剑桥第一证书英语教程 英汉对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)O.洛(Ona Low)著;王佩玺,王吉田译注
- 出 版 社:托马斯·纳尔逊父子有限公司
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7506219956
- 页数:367 页
1 Never Trust Appearances(决不要只相信外貌) 1
A.Notes on the passage 3
B.Spoken English 7
C.Reading comprehension 8
D.Composition:Sentences 10
E.Use of English 10
F.Interview 11
G.General guidance and practice 13
H.Key 22
I.Translation 25
J.Notes on words 26
2 Settling Down in England(定居英格兰) 30
A.Notes on the passage 30
B.Spoken English 35
C.Reading comprehension 38
D.Composition:Sentences 41
E.Use of English 41
F.Interview 43
G.General guidance and practice 46
H.Key 52
I.Translation 54
J.Notes on words 55
3 An Irish Wedding(爱尔兰人的婚礼) 58
A.Notes on the passage 59
B.Spoken English 64
C.Reading comprehension 66
D.Composition:Narrative 68
E.Use of English 70
F.Interview 72
G.General guidance and practice 75
H.key 81
I.Translation 83
J.Notes on words 84
4 A Gentle Nightmare(一场温和的恶梦) 87
A.Notes on the passage 88
B.Spoken English 95
C.Reading comprehension 97
D.Composition:Description 99
E.Use of English 100
F.Interview 102
G.General guidance and practice 105
H.Key 110
I.Translation 113
J.Notes on words 114
5 Shelter for the Night(夜宿之处) 117
A.Notes on the passage 118
B.Spoken English 123
C.Reading comprehension 125
D.Composition:Explanations 128
E.Use of English 129
F.Interview 131
G.General guidance and practice 135
H.Key 144
I.Translation 148
J.Notes on words 149
6 Fear for Company(为交往担忧) 152
A.Notes on the passage 153
B.Spoken English 157
C.Reading comprehension 159
D.Composition:Dialogue 161
E.Use of English 163
F.Interview 164
G.General guidance and practice 168
H.Key 175
I.Translation 178
J.Notes on words 178
7 Originality is Not Everything(创见并非一切) 180
A.Notes on the passage 182
B.Spoken English 189
C.Reading comprehension 191
D.Composition:Letter writing 192
E.Use of English 196
F.Interview 198
G.General guidance and practice 201
H.Key 211
I.Translation 214
J.Notes on words 215
8 Pity for a Stranger(对一个陌生人的同情) 217
A.Notes on the passage 218
B.Spoken English 224
C.Reading comprehension 225
D.Composition:Busines letters 227
E.Use of English 229
F.Interview 232
G.General guidance and practice 237
H.Key 244
I.Translation 246
J.Notes on words 248
9 Picnic in the Dining Room(餐厅里的野餐) 249
A.Notes on the passage 250
B.Spoken English 254
C.Reading comprehension 255
D.Composition:Giveing instructions 258
E.Use of English 261
F.Interview 263
G.General guidance and practice 267
H.Key 277
I.Translation 279
J.Notes on words 281
10 Ghosts for Tea(“鬼魂”诱茶客) 283
A.Notes on the passage 285
B.Spoken English 288
C.Reading comprehension 289
D.Composition:Various subjects 292
E.Use of English 292
F.Interview 294
G.General guidance and practice 299
H.Key 308
I.Translation 310
J.Notes on words 311
11 Related Talents(一脉相承的天赋) 314
A.Notes on the passage 315
B.Spoken English 320
C.Reading comprehension 322
D.Composition:Various subjects 323
E.Use of English 324
F.Interview 327
G.General guidance and practice 332
H.Key 344
I.Translation 347
J.Notes on words 348
12 Bitter Memories (酸楚的回忆) 350
A.Notes on the passage 352
B.Common mistakes:elementary 358
C.Common mistakes:intermediate 361
D.Notes on words 366
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