边缘与中心之间 伊丽莎白·乔利作品的符号意义PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:梁中贤著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787544613729
- 页数:326 页
Introduction 1
0.1 Review of Critical Study on Elizabeth Jolley 2
0.2 A Semiological Approach 9
0.3 Method of Application 11
Chapter One Margin and Center 16
1.1 Dichotomous Conceptualization of the World 19
1.2 Definition of Margin and Center 29
1.3 Relationship between Margin and Center 42
Conclusion 53
Chapter Two Elizabeth Jolley and Sense of Margin—Central Mischief 59
2.1 Claims of Being Marginal 61
2.2 Self-discovery and Dual Division 75
2.3 Marginal Representations in Jolley's Fiction 86
Conclusion 93
Chapter Three Silence in the Shadow of Power—Mr.Scobie's Riddle 98
3.1 Silence as Instrument of Insensibility 104
3.2 Silence in the Generation Gap 114
3.3 Silence in the Form of Power 122
Conclusion 130
Chapter Four Myths of Margin and Codes of Powerlessness—Milk and Honey 134
4.1 Myths of Ideal and Instrument of Power 138
4.2 Myths of Margin and Mystery as the Other 153
4.3 Codes of Powerlessness and the Opposition of Myth 164
Conclusion 172
Chapter Five Demystification of the Myths—Palomino 178
5.1 Lesbian—A Shunned Existence 181
5.2 Sexuality as Dynamic—Demystification of Heterosexuality 191
5.3 Sexual Equality—From Lesbian Visibility to Corporeal Subjectivity 204
Conclusion 212
Chapter Six Changing Perspectives on Margin—An Innocent Gentleman 219
6.1 Personality Marginalized 223
6.2 Personality Diminished 233
6.3 Live-and-Let-Live Personality 242
Conclusion 252
Chapter Seven A New Perspective between Margin and Center—The Orchard Thieves 257
7.1 Reconsidering the Two Aspects—Margin and Center 262
7.2 Transcending the Two Layers—Individual and Societal 274
7.3 Breaking through the Dichotomy—Integration-in-Diversity 284
Conclusion 294
Conclusion Boundary Blurred—Concurrent Cosmos 298
Bibliography 310
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