- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:柴华彬编著
- 出 版 社:北京:测绘出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787503037320
- 页数:182 页
Chapter 1 Overviews 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Branches of surveying 2
1.2.1 Geodetic surveying 2
1.2.2 Plane surveying 2
1.2.3 Topographic surveying 3
1.2.4 Engineering surveying 3
1.2.5 Cadastral surveying 3
1.2.6 Hydrographic surveying 3
1.2.7 Mine surveying 4
1.3 Developments of surveying 4
1.3.1 Surveying techniques 5
1.3.2 Surveying equipments 5
1.3.3 Origin of Geomatics 6
1.4 Achievements of China's surveying 7
Chapter 2 Datums of Surveying 12
2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 Geoid and reference ellipsoid 12
2.2.1 Mean Sea Level and Geoid 12
2.2.2 Reference ellipsoid 13
2.3 Map projections 14
2.3.1 Three kinds of projections 15
2.3.2 Typical map projections 20
2.4 Datums and coordinate system 22
2.4.1 Horizontal and vertical datums 22
2.4.2 Coordinate systems 23
2.4.3 Coordinate conversions 25
Chapter 3 Distance Measurement 28
3.1 Introduction 28
3.2 Taping 28
3.3 Tacheometry 30
3.4 EDM measurement 31
Chapter 4 Elevation Measurement 34
4.1 Introduction 34
4.2 Leveling instruments 34
4.2.1 Ordinary level 34
4.2.2 Automatie level 36
4.2.3 Digital level 36
4.2.4 Laser level 36
4.3 Spirit leveling work 37
4.3.1 Principle of spirit leveling 37
4.3.2 Methods of spirit leveling 37
4.3.3 Refraction and curvature 39
4.4 Trigonometric leveling 40
4.4.1 Instruments oftrigonometric leveling 40
4.4.2 Principle of trigonometric leveling 40
4.4.3 Methods of trigonometric leveling 41
Chapter 5 Angle Measurement 43
5.1 Introduction 43
5.1.1 Horizontal angle 43
5.1.2 Vertical angle 43
5.2 Direction and azimuth 44
5.2.1 Direction of line 44
5.2.2 Azimuth and bearing 45
5.3 Theodolite 46
5.3.1 Optical theodolite 46
5.3.2 Electronic theodolite 47
5.4 Angle measurement 48
5.4.1 Horizontal angle measurement 48
5.4.2 Vertical angle measurement 50
Chapter 6 Measurement Errors 52
6.1 Introduction 52
6.1.1 Sources of errors 52
6.1.2 Mistakes in measurements 52
6.2 Classifications of errors 53
6.2.1 Systematic errors 53
6.2.2 Random errors 53
6.3 Analysis of random errors 54
6.3.1 Properties of random errors 54
6.3.2 Mean and standard deviation 55
6.3.3 Propagation of errors 56
6.4 Least-squares adjustment 57
6.4.1 Principles of adjustment 57
6.4.2 Models of adiustment 57
6.4.3 Adjustment methods 58
Chapter 7 Control Surveying 60
7.1 Control networks 60
7.1.1 Types of control networks 60
7.1.2 GPS control networks 61
7.1.3 Accuracy of control surveying 61
7.2 Triangulations and intersections 62
7.2.1 Triangulation methods 62
7.2.2 Intersection methods 62
7.3 Traversing 64
7.3.1 Classifications of traversing 64
7.3.2 Closures of traversing 66
7.3.3 Calculations of traversing 67
7.3.4 Traverse networks 68
7.4 Vertical control surveying 68
7.4.1 Differential leveling 68
7.4.2 Reciprocal leveling 69
7.4.3 Trigonometric leveling 70
Chapter 8 Engineering Surveying 72
8.1 New survey equipments 72
8.1.1 Total station 72
8.1.2 Laser rangefinder 74
8.1.3 3D laser scanner 76
8.1.4 Gyro-theodolite 78
8.2 Construction layout 80
8.2.1 Establishing control points 81
8.2.2 Construction layout 81
8.2.3 Techniques of layout 82
8.2.4 As-built surveys 83
8.3 Deformation monitoring 84
8.3.1 Deformation parameters 85
8.3.2 Monitoring schemes 86
8.3.3 Monitoring techniques 88
8.3.4 Reference network design 90
8.3.5 Monitoring data processing 91
8.4 Surface subsidence observation 92
8.4.1 Factors affecting surface subsidence 92
8.4.2 Subsidence observation lines 94
8.4.3 Frequency of subsidence surveys 96
8.4.4 Survey instruments and techniques 97
Chapter 9 Map and Cartography 101
9.1 Introduction 101
9.1.1 Map scale 101
9.1.2 Map elements 102
9.1.3 Map Types 102
9.2 Cartographic technology 103
9.2.1 Cartographic process 103
9.2.2 Map design 104
9.2.3 Computer-aided design 106
9.3 Developments of cartography 106
9.3.1 Technological advances 106
9.3.2 Cartographic software 107
9.3.3 Electronic maps 107
Chapter 10 Global Positioning System 109
10.1 Introduction 109
10.2 Basic principles of GPS 111
10.2.1 GPS positioning principle 111
10.2.2 GPS positioning methods 114
10.2.3 Error sources of GPS 116
10.3 Differential GPS 118
10.3.1 Differential principle 118
10.3.2 Differential processing 119
10.3.3 Accuracy of DGPS 120
10.4 RTK GPS technology 120
10.4.1 Basic principle of RTK 120
10.4.2 Carrier phase tracking 121
10.4.3 CORS Network ofRTK 122
Chapter 11 Remote Sensing 125
11.1 Overviews 125
11.1.1 Concepts of RS 125
11.1.2 Types of RS platforms 126
11.1.3 Classifications of RS 127
11.1.4 Applications of RS 128
11.2 RS working principles 129
11.2.1 Electromagnetic energy 129
11.2.2 Interactions with the terrain 129
11.2.3 RS working process 131
11.3 Remote sensing data 132
11.3.1 Ground referenee data 132
11.3.2 RS data acquisition 134
11.3.3 RS data formats 135
11.4 RS data processing 136
11.4.1 RS data interpretation 137
11.4.2 Digital RS image processing 138
11.4.3 Thematic Classification 142
11.4.4 RS data integrations 143
Chapter 12 Geographic Information System 146
12.1 Introduction 146
12.1.1 Components of GIS 146
12.1.2 Functions of GIS 148
12.1.3 Applications of GIS 149
12.2 Data structures 150
12.2.1 Raster Data Structures 150
12.2.2 Vector Data Structures 153
12.2.3 Comparisons of data structures 156
12.3 Data processing 157
12.3.1 Data input 157
12.3.2 Data preprocessing 158
12.3.3 Spatial analysis 159
12.4 Product generation 164
12.4.1 Map products 164
12.4.2 Image products 165
12.4.3 Statistical charts 165
12.4.4 Digital Terrain Model 166
References 169
Vocabulary 171
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