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死者对话  从卢奇安到兰多
死者对话  从卢奇安到兰多

死者对话 从卢奇安到兰多PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:牛红英编著
  • 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787568132497
  • 页数:236 页
《死者对话 从卢奇安到兰多》目录

Ⅰ Dialogues of the Dead by Lucian of Samosata 1

Diogenes and Pollux 1

Before Pluto:Croesus,Midas,and Sardanapalus v.Menippus 3

Menippus,Amphilochus and Trophonius 4

Hermes and Charon 5

Pluto and Hermes 6

Terpsion and Pluto 7

Zenophantus and Callidemides 9

Cnemon and Damnippus 10

Simylus and Polystratus 10

Charon,Hermes and Various Shades 12

Crates and Diogenes 16

Alexander,Hannibal,Minos and Scipio 18

Diogenes and Alexander 21

Philip and Alexander 22

Antilochus and Achilles 24

Diogenes and Heracles 25

Menippus and Tantalus 27

Menippus and Hermes 28

Aeacus,Protesilaus,Menelaus and Paris 29

Menippus,Aeacus and Various Shades 30

Menippus and Cerberus 33

Charon,Menippus and Hermes 34

Protesilaus,Pluto and Persephone 35

Diogenes and Mausolus 36

Nireus,Thersites and Menippus 37

Menippus and Chiron 38

Diogenes,Antisthenes and Crates 40

Menippus and Tiresias 42

Agamemnon and Ajax 44

Minos and Sostratus 45

Ⅱ Dialogues of the Dead by Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle 47

Alexander the Great,and Phrine 47

Dido and Stratonice 50

Anacreon and Aristotle 52

Homer and Aesop 55

Candaulus and Gyges 57

Helen and Fulvia 59

Brutus and Faustina 62

Augustus and Peter Aretin 64

Sappho and Laura 68

Socrates and Montaigne 70

Adrian the Emperor,and Margaret of Austria 73

Erasistratus and Harvey 77

Seneca and Marot 80

Apicius and Galileo 83

Plato and Margaret of Scotland 86

Ⅲ Dialogues of the Dead by Francois Fenelon 90

Mercury and Charon 90

Achilles and Homer 92

Achilles and Ulysses 95

Romulus and Remus 97

Democritus and Heraclitus 98

Herodotus and Lucian 100

Socrates and Alcibiades 102

Plato and Dionysius the Tyrant 105

Plato and Aristotle 107

Alexander and Aristotle 110

Alexander and Diogenes 112

Scipio and Hannibal 113

Cato and Cicero 116

Caesar and Alexander 119

Cicero and Augustus 121

Ⅳ Dialogues of the Dead by George Lyttelton 123

Plato and Fenelon 123

Boileau and Pope 127

Lucian and Rabelais 140

Plutarch,Charon and a Modern Bookseller 144

Plato and Diogenes 151

Ⅴ Imaginary Conversations by Walter Savage Landor 156

Diogenes and Plato 156

Epictetus and Seneca 169

Lucian and Timotheus 174

Boccaccio and Petrarca 223

Joseph Scaliger and Montaigne 232
