- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:梁为祥主编
- 出 版 社:合肥:安徽教育出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7533623320
- 页数:218 页
第一章 英语写作的步骤(Steps of English Composition) 1
第二章 记叙文(Narration) 9
[例一]For the First Time I Killed a Fish 10
[例二]My Joyful Trip 11
[例三]A Classmate of Mine 12
[例四]My Parrot 13
[例五]A Good Teacher to Remember 14
[例六]My Birthday Present 15
[例七]The Football Match 16
[例八]My First Year in College 17
[例九]On the Train 18
[例十]Insurance 19
[例十一]Visiting Jiang Su Exhibition Centre 20
[例十二]My Mother 21
[例十三]A Photo 22
[例十四]Learning to Dance 23
[例十五]An Unforgettable Event 24
[例十六]My Radio 25
[例十七]Cooking 26
[例十八]Visiting My Uncle 27
[例十九]Picnic 28
[例二十]Zhang Gong Cave 29
[例二十一]Meeting My Childhood Friend 29
第三章 描写文(Description) 31
[例一]Our Campus 32
[例二]My Hometown 33
[例三]My Best Friend 34
[例四]Spring 35
[例五]A Summer Storm 36
[例六]An Unforgettable Experience 37
[例七]A Naughty Boy 38
[例八]A Morning When Everything Went Wrong 39
[例九]Memory of a Friend 40
[例十]Meeting a Friend 41
[例十一]Travelling to Work During the Rush Hour 42
[例十二]At the Airport 43
[例十三]A Market 44
[例十四]A Good Teacher 44
[例十五]Autumn 45
[例十六]A Starlit Night 46
[例十七]An Open-air Cafe 47
[例十八]Mid-Autumn Day 47
[例十九]A Teachers'Office 48
[例二十]A Snowy Day 49
第四章 说明文(Explanation) 50
[例一]The City—Washington 52
[例二]The Horse 53
[例三]Trees 54
[例四]English Food 55
[例五]The Meridian Line 56
[例六]Long-term Memory 57
[例七]Peanut 58
[例八]Geography of Poland 59
[例九]Alexander Fleming and Penicillin 60
[例十]Writing Instruments 61
[例十一]Our Library 62
[例十二]The Wave Radio 63
[例十三]Main Factors to Success 64
[例十四]How to Review 65
[例十五]How to Use Xinhua Dictionary 66
[例十六]The History of Oil Refining 67
[例十七]My Major 68
[例十八]Amoxicillin Syrup 69
[例十九]Our Teaching Building 70
[例二十]People of the World 72
[例二十一]Cobras 73
第五章 议论文(Argumentation) 74
[例一]Profits of Criticism 76
[例二]Profits of Criticism 77
[例三]On Independence 77
[例四]Make the Most of Our School Days 79
[例五]Where to Live—in the Country or in the City? 80
[例六]Where to Live—in the Country or in the City? 81
[例七]Environmental Pollution 82
[例八]Automobiles 83
[例九]How to Spend the Weekend 84
[例十]Discovery 85
[例十一]Health and Sports 86
[例十二]On Friendship 87
[例十三]Generation Gap 88
[例十四]Honesty 89
[例十五]Water 90
[例十六]On Failure 91
[例十七]On Diligence 92
[例十八]Courage 93
[例十九]The Energy and the Environment 94
[例二十]Television 95
[例二十一]Television 96
[例二十二]Don Quixote 97
[例二十三]Our Crowded Earth 98
[例二十四]Big Cities 99
[例二十五]How to Enlarge Vocabulary 100
[例二十六]Skyscrapers 101
[例二十七]Do Students Like Tests? 102
[例二十八]Bicycles 103
[例二十九]Telephone 104
[例三十]Paper 105
第六章 书信(Letters) 106
[例一]An Invitation to a Party 110
[例二]Accepting an Invitation 110
[例三]Declining an Invitation 111
[例四]Congratulating the Wedding 112
[例五]Thanks for One's Reception 113
[例六]A Letter of Introduction 113
[例七]Invitation to a Conference 114
[例八]Applying for a Visiting Scholar's Appointment 115
[例九]Expressing Sympathy to the Wounded 116
[例十]Applying for a Position as a Secretary 116
[例十一]Applying for Admission to the M.D.Program 118
[例十二]Applying for Research Work in the Laboratory 118
[例十三]Applying for Admission to the Ph.D.Program 120
[例十四]A Recommendation Letter for a High School Student 121
[例十五]A Recommendation Letter for a Graduating Student 122
[例十六]Certificate of Bachelor Degree 123
[例十七]A Recommendation Letter for a Teacher 124
[例十八]A Business Letter 125
[例十九]A Letter from Husband to His Wife 126
[例二十]A Love Letter 127
第七章 看图或图表作文(De scribing pictures or tables) 128
[例一]The Life-span of the Mountain Villagers 129
[例二]Development in Middle Schools 130
[例三]The Death of Infants 131
[例四]An Awkward Business Trip 132
[例五]Infant's Physical Development 133
[例六]Increase in China's Foreign Trade 134
[例七]Fire Causes in a City 135
[例八]Different Increases 136
[例九]Traffic Accidents in a Small Town 137
[例十]Changes in People's Diet 138
[例十一]Unrighted Wrong 140
[例十二]A Classmate 141
[例十三]Counting 142
[例十四]A Good Student 143
[例十五]Watering Flowers 144
[例十六]Helping an Injured Man 145
[例十七]Making Toys 146
[例十八]Not Pocketing the Money One Picks up 147
[例十九]Flying 148
[例二十]Paying a Debt of Gratitude 149
第八章 摘要(Abstracts) 151
[例一]Tips on Doing Business with the Arabs 152
[例二]Related Talents 154
[例三]Ordinary Aspirin is Truly a Wonder Drug 156
[例四]Coping with Stress 158
[例五]The Earth's Spreading Deserts 162
[例六]How Lawyers are Trained 165
[例七]The Making of a Surgeon 167
[例八]The Day I Mat My Mother 169
[例九]Profits of Praise 173
[例十]A Monologue 176
[例十一]How to Give a Good Speech 178
[例十二]Different Means of Communication 181
[例十三]Never Trust Appearances 184
[例十四]The First Postage Stamp 187
[例十五]Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves 191
[例十六]Cubism 195
第九章 关键词作文(Composition based on key words and expressions) 197
[例一]Smoking 198
[例二]Money 199
[例三]The Population Explosion 200
[例四]My Respected Teacher 201
[例五]Computer 202
[例六]The Value of Time 203
[例七]Buddhism and Christianity 204
[例八]Teaching—My Profession 205
[例九]Family Life in China 206
[例十]How to Use the Library 207
[例十一]My Favourite Career 208
[例十二]The Advantages of Travel 209
[例十三]Good Manners 210
[例十四]Women Drivers 211
[例十五]Ideal—An Essential Part in Life 212
[例十六]The Work of Today Must Be Done Today 213
[例十七]Television 214
[例十八]Prospects of Private Cars in China 215
[例十九]Changes in People's Diet 216
[例二十]My View of Modem Parent-child Relationship 217
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