张道真英语用法 全新版 缩印本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:23 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张道真编著
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆国际有限公司
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7801033116
- 页数:868 页
A 1
a-an(1) 1
Abbreviated Styles(2) 1
Abbreviations(3) 2
able(4) 3
-able(5) 3
about(prep.)(6) 4
about(adv.)(7) 4
about to(8) 5
above-over(9) 5
absent(10) 6
accept(11) 6
accommodation(12) 6
accompany(13) 7
accord(14) 7
according(15) 7
accuse-charge(16) 7
accustomed to(17) 8
Acronyms(18) 8
across-over-through(19) 8
actual(ly)(20) 9
adequate(21) 9
Adjectives(22) 10
admission-admittance(23) 13
admit(24) 13
adopted-adoptive(25) 13
advance-advancement(26) 14
Adverbials(27) 14
Adverbs(28) 15
Adverbs or Adjectives(29) 19
advise-advice(30) 21
Giving Advice(31) 22
affect-effect(32) 22
afflict-inflict(33) 23
afford(34) 23
afraid(35) 23
after-afterward(s)(36) 24
after all(37) 25
afternoon(38) 25
age(39) 26
ago(40) 26
agree(41) 27
Agreeing(42) 28
aim(43) 29
alike(44) 29
all(45) 30
all right-alright(46) 31
allow-permit-let(47) 32
allow-allow of(48) 32
almost-nearly(49) 33
alone-lonely-lonesome(50) 33
along(51) 34
aloud-loud-loudly(52) 34
already-all ready(53) 35
also-too-as well(54) 35
alternate-alternately-alternative-alternatively(55) 36
although-though(56) 37
altogether-all together(57) 38
always(58) 38
a.m.(59) 39
amateur-amateurish(60) 39
American English-British English(61) 39
amiable-amicable(62) 47
among-amongst(63) 48
and(64) 48
anniversary(65) 50
announcement-advertisement(66) 50
another-other(67) 50
answer(68) 51
anti-(69) 52
anticipate(70) 53
anxious(71) 53
any(72) 54
anyone-anybody(73) 55
anything(74) 55
any time-anytime(75) 55
anyway-any way(76) 56
anywhere-anyplace(77) 56
apart(78) 57
Apologizing(79) 57
Apostrophe(80) 58
appear(81) 59
appendix-appendixes-appendices(82) 59
apply(83) 60
appreciate(84) 60
approach(85) 61
approve-approve of(86) 62
Arab-Arabian-Arabic(87) 62
arise-rise(88) 63
around-round(89) 64
arouse-rouse(90) 65
arrival(91) 65
arrive-reach(92) 66
Articles(93) 66
artist-artiste(94) 73
as(95) 74
as...as(96) 75
as if-as though(97) 76
as long as(98) 77
as soon as(99) 77
as to(100) 77
as usual(101) 78
as well as(102) 78
ask(103) 78
Asking for Repetition(104) 80
Aspect(105) 81
assist(106) 82
assure-ensure-insure(107) 83
at(108) 83
at-in-on(109) 85
at all(110) 86
at first-first-firstly(111) 87
at last-last-lastly(112) 88
at present-presently(113) 88
athletics-athletic-athlete(114) 89
attempt-try(115) 89
attendant(116) 90
attention(117) 90
attorney-solicitor-lawyer-barrister(118) 91
attractive(119) 91
audience(120) 91
aural-oral(121) 92
autumn(122) 92
Auxiliary Verbs(123) 92
avail(124) 93
avenge-revenge(125) 94
avoid(126) 94
await-wait(127) 94
awake-wake-awaken-waken(128) 95
award-reward(129) 96
aware(130) 96
away(131) 97
awful-awfully(132) 97
awhile-a while(133) 98
B 99
back(134) 99
backward-backwards(135) 100
bad-badly(136) 100
bag(137) 102
baggage-luggage(138) 102
banknote-note-bill(139) 103
bar(140) 103
bare-barely(141) 103
barrister(142) 104
bass-base(143) 104
bath-bathe(144) 105
be(as an auxiliary verb)(145) 106
be(as a link verb)(146) 106
beach-shore-coast(147) 108
bear-endure-stand(148) 108
beat(149) 108
beautiful(150) 109
because-as-since-for(151) 110
become-get-grow-come-go-turn-run-fall(152) 111
been(153) 112
before(as a preposition)(154) 113
before(as a conjunction)(155) 113
before(as an adverb)(156) 114
begin-start-commence(157) 115
behaviour(158) 116
behind(159) 116
believe-believe in(160) 117
belong(161) 118
below-under-underneath-beneath(162) 118
beside-besides(163) 121
besides-except-apart from(164) 122
best(165) 122
bet(166) 123
better(167) 123
between-among(168) 124
beware(169) 125
bid(170) 125
big-large-great(171) 125
bill(172) 127
billion(173) 127
bit(174) 127
bite(175) 128
blame(176) 128
blind(177) 129
board(178) 129
boat-ship(179) 130
boot-trunk(180) 130
border-boundary-frontier(181) 130
bore(182) 131
born-borne(183) 132
borrow-lend-loan(184) 132
both(185) 133
both...and(186) 134
bottom(187) 134
brand-make(188) 134
breast-bosom(189) 135
breathe-breath(190) 135
bring-take-fetch(191) 135
bring up(192) 136
Britain-British-England(193) 136
broad-wide(194) 137
Broad Negatives(195) 138
bus-coach(196) 138
business(197) 139
but(198) 139
by(199) 140
C 142
cabin-cabinet(200) 142
cafe-cafeteria(201) 142
call(202) 142
called-named(203) 143
can-could-be able to(204) 143
can't help(205) 146
Capital Letters(206) 147
care(207) 148
careful-careless-carefree(208) 149
carriage-car-truck(209) 149
carry-take(210) 150
case(211 ) 150
cast(212) 151
cause-reason(213) 152
cement-concrete(214) 153
cereal-serial(215) 153
certain-sure(216) 153
certainly(217) 154
chair-armchair(218) 155
chairman-chairwoman-chairperson-chair(219) 155
chance(220) 156
Changes(221) 157
cheap-cheaply(222) 158
cheers-cheerio(223) 158
chef-chief(224) 159
chemist-chemist's-drugstore-pharmacy(225) 159
cheque-check(226) 160
chicken-hen-chick(227) 160
childish-childlike(228) 160
China-Chinese(229) 160
choose-pick-select(230) 161
Christian name-first name-surname(231) 161
church(232) 162
city-town(233) 162
class-form-grade(234) 162
classic-classical(235) 163
Clause(236) 164
Cleft Sentences(237) 164
clergyman-minister-priest(238) 165
cloakroom-checkroom(239) 165
close-shut(240) 166
clothes-clothing-cloth(241) 166
coat(242) 167
collaborate-cooperate(243) 168
Collective Nouns(244) 168
college-university-institute-school(245) 169
come(246) 170
comment-commentary(247) 171
common(248) 172
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives(249) 172
Comparative and Superlative Adverbs(250) 174
compare(251) 176
complain(252) 176
complement-compliment(253) 177
Complements(254) 178
comprehensible-comprehensive(255) 180
comprehension-understanding(256) 180
comprise-consist-constitute-compose(257) 180
concentrate(258) 181
concerned(259) 182
concert-concerto(260) 183
confident-confidant(261) 183
Conjunctions(262) 183
conscious-consciousness-conscience-conscientious(263) 184
consecutive-continual-continuous(264) 185
consensus(265) 185
consider(266) 185
consult(267) 186
content(268) 186
Continuous Tenses(269) 187
Contractions(270) 189
contrary-opposite(271) 191
control(272) 191
convince-convinced(273) 192
cook(274) 192
cooker(275) 193
corn(276) 194
corner(277) 194
corps-corpse(278) 194
council-counsel(279) 195
Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns(280) 195
country(281) 199
course(282) 199
craft(283) 199
credible-credulous-creditable(284) 200
crib-cot-camp bed(285) 200
crippled(286) 200
criterion-criteria(287) 200
critic-critical-critique-criticize-criticism(288) 201
Criticizing Someone(289) 201
cry-weep-sob(290) 202
cupboard-wardrobe(291) 202
curb-kerb(292) 203
cut(293) 203
D 204
dare(294) 204
data(295) 205
Dates(296) 205
day(297) 206
Days-Months-Seasons-Years(298) 207
dead-died(299) 209
deadly-deathly-lethal-fatal(300) 209
deal(301) 210
deceitful-deceptive(302) 211
delay-cancel-postpone(303) 211
delighted-delightful(304) 212
demand(305) 212
demonstration(306) 213
deny-refuse-reject-decline(307) 213
depend(308) 214
dependent-dependant(309) 214
describe-description(310) 215
desert-dessert(311) 215
desire(312) 216
detail-details-detailed(313) 216
Determiner(314) 217
device-devise(315) 218
devote-devoted-devotee-devout(316) 218
die-dye(317) 219
differ-different-difference(318) 219
difficlty(319) 220
directly-direct(320) 220
dis-(321) 221
disc-disk(322) 222
disinterested-uninterested(323) 222
dislike(324) 223
dispose of-get rid of-remove(325) 223
distinct-distinctive-distinguished-distinction(326) 224
disturb-disturbed(327) 224
disused-unused-misused(328) 225
dive-plunge(329) 225
do(330) 226
doubt-doubtless-doubtful(331) 227
downstairs(332) 228
downwards-downward(333) 228
dozen(334) 229
draught-draft(335) 229
dream(336) 230
dress-wear(337) 231
drink-drunk-drunken(338) 232
drown(339) 233
due to-owing to(340) 233
during-in(341) 233
E 235
each-every(342) 235
each other-one another(343) 236
east-eastern-easterly-eastwards(344) 237
economics-economy-econoumic-economical(345) 238
-ed Adjectives(346) 239
educational-educative(347) 240
-ee--eer(348) 240
effective-efficient(349) 241
either(350) 241
either...or...(351) 242
elder-eldest(352) 243
electric-electrical(353) 243
Ellipsis(354) 244
else(355) 247
emigration-immigration-migration(356) 248
Emphasis(357) 249
-en-en-(358) 251
end-finish(359) 252
engaged(360) 253
English(361) 253
enjoy(362) 254
enough(363) 254
envious-enviable(364) 256
equipment-instrument-apparatus(365) 256
-er(366) 257
escape(367) 258
especially-specially(368) 258
-ess(369) 259
Euphemism(370) 259
even(371) 259
evening(372) 261
ever(373) 261
every(374) 263
everyday-every day(375) 264
everyone-everybody(376) 264
everything(377) 265
everywhere(378) 265
exam-examination(379) 265
except-except for(380) 266
excepting-excepted-exception(381) 267
exchange(382) 268
Exclamations(383) 269
excuse(384) 269
exhausted-exhausting-exhaustive(385) 271
expect-hope-wait(386) 271
F 273
fact(387) 273
factory-mill-plant-works(388) 273
fair-carnival (389) 274
fairly-quite-rather-pretty(390) 274
fall-drop(391) 275
falsehood-falseness-falsity-falsify(392) 277
familiar-familiar to-familiar with(393) 277
famous-well-known-notorious-infamous(394) 278
far(395) 278
farther-further-farthest-furthest(396) 280
fascinated(397) 281
fast-quick-rapid-swift(398) 282
fat(399) 283
feel(400) 284
female-feminine-effeminate(401) 286
few-a few(402) 287
film-picture-movie(403) 288
finally-at last-eventually-in the end-at the end(404) 288
find-find out-discover(405) 289
fine-finely(406) 291
finish-finished(407) 292
first-firstly(408) 293
fish-fishes(409) 294
fit-suit(410) 294
Fixed Pairs(411) 294
flammable-inflammable(412) 295
flat-apartment-condominium(413) 295
flat-flatly(414) 296
floor-ground(415) 296
fly-flee(416) 297
folk-folks(417) 298
following-as follows(418) 298
foot-feet(419) 299
football-soccer(420) 300
for(421) 300
forever-for ever(422) 302
forget(423) 302
Formal and Informal Language(424) 303
former-late-later(425) 304
fortune-luck(426) 304
forward-forwards(427) 305
free-freely(428) 305
frighten-frightened-frightening(429) 306
from(430) 306
front(431) 308
fruit(432) 308
-ful(433) 309
fun-funny(434) 309
Future(435) 310
G 312
gain(436) 312
gas-petrol(437) 312
gay(438) 313
Gender(439) 313
get(440) 314
girl(441) 318
give(442) 318
glad-pleased-cheerful-happy(443) 321
glasses(444) 322
go(445) 322
good(446) 325
goods(447) 326
gotten(448) 327
government(449) 327
graceful-gracious(450) 328
Greetings and Goodbyes(451) 328
Groups of People,Animals or Things(452) 330
grow(453) 331
guess(454) 332
H 333
habit-custom(455) 333
had better(456) 333
hair(457) 334
half-half of(458) 334
hand(459) 335
hang-hung-hanged(460) 337
happen(461) 337
happy-sad(462) 339
hard-hardly-scarcely-no sooner(463) 340
have(464) 342
headmaster-principal(465) 345
hear-listen(466) 345
hear-see-watch-listen to-look at(467) 345
help-cannot help-assist(468) 346
high-tall-highly(469) 348
high school(470) 349
hire-rent-let(471) 349
historic-historical(472) 349
hold(473) 350
holiday-holidays-vacation(474) 351
home(475) 352
homely-plain(476) 352
homework-housework(477) 353
honorary-honourable(478) 353
hope(479) 353
hopefully(480) 354
horrible-horrid-horrific-horrifying-horrendous(481) 354
how(482) 355
however(483) 355
human-humane-humanity-humanitarian-humanitarianism(484) 356
hurt(485) 357
I 359
-ible(486) 359
-ic--ical(487) 359
-ic--ics(488) 361
Idioms and Collocations(489) 361
i.e.(490) 365
if(491) 365
illegal-illegitimate-unlawful(492) 367
illness-sickness-disease(493) 368
illusion-delusion(494) 368
imaginary-imaginative(495) 369
imagine(496) 369
immediately(497) 370
Imperatives(498) 371
in--im--ir--il-(499) 372
in(500) 374
in case(501) 375
indicate-show-signify(502) 376
industrial-industrious(503) 377
inferior-superior(504) 377
Infinitives(505) 378
influence-effect(506) 381
inform(507) 382
-ing Forms(508) 382
injure-wound-hurt(509) 389
in order to(that)-so as to-so that(510) 390
inquire-enquire(511) 390
in spite of-despite(512) 391
instead-instead of(513) 391
instinct-intuition(514) 392
instruct-instruction(515) 392
intelligent-intellectual(516) 393
intend-intention-intent(517) 393
interior-internal(518) 394
into-in(519) 394
intolerable-intolerant(520) 395
introducing Yourself&Other People(521) 395
invaluable-valuable(522) 396
Inversion(523) 397
Irrgular Verbs(524) 399
issue(525) 404
it(526) 404
its-it's(527) 406
-ize--ise(528) 406
J 407
jewellery-jeweller's(529) 407
joke(530) 407
journal-magazine-bulletin(531) 408
journey-trip-travel(532) 408
just(533) 409
K 411
keep(534) 411
kind(n.)(535) 412
kind-kindly(536) 413
know(537) 414
knowledge(538) 416
L 417
lack-lacking-lack of(539) 417
lady-woman(540) 417
last-lastly(541) 418
later-in...(542) 419
lay-lie(543) 420
lead(544) 420
learn(545) 421
least-fewest(546) 422
leave(547) 423
legal-lawful-legitimate(548) 424
legible-intelligible-readable(549) 424
less-fewer(550) 425
-less(551) 426
lest-for fear that(552) 427
let(553) 427
Letter Writing(554) 428
level-grade(555) 431
licence-license(556) 432
lieutenant(557) 433
life(558) 433
lift-elevator-escalator(559) 434
light(560) 434
like(as a verb)(561) 435
like-as(562) 437
likely-probable-possible(563) 438
Linking Adverbials(564) 439
literal-literary-literate(565) 441
little-a little(566) 441
live(567) 443
locality-location(568) 443
long(569) 443
long(for)-desire-yearn(570) 444
look(as a link verb)(571) 445
look(as vi.)(572) 445
loose-lose(573) 447
lot-lots-plenty-a great deal-a large number/amount(574) 448
love-hate(575) 449
low-lowly(576) 449
luxury-luxurious(577) 450
-ly(578) 451
M 453
machine-motor-engine-machinery(579) 453
mad-insane-crazy-mentally ill(580) 453
madam-madame-ma'am(581) 455
made of-made from-made out of(582) 455
magic-magical(583) 456
majority-minority(584) 456
make(as vt.)(585) 457
make(as n.)(586) 460
male-masculine-manly(587) 460
man-mankind(588) 461
manage(589) 462
many(590) 463
mark-sign-symbol(591) 464
marry-married(592) 464
marsh-bog-swamp(593) 465
mathematics-math(s)(594) 465
matter(595) 465
may-might(596) 466
maybe-perhaps-probably-possibly(597) 468
meals(598) 469
mean(as an adj.)(599) 470
mean(as vt.)(600) 471
means(601) 472
Measurements(602) 472
media-medium(603) 477
meet-meet with(604) 478
memory-memoirs(605) 478
metre-meter(606) 479
middle-centre-midst(607) 479
million-billion-trillion(608) 480
mind(609) 481
mis-(610) 482
miss-missing(611) 483
mistake-error-fault(612) 484
Modals(613) 485
moment-momentary-momentarily-momentous(614) 487
moral-morality-morale(615) 488
more(616) 489
most-the most(617) 491
mountain-mount-hill-hillock-mound(618) 492
much(619) 492
must(620) 494
mutual(621) 495
N 496
naive-naivety-naivete(622) 496
Names&Titles(623) 496
nation-national-nationalist-nationality-nationalized(624) 498
near-nearby-close-close to(625) 499
necessary-necessity-need(626) 502
need(627) 503
Negative Structures(628) 504
negligent-negligible(629) 506
neither(630) 506
neither...nor...(631) 507
next(632) 507
nice(633) 509
night(634) 510
no-nobody-no one-nothing(635) 511
no matter(636) 512
no more-not any more-no longer-not any longer(637) 513
non-(638) 513
none(639) 514
nor(640) 515
note-notable-noted-noteworthy(641) 515
notice-noticeable(642) 516
Nouns(643) 517
nowadays-today-present day(644) 524
number(645) 524
Numbers(646) 525
O 530
obey-obedience(647) 530
object(n.)(648) 531
object(v.)(649) 531
oblige-obligation(650) 532
observance-observation(651) 532
obtain(652) 533
occasion(653) 533
occur-happen-take place(654) 534
of(655) 535
off(656) 537
Offers(657) 539
officer-official(658) 540
often(659) 540
old-elderly-aged(660) 541
on-onto(661) 542
once(adv.&conj.)(662) 544
one(663) 545
only(664) 546
open(665) 547
Opinions(666) 548
opportunity(667) 550
opposite(668) 550
-or(669) 551
or(670) 551
other-another(671) 553
ought to(672) 553
-ous(673) 554
out-out of(674) 554
out-(675) 556
outdoor-outdoors(676) 557
outside(677) 557
over(678) 558
over-(679) 560
overseas(680) 561
overwork-overtime(681) 562
own(682) 562
P 563
pace-footstep-footprint(683) 563
pain-painful-in pain(684) 563
pair-couple(685) 564
pants-shorts-briefs(686) 564
paper-papers(687) 565
parcel-package-packet-pack(688) 565
pardon(689) 566
part-partial-partly(690) 566
Participles(691) 568
pass(692) 572
The Passive(693) 574
past(694) 576
The Past(695) 577
pay-salary-wage-remuneration(696) 580
people-person(697) 581
percentage-per cent(698) 581
perfect-perfectly-perfection(699) 582
permissible-permissive(700) 583
permission-permit(701) 583
Permission(702) 584
persecute-prosecute(703) 586
personal-personnel(704) 586
persuade-convince(705) 586
phenomenon(706) 587
phone(707) 587
Phrasal Verbs(708) 588
physician-doctor-surgeon-general practitioner-physicist(709) 590
physique-physics(710) 590
Pieces and Amounts(711) 590
pitiful-pitiable(712) 592
place(713) 592
Place Adverbs and Adverbials(714) 593
play(715) 595
please-thank you-thanks(716) 596
Plural Forms of Nouns(717) 597
point of view-view-opinion(718) 600
police-policeman-policewoman(719) 601
Possessive"'s"(720) 601
Possessive Pronouns(721) 603
possibility(722) 604
power-strength(723) 605
practical-practicable(724) 606
precaution-prevention(725) 606
prefer-preferable(726) 607
Prepositions(727) 608
Present Tenses(728) 611
principle-principal(729) 615
probably(730) 616
proceed-precede(731) 616
produce-product(732) 617
programme-program(733) 618
progress-advance-advancement(734) 618
prohibit-ban-forbid(735) 619
propaganda-publicity-promotion-advertisement-advertising-commercial(736) 619
property(737) 621
propose(738) 621
protest(739) 622
proud(740) 622
prove(741) 624
provide-provided-providing(742) 625
pub-bar(743) 626
Punctuations(744) 626
purposely-purposefully(745) 630
purse-wallet(746) 630
put(747) 631
Q 633
Qualifiers(748) 633
quality(749) 634
Quantity(750) 634
Questions(751) 636
quiet-silent(752) 638
quite(753) 639
R 640
racialism-racism-racist-racialist-racial(754) 640
raise-breed-bring up(755) 640
rather(756) 641
re-(757) 642
Reactions(758) 643
real-really-true-truly-genuine-genuinely(759) 645
reason(760) 646
reasonable-rational(761) 647
receive-receipt-reception(762) 648
recently-lately-newly(763) 649
recollect-recall-remember(764) 649
recommend(765) 650
refer(766) 650
referee-umpire(767) 651
Reflexive Pronouns(768) 651
regard-regardless(769) 653
regret-regretful-regrettable(770) 655
relation-relative-relationship(771) 656
Relative Clauses(772) 656
relieve-relief(773) 660
remain-stay(774) 661
remember(775) 662
remind(776) 663
Replies(777) 664
Reporting(778) 665
Requests(779) 667
require-requirements(780) 668
resolution-decision-determination-motion(781) 669
respectful-respectable-respective-respectively(782) 670
responsible(783) 671
retire-retiring-retired(784) 672
rid(785) 672
ride(786) 672
ring(787) 673
rise(788) 673
risk-danger-peril(789) 675
mad-street(790) 676
role-roll(791) 676
rouse-arouse(792) 677
rude-impolite-impudent(793) 677
rum(794) 678
S 680
sale-for sale-on sale(795) 680
salute-greet(796) 680
same-similar(797) 681
satisfy-satisfied-satisfactory-satisfying(798) 682
save-safe-safety(799) 683
say-tell-speak-talk(800) 683
scarce-scarcely(801) 685
scene-scenery-sight-view-landscape(802) 685
sceptic-sceptical(803) 687
scheme-schedule-timetable-plan(804) 688
see(805) 689
see-look at-watch(806) 691
seek-look for-try to find(get)(807) 691
seem(808) 692
seldom(809) 693
self(810) 693
semi-(811) 694
sensible-sensitive(812) 694
sentiment-sentimentality-emotion-feeling(813) 695
sentinel-sentry-guard(814) 696
serious-sober-solemn(815) 696
shadow-shade(816) 697
shall-will(817) 697
shop-store-stall(818) 698
shopping(819) 699
short-shortly(820) 699
Short Answers(821) 700
should-would(822) 700
shrink-shrunk-shrnken(823) 703
sick(824) 703
sightseeing(825) 704
silk-silken-silky(826) 704
since(827) 705
sink-sank-sunk-sunken(828) 706
sit-seat(829) 706
skilful-skilled(830) 708
Slang(831) 708
sleep-asleep(832) 708
small-little(833) 710
smell(834) 711
so(835) 712
'Social'Language(836) 715
society-community(837) 718
some-any(838) 719
somebody-someone-anybody-anyone(839) 721
something-anything(840) 722
sometimes-sometime-some time(841) 722
somewhat-somehow(842) 723
somewhere-anywhere-someplace(843) 723
soon(844) 724
sort-kind-sort of-kind of(845) 725
sound-noise(846) 726
souvenir-keepsake-memento(847) 727
speciality-specialty(848) 727
Spelling(849) 728
Split Infinitive(850) 732
spring(851) 733
staff(852) 733
stand-bear-tolerate(853) 734
stationary-stationery(854) 735
statistics(855) 736
steal-pilfer-burgle-rob(856) 736
still-yet-already(857) 737
stone-rock-pebble-boulder(858) 738
stop(859) 738
storey-floor-story(860) 739
strike(861) 740
strong-strongly(862) 741
subconscious-unconscious(863) 742
The Subjunctive(864) 742
subway-underground-tube-metro(865) 743
such(866) 744
suggeet(867) 745
Suggestions(868) 745
suit-suite(869) 747
suppose-supposing-what if(870) 747
supposed to(871) 748
sure-surely(872) 748
sweets-candy(873) 749
T 750
take(874) 750
taste-tasteful-tasty-tasteless-distasteful(875) 753
taxi-cab(876) 754
technique-technology(877) 755
Telephoning(878) 755
Tenses(879) 756
term-semester(880) 759
terrible-terribly-terrific-terrify-terrified-terrifying-terror(881) 760
than(882) 761
Thanking Someone(883) 763
'That'-Clauses(884) 764
the(885) 767
there(886) 770
thin(887) 771
think(888) 772
this-that(889) 774
threat-threaten-menace(890) 776
Time(891) 777
title-headline-caption-subtitle(892) 781
to(893) 782
toilet-lavatory-WC-cloakroom-bathroom-washroom-public convenience-ladies-gents-rest room-the ladies'room-the men's room(894) 784
too(895) 784
touch-move-affect(896) 785
transport-transportation(897) 786
trend-tendency-inclination(898) 787
trouble(899) 787
true-real-truthful-genuine(900) 789
type-sort-kind-category(901) 790
U 792
un-(902) 792
under-(903) 793
understand-understanding(904) 793
unique(905) 795
unless(906) 795
until-till(907) 796
unusual(908) 797
up(909) 798
use-used to-be used to(910) 799
usual-usually(911) 800
V 802
variety(912) 802
Verbs(913) 802
victim-casualty(914) 807
visit(915) 808
visual-visible(916) 809
viz(917) 809
Vocatives(918) 810
W 812
waist-waste(919) 812
want-should(would)like-wish-hope-desire(920) 813
way(921) 816
Weak and Strong Forms(922) 817
week-weekday-weekend(923) 819
well-better-best(924) 821
what(925) 822
whatever(926) 825
when-whenever(927) 826
where-wherever(928) 828
whether(929) 830
which-whichever(930) 831
while-whilst(931) 833
who-whom-who(m)ever(932) 835
whole(933) 837
whose(934) 838
why(935) 839
wide-broad(936) 840
widow-widower(937) 841
win-beat-defeat(938) 841
wind(939) 842
wish(940) 843
with(941) 845
within(942) 848
without(943) 849
wonder(944) 850
wood-wooden(945) 851
wool-woollen-woolly(946) 851
Words with Alternative Spellings(947) 853
Words with the Same Pronunciation(948) 854
Words with Two Pronunciations(949) 856
work-job-occupation-employment-profession-task(950) 859
worth-worthwhile-worthy(951) 861
would(952) 862
Y 865
yard(953) 865
yes-no(954) 865
yesterday(955) 866
yet(956) 866
youth-a youth-the youth-youthful(957) 867
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