- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:邹经宇,许溶烈,金德钧等主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国建筑工业出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787112112500
- 页数:706 页
中国城市住宅研讨会·可持续住宅建设产业化论坛论文评审委员会…………………V 1
Review Panel of the China Urban Housing Conference-Special Forum on Sustainability and Housing Industrialization序言…………………………………ⅧPreface致谢…………………………………ⅩAcknowledgements特邀论文 1
Invited paper 3
Precast to Last: Hong Kong Public Housing Experience 3
由预制建筑至可持续发展:香港公共房屋之经验 12
Ada Y… S… FUNG 12
冯宜萱 12
台北市的过去、现在与未来:以都市发展为探讨 12
The Past,Present, Future of Taipei City:Prospective of Urban Development 21
丁育群 陈雅芳 21
DING Yun Chyurn,CHEN Ya fang 21
From Meeting Basic Needs to Providing Quality Environment: Singapore's Public Housing Upgrading Programmes 21
从满足基本需求到保证环境质量:新加坡公共住宅翻新项目 23
HENG Chye Kiang 23
王才强 23
论两型社会城市的脱钩发展与管理推进 23
诸大建 31
城镇住房保障制度的设计研究 31
邓大松 王韶华 36
中国房地产发展呼唤标准化和模数化 36
开彦 40
The Role of Information Technology as an Enabler of Sustainable Development and HousingIndustrialization 40
Martin RIESE 50
资讯科技在促成可持续发展和住房建筑产业化中的角色 50
利马天 57
大力推进住宅产业现代化,建设省地节能环保型住宅 57
Vigorously Promote the Modernization of Housing Industry Build Land-saving, Energy-efficient and Enviironmenentally-friendly Residence刘灿LIUCan绿色建筑适用技术应用范例—深圳市节能措施分析 65
王有为 70
沟通式规划:北川新县城灾后重建住房政策研究小结 70
Communicative Planning:Study and Summary on Housing Policy of Post-disaster Reconstruction in Beichuan 71
Rebuilt County 71
张播 71
特别专题:住宅产业化与灾后重建中的应用 71
Special Session: Housing Industrialization and Post-Earthquake Reconstruction 73
灾难/灾害用临时住宅现状调查及相关问题研究 73
A Study on the Actual Condition of Temporary Housings and the Subject for Refugees from Disaster 80
洪燕 李相浩 80
HONG Yan,LEE Sangho 80
Applying Spatial Information Technology to Location Choice of the isaster Victims Shelters 80
应用空间信技术于灾民收容安置区位选定之研究 87
Kuo-Chung Wen, Yuh-Chy Ding, Kuo-Yuen Kao 87
温国忠丁育群 高国元 87
国内外灾后临时住宅工业化设计比较研究 87
Comparative Study on Domestic and Foreign Industrializing Designs of Post-disaster Temporary Residence 95
张玮芹 李东辉 索健 李佳莹 95
ZHANG Weiqin,LI Donghui,SUO Jian,LI Jiaying 95
住宅产业化专题 95
Housing Industrialization Session 96
a)住宅产业化政策 96
Housing Industrialization Policies 97
住宅产业化与住房建设和消费模式 97
Housing Industrialization,Housing Construction and Consumption Patterns 104
刘美霞 刘洪娥 武洁青 104
LIUMeixia,LIU Honge,WU Jieging 104
“两型社会”背景下黑龙江省住宅产业化发展的对策研究 104
The Countermeasures Research of the Housing Industry Development in Heilongjiang Province on the Background o f “Two-oriented Society”郭嵘 李旭峰GUO Rong,LI Xufeng住宅产业化在保障房中的应用 110
The Application of Housing Industrialization in Low-income Housing 114
易其文 114
YI Qwen 114
对于居住弱势群体的保障性住房和住宅产业化的构建机制 114
The Construction Machinery of Public Housing and Housing Industrialization for Habitation Vulnerable Group于哲 刘海燕YU Zhe,LIUHaiyan住宅产业化与社会公平发展的思考 121
Thinking of Housing industry and social equity development 126
刘晋 126
LIUJin 126
中国住宅产业化进程中住房公平问题研究:以武汉北湖地区正街社区为例 126
The Research of Housing Justice in the Process of Housing Industrialization:A Case Study of the Zheng Street Community in the North Lake District of Wuhan胡剑双 潘宜 刘婕HU Jianshuang,PAN Yi,LIU Jie住宅产业化在小城镇住宅发展当中应当关注的问题 132
Housing Industrialization of Residential Development in Small Cities and Towns Should Pay Attention to Which of Issues邵明 胡文荟 王丹 吕忠正 徐显SHAO Ming,HU Wenhui,WANGDan,LV Zhongzheng,XU Xian中国农村住宅产业化发展对策探讨:基于四川省南江县住宅建设模式的案例研究 137
To Investigate the Countermeasures of China's Rural Housing Industry Development:the Research Is Based on the Example of Housing Construction Mode in Nanjiang County Sichuan Province王莹WANG Yingb)住宅产业化的系统集成与发展 143
System and Development for Housing Industrialization 144
住房建筑产业化系统工程 144
Systems Engineering for Industrialization of Residential Building Construction 150
唐恢一 150
TANG Huiyi 150
住宅产业化集成建设模式的实践与研究 150
Practice and Researsh on the Integrated Construction Pattern of Housing Industrialization 160
林桂安 高欣 黄延玲 160
LINGui'an, GAO Xin,HUANG Yanling 160
推广和应用叠合板式钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构住宅体系,走创新型住宅产业化发展道路 160
姚峰 李正茂 李洁 沈小璞 张伟林 163
从规模生产到数码定制:工业化住宅的生产模式与设计特征演变 163
Form Mass Production to Digital Customization:The Production Modes and Design Characters of Industrialized Housing郭戈 黄一如GUO Ge,HUANG Yiru中国农村小型独立住宅产业化之路 169
The Way of Housing Industrialization of Small Self-contained Units in China's Rural Areas 176
杨玫 吴永发 张神树 176
YANG Mei,WU Yongfa,ZHANG Shenshu 176
廉租住房的标准化问题研究 176
Standardization of Low-costHousing Research 181
许剑峰 宋昆 181
XU Jian feng,SONG Kun 181
老年住宅产业化的建设及经营模式探索 181
The Exploration of Industry and Business Model for Elderly Residential Building 187
倪蕾 187
NI Lei 187
住宅产业化进程中向工业化的借鉴之处 187
Housing Industry to The Industrialization Process of The Reference 191
周继飞 191
ZHOU Ji fei 191
组建住宅产业集团势在必行:从经济学角度阐述住宅产业集团的创建与发展 191
Set Up Housing Industrial Group Is Imperative:Illustration of the Establishment and Development of Housing Industrial Group from the Perspective of Economics姚巍 吴永发YAO Wei,WU Yong Fa住宅装修产业化模式研究:以大连地区为例 197
Industrialization Model of the Decoration:As in Dalian City for example 204
李佳莹 范悦 张丽丽 李东辉 204
LI Jiaying,FAN Yue,ZHANG Lili,LI Donghui 204
c)住宅产业化与可持续发展 204
Housing Industrialization and Sustainable Development 205
对中国住宅产业化未来的展望 205
Future Prospect on Industrialism of China's Housing 211
孙骅声 211
SUN Huasheng 211
可持续发展要求下工业化住宅的整体设计策略 211
Whole Building Design Strategy of Industrialized Housing in Response to the Sustainability Requirement 217
郭戈 黄一如 217
GUO Ge,HUANG Yiru 217
循环经济与住宅产业化:以环境影响评价为切入点 217
Recycle Economy and the Housing Industry:as Environmental Impact Assessment a Breakthrough Point 223
周加桂 陈庆青 侯萍 223
ZHOU J iagui,CHEN Qingqing,HOU Ping 223
d)住宅产业化的国际经验 223
International experiences of Housing Industrialization 224
日本优良住宅部品认定事业 224
The BL Labeling System 229
周晓红 229
ZHOU Xiaohong 229
住宅产业化的观察:以台湾室内设计产业为例 229
Observation of Housing Industrialization:the Case Study of Interior Design Industry in Taiwan 235
陈逸聪 235
CHEN Yi-Tsung 235
日本工业化住宅的居室内装系统 235
Bedroom Interior System in Japan 241
周晓红 黄一如 241
ZHOU Xiaohong,HUANG Yiru 241
规划专题 241
Planning Session 242
a)城市与住区规划 242
Community and Urban Planning 243
基于GIS空间统计分析的武汉市住房建设空间环境特征研究 243
GIS-based Spatial and Statistical Analysis of Housing Projects in Wuhan 250
詹庆明 邓木林 杨婷 周俊 250
ZHAN Qingming,DENG Mulin,YANG Ting,ZHOU Jun 250
Vast Vicinity or Dense Garden Carpets— Learning from Essential Settling and Dwelling 250
Hansjorg Goritz 260
The Mutual Relationship between Urban Sprawl and Local Provinces 260
城市扩张与当地 268
域之间的相互关系研究 268
KHALIL Rashwan, YANG Qingyuan 268
王睿 杨庆媛 268
The Traditional Arabic City and the Obstacles of Its Preservation 268
传统阿拉伯城市及其保护的障碍 276
KHALIL Rashwan, YANG Qingyuan 276
王睿杨庆媛 276
西安城市边缘区城乡融合型农村新型住区规划研究 276
Study on The New-type Settlements Plan of “Integration of Urban and Rural”in the Urban Fringe of Xi'an宋冰晶 周若祁SONG Bingjing,ZHOU Ruoqi旧城改造中的混合居住建设方式探讨:以运城圣惠社区改造为例 283
The Mixed Mode of Living in the Renovation of the Old City:Yuncheng Shenghui Community as an Example 289
赵英 289
ZHAO Ying 289
b)可持续规划 289
Sustainable Planning 290
高雄市生态城市与绿建筑社区推动策略的定位与评估 290
The Strategical Orientation and Evaluation of Ecocity and Green Community in Kaohsiung 297
李彦颐 李子燿 吴家齐 黄志明 江哲铭 297
LI Yen -Yi,LEE Tzu-Yao,WUChia-chi, HUANGChi-Ming, CHIANGChe-Ming 297
近现代历史建筑的价值评估方法初探—以合肥市近现代历史建筑价值评估为例 297
An Approach to Value Assessing of Historic Building in Modern Times—A Case study of Hefei 311
周国艳 311
ZHOUGuoyan 311
台北市都市发展与热岛效应关联之探讨 311
Explore The Correlation Between Urban Development and Heat Island Effect in Taipei City 318
陈雅芳 丁育群 318
CHEN YaFang,DING YuhCh yurn 318
都市环境与绿面积之研究—以台北市内湖区为例 318
A Study of Urban Environment and Ratio of Green Cover-A case study in Nei-Hu,Taipei 325
陈志豪 温国忠 325
CHEN Chih-Hao, WEN Kuo-Chung 325
住宅专题 325
Housing Session 326
a)人居环境与社会 326
Living environment and Society 327
Social Living and the Housing Question: Spatial Strategies for a More Differentiated and Integrated Urban Society 327
社会生活与住房问题:整合性与多样性社会的空间策略 335
WANG Chiu-Yuan 335
王秋元 335
住房公积金制度的改革和发展 335
杨海文 340
引导商品住房理性消费 340
Encourage Rational Consumption On Commercial Housing 346
李慧秋 346
LI Huiqiu 346
不同收入阶层混合居住模式及其实施策略分析 346
Analysis of the Mixed-income Housing Patte and Its Implementation Strategy 352
蔡强新 沈杰 352
CAI Qiangxin,SHEN Jie 352
基于时空地理加权回归模型的住宅价格分析:以深圳市为例 352
The Analysis of House Prices in Shenzhen Using Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model 357
刘彪 黄波 姜仁荣 357
LIUBiao,HUANG Bo,J IANG Renrong 357
武汉关山地区住宅价格差异调查及决定因素研究 357
Investigation on Different Housing Prices and Analysis of Its Influencing Factors in Guanshan District,Wuhan毛玮丰 章智涛 潘宜MAO Wei feng,ZHANG Zhitao,PAN Yi武汉市保障性住房样本小区空间环境满意度评价及结果分析 362
The Assessment and Analysis of Satisfaction Degree to the Spatial Environment of the Welfare Housing Samples in Wuhan鲍颖 谢波 陈晨BAD Ying,X IE Bo,CHEN Chen香港公营房屋制度对内地住房保障制度的启示 368
The Relevance of the Expeence of Hong Kong Public Housing to the Housing Security System of Mainland China曾卫 尤娟娟ZENG Wei,YOU Juanjuan辽南小城镇住宅集合化过程中的几种规划设计策略 375
Several Sets of Planning and Design Strategy of the Process of Apartment in Liaonan Small Towns 381
胡文荟 邵明 姜兆虹 李佳琳 381
HU Wenhui,SHAO Ming,J IANG Zhaohong,LI Jialin 381
b)住区规划与更新 381
Community Design and Renewal Homeowners' Participation in Urban Regeneration in Hong Kong: A Study on the Acceptability of Land Readjustment 382
香港市区更新中的业主参与:土地重划接受程度之研究 390
QIU Yong 390
邱勇 390
Urban Renewal in High-dense Cities: Hong Kong as a Model? 390
Kevin KK Yap 398
都市更新策略推动旧小区再发展研究:以台北市南机场三号整建住宅为例 398
Urban Renewal Strategy Promotes the Old Community Redevelopment:Case Study on Nan Ji Chang No.3 Resettlement Community,Taipei,Taiwan傅茹璋 陈运池 陈骏扬FU Jacqueline,CHEN Yun-Chin, CHEN Chun-Yang都心区聚落建筑空间保存的适宜性研究 406
A Suitable Study on the Settlement Preservation in the Urban Center Area 413
宋鸿麒 陈世明 413
SONG Hongqi,CHEN Shiming 413
Macro, Meso and Micro Analysis: an Inquiry to Dwelling Tradition in Indonesia 413
Felia SRINAGA, Susinety PRAKOSO 420
北京原公房住宅区可持续更新途径探索:三里河一区一号院改造规划设计研究 420
A Sustainable Approach of Rehabilitation on Former Public Housing Areas in Beijing:a Pilot Design Research for Block 1 o f Sanlihe Neighbourhood 1
惠晓曦 戴俭 傅岳峰 428
HUI Xiaoxi,DAI Jian,FU Yuefeng 428
天津租界区五大道住宅风貌保护区现状研究 428
A Study on History Buildings of Tianjin Five Old Street 434
解丹 434
XIE Dan 434
既有住宅(区)再生设计模式研究:以济南地区20世纪80年代既有住宅为例 434
The Study on the Design Mode of the Existing Residential Building Regeneration:Taking 1980s Existing Residential Buildings in Jinan as an Example宋然然 范悦 王晓 赵燕慧SONG Ranran,FAN Yiie,WANG Xiao,ZHAO YanhuiProgress of Rebuilding the South Manchuria Railway Company Workers' Housing Complex inShenyang and the Residents' Evaluation on Present Living Environment 441
沈阳满铁职工住宅的重建和住民对当前居住环境的评价 449
TANG Lulu, Suguru MORI 449
汤璐璐Suguru MORI 449
20世纪80年代住宅内部空间更新改造研究—以济南市为例 449
Study on Renewal and Renovation of Interior Space in the Dwellings in 1980s—A Case Study of Jinan City 455
李晶 455
LI Jing 455
武汉里分更新改造中的住宅产业化研究:以汉润里住区更新为例 455
Study on Housing Industrialization in the Renewal and Reconstruction of Wuhan Lifen:Taking Hanrun Li fen as an example李敏LI Minc)住宅设计 461
Housing Design 462
产业化视野下的住宅适应性设计 462
Industrial Housing Adaptable Design on the View of Housing Industrialization 468
谢宏杰 468
XIE Hongjie 468
浅析城市住宅产业化与老年人住宅设计 468
Analysis About Housing Industrialization and The Elderly Housing Design 473
谢晖 王新强 473
XIE Hui,WANG Xinqiang 473
浅析塔式高层住宅合用前室设计 473
Discussion on Design of Shared Front Room in Apartment of Tower Building 477
周春妮 477
2HOU Chunni 477
街坊式住宅的设计与实施研究 477
A Research on Design and Implementation of Urban Housing Block 484
高钰琛 张路峰 484
GAO Yuchen,ZHANG Lu feng 484
“肥瘦搭配”下的保障性住宅套型设计研究:以济南市棚户区拆迁回迁安置住宅为例 484
Study on the Design of Residential Units for Security Residence System 497
郎丁 497
LANG Ding 497
满足不同功能需求及动态使用的模块化居住空间设计探讨………………490… 497
Discuss the Modular Design of Living Space in Meeting the Different Functional Use and the Dynamic Need 497
章国琴 李军环 497
ZHANG Guoqin,LI Junhuan 497
从环境心理学探讨住宅建筑空间绿化手法 497
Using the Environment Psychology Concept to Explore Greening Design of Housing Space 502
徐家兴 李纪伟 502
X U Jiaxing,LI Jiwei 502
拆迁安置房优化设计:以济南为例 502
Optimal Design in Resettled Dwelling House:Take Jinan City for Example 508
马淑洁 508
MA Shujie 508
北方地区多层住宅支撑体的体系化设计初探 508
The Exploration of Support Level System of Multi-Storey Residential in Northern Area 514
崔光勋 范悦 孙晓娜 董志麟 514
CUI Guangxun,FAN Yue,SUN Xiaona,DONG Zhilin 514
兴造传统转化建筑法治研究:台湾住宅设计创作、违章和法制规范 514
A Study on the Rule of Law in the Establishment of Traditionally Transformed Architecture:the Design, Creation, Illegal Construction,and Legal Regulations of Taiwanese Residential Houses卢圆华LU YuanhuaA Study on the Unit Design of Housing Based on User Participation 521
Kyong-Hee KIM Sang-Ho LEE 529
d)可持续住宅 529
Sustainable Housing 530
The Metamorphosis of Project BEACON Biologically, Ecologically, Aesthetically Constructed Shelter Sheltering Life by the Basics 530
基于建筑全寿命周期评价的住宅设计方法 537
The Residential Building Design Method Based on Whole Life Cycle Assessment 541
张健 田惠晓 541
ZHANG Jian,TIAN Huixiao 541
基于舒适的厦门住宅室内环境调查与评价 541
Research and Evaluation Based on a Comfortable Demestic Indoor Environment in XIAMEN City 546
曹伟 李晓伟 546
CAOWei,LI Xiaowei 546
节能住宅产业化初探 546
Discussion on the Industrialization of Energy -eciencyHouses 551
蒋传梅 陆巍 王丹娜 551
JIANGChuan mei,LUWei,WANG Dan-na 551
Sustainable Housing Assessment Methods: Lessons Learned from the Study of BREEAM EcoHomes 551
可持续住宅的评估方法:建立在BREEAM EcoHomes基础上的西学东渐 559
CHEN Bing, Hasim Altan 559
陈冰哈希姆…阿尔顿 559
技术专题 559
Technical Session 560
a)节能与物理环境 560
Energy conservation and Physical environment 561
台湾日射量特征与建筑太阳能利用最佳化之研究 561
Solar Radiation Geometrical Distribution and the Optimized Design Model of BIPV System in Taiwan 566
欧文生 黄国仓 孙振义 林宪德 566
OUWen-Sheng, HUANG Kuo-Tsang, SUN Chen-Yi,Lin Hsien-Te 566
变遮阳阳台深度对住宅单元外周区春季舒适度影响评估研究 566
王文安 周佑亮 573
华北地区村镇住宅与太阳能建筑一体化探析 573
Town Housing in North China and Integrated Design o f Solar Energy 578
张超 朱赛鸿 侯薇 578
ZHANG Chao,ZHU Saihong,HOU Wei 578
多高层采暖住宅与太阳能一体化设计研究 578
Research on Integration Design of Heated High-rise and Multi-storey Residential with Solar-energy 583
朱赛鸿 583
ZHU Saihong 583
石家庄市既有住宅建筑围护结构的节能改造方案 583
Enclosure Improving Plan for Energy Saving in Existing Residential Buildings of Shijiazhuang 589
朱江涛 朱赛鸿 刘伟 589
ZHU J iangtao,ZHU Saihong,LIUWei 589
寒冷地区部品化封闭阳台被动式太阳能设计与评价 589
Research on the Passive Solar Energy Design and Evaluation of the Industrializable Closed Balcony in Cold Area李东辉 范悦 张玮芹 索健LI Donghui,FAN Yue,ZHANG Weiqin,SUO Jian高海拔地区新农村住宅建设中的能源开发与利用 596
The Energy Reseach and Utilization ofHousing Constrction in the New Village Construction on High Altitude Localities马珂MA Ke夏热冬冷地区基于微气候的城市街区环境研究 602
An Environment Study on Urban Blocks Based on Micro-Climate in Hot-summer and Cold-winter Zone 608
王振 李保峰 608
WANG Zhen,LI Baofeng 608
居住小区风环境改良研究:以武汉市某小区为例 608
A Research on the Improvement of Wind Environment in Residential Area:Take a Certain District of Wuhan as an Example周曾 刘端端 殷宇菲ZHOU Zen,LI U Duanduan,YIN Yu feib)营建与技术整合 613
Construction and Technology 614
INTEGER现代复合竹结构建筑 614
Integer modern bamboo building in China 623
郝林 罗健中Patrick Bruce林天祥 邵明 宋建中 俞斌 竹内英昭 苏强 623
HAO Lin,Chris LAW, Patrick BRUCE,Sada LAM, SHAO Ming,SONG Jianzhong,YU Bin, 623
Takeuchi Hideaki,SU Qiang 623
Abating and Monitoring Subterranean Termites Introduced by Green Architecture When 623
Applied in Housing Industrialization 623
消退和监测住宅内的地栖性白蚁 629
CHENG Shing Kwong, TSO Wing Yin 629
郑成光曹永贤 629
《广西绿色建筑评价》标准编制的“广西本地化策略”研究 629
Study on Guangxi Local Strategics in Compiling the Standard of Guangxi Green Building Evaluation 634
朱惠英 李云舟 何少剑 李尧尧 634
ZHU Hui ying,LI Yunzhou,HE Shaojian,LI Yaoyao 634
从“沪上…生态家”看绿色建筑技术的住宅产业化应用:2010世博会城市最佳实践区上海城市 634
案例技术方案解读 634
The Housing Industrialization of Green Building Technologies in Shanghai Eco-Home: the Technological Analysis of the Case of Shanghai city in UBPA,Expo 2010
张颖 廖琳 汪维 韩继红等 640
ZHANG Ying,LIAO Lin,WANG Wei,HANJ ihong 640
四川新农村居住建筑住宅产业化的绿色建筑技术应用 640
Residential Buildings Green Residential Construction Technology in Sichuan Rural Areas 647
刘晋 何力 647
LIUJin,HELi 647
浅议绿色建筑技术对岭南地区住宅设计的若干影响 647
Comment on The Design of Green Architecture Technology Used in The Residential Building Which in Lingnan Area张伟ZHANG Wei住宅全生命周期的精确控制:建筑信息模型BIM)在工业化住宅中的应用 653
A Precise Control of the Whole Lifecycle of the Industrialized Housing Based on the Building Information Modeling郭戈 黄一如GUO Ge,HUANG Yiruc)设备及构造 659
Building Service 660
感知器布建位置的效益评估之研究:以老人社区为例 660
The Sensor's Research of the Benefit Assessment of the Position:Take Old Man's Community as an Example 665
洪子尧 温国忠 665
HUNG Tzu-Yao,WEN Guozhong 665
An Insight Towards Sustainability in Urban Building Construction: Natural Ventilation and Thermal Envelop Strategy 665
BEN Y· B· Chan, MOE M… S… Cheung 671
以永续营建探讨旧建筑改修建比较策略分析 671
Strategic Study on Cost Analysis of Existing Building Refurbishment from Sustainable Construction View 677
吴家齐 李彦颐 677
WU Chia-Chi, L I Yen-Yi 677
北方农村住区雨水处置与绿色庭院 677
Rainwater disposal and green garden of rural residential area in northern China 683
吴熙 李俊奇 683
WU Xi,LI Junqi 683
基于低影响开发设计的节水型小区雨水利用 683
StormwaterManagement in Water-Preservation District on the Base of Low Impact Development 689
赵伟薇 李俊奇 689
ZHAO Weiwei,LI Junqi 689
钢筋混凝土叠合墙体应用现状及数值仿真研究 689
Current Applying Situation and Numerical Simulation of the Reinforced Concrete Composite Walls 698
章红梅 吕西林 李检保 鲁亮 王李果 698
ZHANG Hongmei,LUXilin,LI Jianbao,LULiang,WANG Liguo 698
侧向荷载作用下预制叠合钢筋混凝土剪力墙平面内结构性能试验研究 698
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