- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈许,陈庆生主编
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787308071444
- 页数:517 页
Part One Colonial Period and Early American Literature(1582—1789) 1
Introduction 1
John Smith 5
A Description of New England 7
Anne Bradstreet 10
To My Dear and Loving Husband 12
Benjamin Franklin 13
The Autobiography 17
Thomas Jefferson 25
Declaration of Independence 29
Part Two The Age of Nationalism and Romanticism(1790—1860) 36
Introduction 36
Washington Irving 41
Rip Van Winkle 47
James Fenimore Cooper 62
The Deerslayer 70
William Cullen Bryant 79
Thanatopsis 81
Edgar Allen Poe 84
To Helen 88
Annabel Lee 89
Ralph Waldo Emerson 91
The American Scholar 94
Nathaniel Hawthorne 112
The Minister's Black Veil 118
Part Three The Age of Realism and Naturalism(1861—1914) 131
Introduction 131
Walt Whitman 135
I Hear America Singing 139
Beat!Beat!Drums! 141
Emily Dickinson 142
Success Is Counted Sweetest 145
Because I Could Not Stop for Death 147
Sammel Langhorne Clemens Mark Twain 148
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 155
Bret Harte 161
The Outcasts of Poker Flat 164
Henry James 174
The Pupil 179
Hamlin Garland 217
Under the Lion's Paw 223
Part Four The Birth of Modernism(1915—1949) 236
Introduction 236
Robert Frost 241
The Road Not Taken 246
Fire and Ice 247
Nothing Gold Can Stay 247
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 248
Eugene O'Neill 249
The Hairy Ape 253
Earnest Hemingway 257
In Another Country 262
F.S.Fitzgerald 267
Babylon Revisited 274
William Faulkner 294
A Rose for Emily 299
Part Five The Age of Modernism and Postmodernism(1950—1999) 309
Introduction 309
Bernard Malamud 314
The Magic Barrel 318
Saul Bellow 334
Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech 338
Joseph Heller 346
Catch-22 349
N.Scott Momaday 359
House Made of Dawn 362
Leslie Marmon Silko 370
Lullaby 372
Louise Erdrich 382
Love Medicine 385
Philip Milton Roth 398
American Pastoral 402
John Simmons Barth 437
Lost in the Funhouse 443
Toni Morrison 465
Song of Solomon 473
Maxine Hong Kingston 496
The Woman Warrior 502
References 509
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