- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:夏谷鸣,胡跃波本书主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787544609135
- 页数:305 页
Part 1 儿歌 1
1.The Eensy Weensy Spider 1
2.The Piper's Son 3
3.I'm a Little Teapot 5
4.A Wise Old Owl 7
5.Down by the Station 9
6.Edelweiss 11
7.Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star 14
8.Oh,Susanna 17
9.Do-Re-Mi 20
10.Hush,Little Baby 23
11.Mary Had a Little Lamb 26
12.London Bridge Is Falling Down 29
13.Hallowe'en Night 32
14.The Twelve Days of Christmas(excerpt) 36
Part 2 寓言 40
15.The Mosquito and the Bull 40
16.The Fox and the Grapes 42
17.The Prophet 44
18.The Fox and the Mask 46
19.The Astronomer 48
20.The Crow and the Pitcher 50
21.The Boy and the Hazelnuts 52
22.The Frogs and the Well 54
23.The Hunter and the Woodman 56
24.Jupiter and the Monkey 58
25.The Bat,the Birds and the Beasts 60
26.The Scorpion and the Frog 62
27.Hercules and the Wagoner 64
28.The Dog and the Bone 66
29.The Father and His Two Daughters 68
30.The Ant and the Dove 70
31.The Goose with the Gold Eggs 72
32.The Belly and the Members 74
33.Two Men and the Bear 76
34.The Milkmaid and Her Pail 79
35.The Ants and the Grasshopper 81
36.The Sick Lion 83
37.The Farmer and the Snake 85
38.The Wolf and the Stork 87
39.Belling the Cat 89
40.The Crow and the Partridge 92
41.The Lion and the Mouse 95
42.The Boy Who Cried Wolf 98
43.The Tortoise and the Hare 101
44.The Little Sheep and the Wolf 104
Part 3 诗歌 107
45.Dreams 107
46.Border Line 110
47.The Red Wheelbarrow 112
48.I'm Nobody! 115
49.To Make a Prairie 118
50.In a Station of the Metro 120
51.A House of My Own 122
52.Auld Lang Syne 125
53.Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 128
54.The Road Not Taken 131
55.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud(excerpt) 135
56.The Tyger(excerpt) 138
57.So,We'll Go No More A-Roving 141
58.The Song of the Shirt(excerpt) 144
59.Under the Harvest Moon 148
60.Between the Sunset and the Sea 152
61.Sudden Light 156
62.A Girl 159
63.Auguries of Innocence(excerpt) 162
64.Crossing the Bar 165
65.Days 168
66.Pippa Passes 171
67.She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways 174
68.Song 177
69.The Waste Land(excerpt) 180
70.When You Are Old 183
71.My Favorite Things 187
Part 4 电影对白 191
72.Garfield 191
73.Robots 195
74.The Shawshank Redemption 199
75.The Lion King 203
76.The Sound of Music 208
77.Forrest Gump 213
78.Shark Tales 216
79.Stuart Little—Call of the Wild 220
80.Free Willy 3 224
Part 5 短文 229
81.Confidence 229
82.The Little Prince(excerpt) 231
83.Beautiful Smile and Love 235
84.Of Beauty 239
85.On the Weather 242
86.God's Jobs 246
87.The Sounding of the Call 249
88.Smell of Time 253
89.On Pleasure 257
90.January Wind 260
91.On Doors 264
92.Flowery Tuscany(excerpt) 268
93.A Pair of Socks 273
94.Attitude 277
95.Hints to Those That Would Be Rich 280
96.Night 283
97.Life Is What We Make It 287
98.I Have a Dream(excerpt) 290
99.Our Family Creed(excerpt) 292
100.The Gettysburg Address(excerpt) 295
Key 297
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