convention relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Sea-going Ships (Brus-sels, October 10, 1957) 328
VIII The York-Antwerp Rules 1974 336
IX Specimen of Freight Tariff 346
X Specimen from of PICC'S Average Guarantee 350
XI Specimen of Lloyd's Average Bond 351
XII Specimen forms of CAAC and IATA airliners Letter of InstruCtion 353
XIII 英汉外贸运输名词对照表 355
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