英语 第3册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄次栋主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7810463004
- 页数:403 页
Lesson One 1
Communicative Functions:Expressing strong emotions 1
Text A:Pleasure 8
Grammatical Points:Exclamations 10
Reading Skills:Scanning to locate specifics 14
Text B:Shame 17
Lesson Two 24
Communicative Functions:Narrating a sequence of events 24
Text A:An American Tragedy 29
Grammatical Points:Coordination and Subordination in Sequence of Events 33
Reading Skills:Scanning tables 36
Text B:Lucy Rowan's Mother 39
Lesson Three 43
Communicative Functions:Making comments and giving opinions 43
Text A:This Was My Mother 49
Grammatical Points:Subordinate Clauses 54
Reading Skills:Scanning advertisements and character profiles 58
Text B:On Thinking for One's Self 64
Lesson Four 67
Communicative Functions:Pointing out the features of something or someone;Speculating at what is being looked at;Pointing out the features or consequences of a problem 67
Text A:Managing Your Ambition 74
Grammatical Points:Coordination and Subordination in Contrast 78
Reading Skills:Scanning graphs and articles 82
Text B:The Virtues of Ambition 86
Lesson Five 92
Communicative Functions:Asking for explanation and explaining by illustration 92
Text A:Companionship of Books 99
Grammatical Points:"As"in Clauses of Comparison and Manner Comparison 101
Reading Skills:Skimming to identify the main idea 106
Text B:Art as a Human Activity 109
Lesson Six 112
Communicative Functions:Seeking and giving clarifications 112
Text A:The Value of Working 120
Grammatical Points:Restrictive Adjective Clauses 124
Reading Skills:Skimming to identify the author's purpose 127
Text B:Physical Fitness 131
Lesson Seven 134
Communicative Functions:Asking for and giving information 134
Text A:How to Read Body Language 144
Grammatical Points:The Possibility of May and Can 147
Reading Skills:Skimming and scanning a passage 153
Text B:Factory Life—A Student's Experience 155
Lesson Eight 159
Communicative Functions:Correcting a misunderstanding 159
Text A:This Year It's Going to Be Different 167
Grammatical Points:The Clauses of Hypothetical Condition 171
Reading Skills:Guessing through local context clues 178
Text B:Economic Development 181
Review I 185
Lesson Nine 211
Communicative Functions:Stating a cause or result 211
Text A:Antonio's First Day of School 218
Grammatical Points:Using Clauses to Express Time 222
Reading Skills:Guessing from global context clues 229
Text B:The Scope of Ecology 231
Lesson Ten 234
Communicative Functions:Persuading 234
Text A:It's Never Too Late for Success 242
Grammatical Points:The Attributive Clause 248
Reading Skills:Identifying the topic of a paragraph 255
Text B:Better Late Tban Never 257
Lesson Eleven 261
Communicative Functions:Making generalizations 261
Text A:The Personal Qualities of a Teacher 267
Grammatical Points:Listing and Obligation 270
Reading Skills:Identifying the main idea 276
Text B: 280
Lesson Twelve 286
Communicative Functions:Making and responding to Speculations and hypothesis 286
Text A:If I Were a Freshman Again 293
Grammatical Points: 296
Reading Skills:Discriminating between fact and opinion 300
Text B:Arts and the Unemployed 301
Lesson Thirteen 304
Communicative Functions:Adding and reinforcing 304
Text A:Women in the Labour Force 310
Grammatical Points:Addition and Reinforcement 314
Reading Skills:Recognizing inferences 321
Text B:The Interview 322
Lesson Fourteen 326
Communicative Functions:Stating aims and purposes 326
Text A:School and Life 332
Grammatical Points: 334
Reading Skills:Recognizing the intent,attitude and tone(Ⅰ) 338
Text B:The Boy's Dormitory 340
Lesson Fifteen 343
Communicative Functions:Making complaints and criticisms 343
Text A:The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl 350
Grammatical Points: 352
Reading Skills:Recognizing the intent,attitude and tone(Ⅱ) 356
Text B:Burnout 358
Lesson Sixteen 362
Communicative Functions:Expressing and reacting to anger 362
Text A:If Black English Isn't a Language,Then Tell Me,What Is? 369
Grammatical Points: 373
Reading Skills:Recognizing main ideas and supporting details 377
Text B:Untitled 379
Review Ⅱ 383
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