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英语专业四级考试易考范文背诵50篇  2010
英语专业四级考试易考范文背诵50篇  2010

英语专业四级考试易考范文背诵50篇 2010PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:沈金伯主编
  • 出 版 社:济南:齐鲁电子音像出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787894620699
  • 页数:158 页
《英语专业四级考试易考范文背诵50篇 2010》目录

第一章 专四写作全解全析 2

第一节 议论文写作 2

一、大纲对议论文写作的要求 2

二、议论文写作评分原则与评分标准 2

三、历年议论文写作真题回顾 3

四、议论文写作命题分析 4

五、写作献计献策 5

第二节 便条写作 8

一、大纲对便条写作的要求 8

二、便条写作评分原则与评分标准 8

三、历年便条写作真题回顾 9

四、便条写作命题分析 10

五、写作献计献策 11

第二章 议论文易考范文 14

第一节 缤纷校园类 14

Topic 1 Do Examinations Exert a Negative Influence on Students? 14

Topic 2 Are Test Scores So Important? 17

Topic 3 Cheating in the Exams 20

Topic 4 Laptop-A Necessity for College Students? 23

Topic 5 Do Grades Stimulate Students to Learn? 26

Topic 6 University Classes,Required or Optional? 29

Topic 7 My View on Bedtime Chat in College Dorms 32

Topic 8 The Best Way to Keep a Harmonious Relation-ship in Dormitory 35

Topic 9 My View on a Minor at College 37

Topic 10 The Importance of Social Skills 40

Topic 11 Is It Worthwhile to Do Business at College? 43

Topic 12 The Main Influence of Economic Crisis on College Students 46

Topic 13 Is a Good Preparation Helpful for a Job In-terview? 49

第二节 绚丽社会类 52

Topic 14 Is Shanzhai Culture Healthy? 52

Topic 15 One Way to Fight against Global Epidemics 55

Topic 16 Is It Better for Children to Grow up in the Countryside? 58

Topic 17 Is It Necessary to Attend Training Classes? 61

Topic 18 My View on the Nationwide Fever of Learn-ing English 64

Topic 19 One Way to Avoid Telephone and Email Fraud 67

Topic 20 The Importance of Food Safety Control 70

Topic 21 Are We to Resume May Day Golden Week? 72

第三节 科技发展类 76

Topic 22 Is Internet-based Means a Good Supplement to Communication? 76

Topic 23 What Has Modern Technology Brought Us? 79

Topic 24 A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of the Infor-mation Age 81

Topic 25 Is a Live Performance Always More Enter-taining? 84

Topic 26 Mass Media and the Intrusion of Privacy 87

Topic 27 Human Communication—Faceto-Face Is Better? 90

第四节 生活哲理类 94

Topic 28 The Importance of Self-confidence 94

Topic 29 Can Wealth Bring Happiness? 97

Topic 30 The Best Way to Reduce Stress 99

Topic 31 Optimism Helps to Increase Your Hope 102

Topic 32 Buying or Borrowing Books? 105

Topic 33 Fighting against Our Own Weaknesses 108

Topic 34 Watching TV or Reading Books,Which Brines Us More Benefits? 111

第三章 便条易考范文 116

第一节 建议 116

Topic 35 A Note to Recommend a Place of Interest 116

Topic 36 A Note to Recommend a Student Club or Society 117

第二节 约会 120

Topic 37 A Note to Ask Your Friend to Go to the Lec-ture with You 120

Topic 38 A Note to Some American Friends for an Appointment 121

第三节 道歉 124

Topic 39 A Note to Apologize for Not Joining in a Package Tour 124

Topic 40 A Note to Apologize for Not Visiting Your Friend 125

第四节 邀请 128

Topic 41 A Note to Invite Your Friend to an Exhibi-tion 128

Topic 42 A Note to Invite Your Classmate to Spend the Holiday with You 129

第五节 咨询 132

Topic 43 A Note to Ask for Some Information of an English Class 132

Topic 44 A Note to Ask for Some Tips about an Eng-lish Speech Contest 133

第六节 谢绝 136

Topic 45 A Note to Thank a Friend for Helping You with Mathematics 136

Topic 46 A Note to Decline the Invitation 137

第七节 祝贺 140

Topic 47 A Note to Congratulate a Friend 140

Topic 48 A Note to Congratulate a Roommate 141

第八节 慰问 144

Topic 49 A Note to Comfort a Friend Who Failed in a Job Interview 144

Topic 50 A Note to Comfort a Friend Whose Parents Have Just Divorced 145

附录Ⅰ 专四写作常用谚语 148

附录Ⅱ 专四写作高频词组 154
