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  • 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:上海市高级人民法院知识产权审判庭编;茆荣华主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:知识产权出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787513048828
  • 页数:634 页

一、著作权民事纠纷案件 3

展台设计图的作品归类与著作权保护——上海九加建筑装饰工程有限公司与广州世泰服饰发展有限公司等侵害作品发行权、复制权、展览权纠纷案 3

手机搜索接口服务的性质认定及法律责任——袁腾飞与上海第九城市信息技术有限公司侵害作品信息网络传播权纠纷案 9

关于汇编作品的法律性质及合理使用范围的界定——徐正魁与上海大学出版社有限公司侵害作品署名权、复制权纠纷案 14

图形作品的著作权保护及其权利边界——威亭设备(加拿大)有限公司诉上海阳程科技有限公司等侵害作品署名权、复制权纠纷案 19

将电影作品改编为话剧进行演出是否需要同时取得制片者和原作品作者的授权许可——白先勇诉上海艺响文化传播有限公司等侵犯改编权纠纷案 28

动漫形象美术作品著作权侵权的司法认定——艾影(上海)商贸有限公司与苏宁云商集团股份有限公司等著作权侵权纠纷案 34

纪录片是否构成著作权法意义上的“作品”以及视频网站未经许可进行传播的法律责任——央视国际网络有限公司与上海全土豆文化传播有限公司侵害作品信息网络传播权纠纷案 43

涉网络小说著作权侵权赔偿数额的认定——上海玄霆娱乐信息科技有限公司诉北京幻想纵横网络技术有限公司侵害作品信息网络传播权纠纷案 49

二、商标民事纠纷案件 57

在先使用有一定影响的未注册商标的认定——合肥伍伍壹网络科技服务有限公司与上海拍拍贷金融信息服务有限公司侵害商标权纠纷案 57

确认不侵权之诉与行政处理并行的可行性——苏州国信集团旺顺进出口有限公司与特制自行车配件有限公司确认不侵害商标权纠纷案 64

商标合理使用的司法认定——上海久游网络科技有限公司与广游信息科技(上海)有限公司侵害商标权纠纷案 70

商标“混淆性近似”的理解与适用——刘征与上海汉涛信息咨询有限公司侵害商标专用权纠纷案 74

回收刻有他人商标的啤酒瓶销售自家啤酒构成商标侵权——百威英博(中国)销售有限公司与浙江喜盈门啤酒有限公司等侵害商标权及不正当竞争纠纷案 81

正规渠道进口正牌商品并转售的不一定侵犯商标权——维多利亚的秘密商店品牌管理有限公司与上海锦天服饰有限公司侵害商标权及不正当竞争纠纷案 87

商标权与在先权益的冲突与解决——杭州博客旅行社有限公司与上海驰誉网络科技有限公司侵害商标权纠纷案 95

三、专利民事纠纷案件 105

权利要求中功能性特征的认定——诺基亚公司诉上海华勤通讯技术有限公司侵害发明专利权纠纷案 105

专利侵权判定中对等同特征的判断——方俊霞诉上海圣济国际贸易有限公司、上海寿君堂实业有限公司侵害实用新型专利权纠纷案 111

当事人伪造案件关键证据的司法责任——沐恩实业股份有限公司诉苍南县鑫邦有机玻璃制品有限公司等侵害外观设计专利权纠纷案 117

判断近似外观设计的“一般消费者”应当是被控侵权产品的购买者——豪雅冠得股份有限公司诉上海爱别特电子科技有限公司、ARKTECH株式会社侵害外观设计专利权纠纷案 120

职务发明报酬的认定——钱鸣诉上海昂丰矿机科技有限公司职务发明创造发明人报酬纠纷案 125

四、不正当竞争民事纠纷案件 133

限制最低转售价格行为的司法评价——北京锐邦涌和科贸有限公司诉强生(上海)医疗器材有限公司、强生(中国)医疗器材有限公司纵向垄断协议纠纷案 133

集成电路布图设计的侵权认定——钜泉光电科技(上海)股份有限公司诉深圳市锐能微科技有限公司等侵害集成电路布图设计专有权纠纷案 142

以仿冒注册商标、企业字号为手段,损害权利人的经营秘密,是否应当分别规制手段行为和结果行为——派诺特贸易(深圳)有限公司与上海派若特国际贸易有限公司、仇刚侵害商标权及不正当竞争纠纷案 151

不具备识别商品来源功能的产品形状不能作为知名商品特有装潢保护—— BTSR国际有限公司与慈溪太阳洲纺织科技有限公司不正当竞争纠纷案 157

《反不正当竞争法》适用主体及侵害商业秘密行为的界定——上海华联罗森有限公司与张亦文侵害经营秘密纠纷案 167

律师与律师事务所业务之争可以适用《反不正当竞争法》规制——原告王仲宇、吕小林与被告居福恒、上海慧谷律师事务所商业诋毁纠纷案 173

通用词汇作为企业名称保护的法律考量及限制——上海人才网(集团)有限公司与网聚精英(北京)信息技术有限公司等擅自使用他人企业名称纠纷案 179

五、知识产权民事合同纠纷案件 189

涉外商业秘密平行诉讼案件的审理原则——圣莱科特国际集团、圣莱科特化工(上海)有限公司与华奇(张家港)化工有限公司等侵害商业秘密纠纷案 189

《反不正当竞争法》一般条款对数据信息的保护——上海钢联电子商务股份有限公司诉上海纵横今日钢铁电子商务有限公司等不正当竞争纠纷案 195

知名商品装潢特有性的认定——卡骆驰公司等与厦门卡骆驰贸易有限公司等擅自使用知名商品特有名称、包装、装潢纠纷案 203

书面合同欠缺时商标转让合同意思表示真实性的判断——上海涵大隆贸易有限公司与上海朱家角投资开发公司等商标权转让合同纠纷案 210

六、知识产权刑事案件 219

侵犯著作权罪与销售侵权复制品罪的定罪量刑——朱建君、宁传银侵犯著作权,被告人罗明勇、宁传银等十三人销售侵权复制品案 219

披露型侵犯商业秘密罪中权利人损失的认定——吴广侵犯商业秘密案 223

侵犯著作权罪定罪量刑标准的适用——何爱伟、上海同伟图文制作有限公司、杨雄伟、蔡志华侵犯著作权罪案 229

网络销售盗版ISO、 IEC国际标准文件的定罪与量刑——王凯侵犯著作权罪案 232

网络服务提供行为构成侵犯著作权罪的司法认定——张俊雄侵犯著作权罪案 238

七、知识产权行政案件 247

对行政处罚幅度合理性的审查——豪润餐饮(上海)有限公司不服工商行政处罚决定案 247

Ⅰ.Cases of Civil Dispute over Copyright 255

Classification and Copyright Protection of Booth Design Works —Shanghai Jiujia Architectural Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.v. Guangzhou Shitai Apparel & Accessories Development Co., Ltd.et al. Dispute over Infringement upon the Rights of Distribution, Reproduction and Exhibition 255

Determination on Search Interface Service of Mobile Phone and the Legal Liability—Yuan Tengfei v.Shanghai Ninth City Information Technology Co.,Ltd.Dispute over Infringement of the Right to Network Dissemination of Information 264

Determination of the Legal Nature and Fair Use of Collective Work—Xu Zhengkui v.Shanghai University Press Co., Ltd.Dispute over Infringement upon the Rights of Signature and Reproduction 272

Copyright Protection and Right Limitation of Graphic Work—Whiting Equipment Canada, Inc.v.Shanghai Yangcheng Science &Technology Co., Ltd.et al.Dispute over Infringement upon the Rights of Signature and Reproduction 279

Whether the Adaptation of a Film Work for Drama Performance Should Be Subject to the Authorization of Both the Producer and the Original Work Author—Bai Xianyong v.Shanghai Yixiang Culture Communication Co., Ltd.et al.Dispute over Infringement upon Adaptation Right 293

Judicial Determination of Infringement upon Copyright of Animation Image Artwork—Animation International (Shanghai) Ltd.v.Suning Commerce Group Co., Ltd.et al.Dispute over Copyright Infringement 302

Whether Documentary Shall Constitute the “Work” As Defined in the Copyright Law and the Legal Liability of Video Website for Unauthorized Dissemination of Documentary—CCTV International Network Co., Ltd.v.Shanghai Tudou Culture Communication Co., Ltd.Dispute over Infringement upon the Right to Network Dissemination of Information 315

Determination of theAmount of Damages for Infringement of Copyright of A Network Novel—Shanghai Xuanting Entertainment Information Technology Co., Ltd.v. Beijing Huanxiang Zongheng Network Technology Co., Ltd.Dispute over Infringement upon the Right to Network Dissemination of Information 324

Ⅱ.Cases of Civil Disputes over Trademark 335

Determination of the Prior Used Unregistered Trademark with Certain Influence —Hefei Wuwu Yi Network Technology Service Co., Ltd.v.Shanghai PPDAI Financial Information Service Co., Ltd.Dispute over Trademark Infringement 335

Feasibility Study concerning the Coexistence of Lawsuit on Non-Infringement Affirmation and Administrative Proceedings—Suzhou Guoxin Group Wangshun Imp.& Exp.Co., Ltd.v.Tailoring Bicycle Accessories Co., Ltd.Dispute over Trademark Non-Infringement Affirmation 346

Judicial Determination of Trademark Fair Use—Shanghai 9you Network Technology Co., Ltd.v.IGAWorks Information and Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Dispute over Infringement upon Exclusive Right to the Use of Trademark 356

Understanding and Application of “Confusing Similarity” of Trademarks—Liu Zheng v.Shanghai Hantao Information Consulting Co., Ltd. Dispute over Infringement upon Exclusive Right to the Use of Trademark 361

Recycling the Beer Bottles Engraved with Other Person’s Trademark for the Sale of One’s Own Beer Shall Constitute Trademark Infringement—AB InBev (China) Sales Co., Ltd.v.Zhejiang XIYINGMEN Brewery Co., Ltd.et al.Dispute over Infringement upon Exclusive Right to the Use of Trademark and Unfair Competition 372

Import and Resale of Genuine Goods from Formal Channel Should not Be Held to Necessarily Infringe the Trademark Right—Victoria’s Secret Store Brand Management Co., Ltd.v.Shanghai Jintian Clothing Co., Ltd.Dispute over Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition 381

Conflict between the Trademark Right and the Prior Rights and Interests and Settlement Thereof—Hangzhou Boke Travel Agency Co., Ltd.v.Shanghai Chiyu Network Technology Co., Ltd.Dispute over Trademark Infringement 392

Ⅲ.Cases of Civil Disputes over Patent 407

Determination on the Functional Attributes in the Claims—Nokia Corporation v.Shanghai HUAQIN Telecom Technology Co., Ltd.Dispute over Invention Patent Infringement 407

Judgment of Equivalent Feature in Patent Infringement Determination—Fang Junxia v.Shanghai Shengji International Trade Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shoujuntang Industrial Co., Ltd.Dispute over Infringement of Utility Model Patent 416

Judicial Liabilities of the Party Concerned for Counterfeiting Key Evidence in a Case—Muen Industrial Co., Ltd.v.Cangnan Xinbang Organic Glass Products Co., Ltd.et al.Dispute over Infringement upon Design Patent 426

The “General Consumer” Who Determines the Similar Design Shall Be the Purchaser of the Alleged Infringing Product—HOYACANDEO Co., Ltd.v.Shanghai Aibiete Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., ARK TECH Co., Ltd.Dispute over Infringement upon Design Patent 431

Determination of Service Invention Remuneration—Qian Ming v.Shanghai Angfeng Mining Technology Co., Ltd.Dispute over Remuneration of the Inventor of Service Invention-Creation 438

Ⅳ.Cases of Civil Disputes over Unfair Competition 449

Judicial Evaluation on Behavior of Restricting the Minimum Resale Price—Beijing Ruibang Yonghe Technology and Trade Co., Ltd.v.Johnson&Johnson (Shanghai) Medical Company, Johnson & Johnson (China) Medical Company Dispute over Vertical Monopoly Agreement 449

Identification of Infringement upon the Layout Design of Integrated Circuit—HiTrend Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd v.Shenzhen RENERGY Technology Co., Ltd.et al.Dispute over Infringement upon the Layout Design of Integrated Circuit 464

Whether Means Behavior and Results Behavior Should Be Regulated Respectively for the Behavior of Impairing the Right Owner’s Trade Secrets by Means of Counterfeiting the Registered Trademark, Trade Name—Parrot Trade (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.v.Shanghai Parrot International Trade Co., Ltd., Qiu Gang Dispute over Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition 480

The Product Shape Not Featuring the Recognition Function of Commodity Source Should not Be Protected as Special Decoration of Well-Known Goods—BTSR International S.P.A.v.Cixi Taiyangzhou Textile Technology Co., Ltd.Dispute over Unfair Competition 490

Applicable Subjects of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law and Definition of Infringement upon Trade Secret—Shanghai Hualian Lawson Co., Ltd.v.Zhang Yiwen Dispute over Infringement upon Trade Secrets 506

Competition between the Lawyer and the Law Firm May Be Regulated by Applying the Anti-Unfair Competition Law—The Plaintiffs Wang Zhongyu and Lv Xiaolin v.The Defendants Ju Fuheng and Shanghai Huigu Law Firm Dispute over Discrediting 515

Legal Considerations and Restrictions for Protecting the Generic Word as Enterprise Name—Shanghai Talent (Group) Co., Ltd.v.Wangju Jingying (Beijing) Information and Technology Co., Ltd.et al.Dispute over Unauthorized Use of Other’s Enterprise Name 525

Ⅴ.Civil Contract Disputes over Intellectual Property 539

Trial Principle of Parallel Litigations Concerning Foreign Trade Secrets—SI Group, SI Chemical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.v.Sino Legend (China) Chemical Co.Ltd.et al.Dispute over Infringement upon Trade Secrets 548 Protection of Data Information by General Terms of Anti-Unfair Competition Law—Shanghai Ganglian E-commerce Co., Ltd.v.Shanghai Zongheng Jinri Iron and Steel E-commerce Co., Ltd.et al.Dispute over Unfair Competition 539

Peculiarity Identification of the Decoration of Well-Known Goods—Crocs Company et al.v.Xiamen Crocs Trade Co., Ltd.et al.Dispute over Unauthorized Use of the Special Name, Packaging, Decoration of Well-Known Goods 562

Judgment on Authenticity of the Intention of Trademark Transfer Contract In Absence of the Written Contract—Shanghai Handalong Trade Co., Ltd.v.Shanghai Zhujiajiao Investment Development Co., Ltd.et al.Dispute over Trademark Transfer Contract 572

Ⅵ.Criminal Cases over Intellectual Property 585

Conviction and Sentencing of Copyright Infringement and Sale of Infringing Duplicates—Case of Copyright Infringement Committed by Zhu Jianjun and Ning Chuanyin, and Sale of Infringing Duplicates by Thirteen People Including Luo Mingyong and Ning Chuanyin 585

Determination of Losses of Right Owner in the Disclosure-type Crime of Infringement upon Trade Secrets—Case of Infringement upon Trade Secrets Committed by Wu Guang 592

Application of Standards for Conviction and Sentencing in Copyright Infringement—Case of Copyright Infringement Committed by He Aiwei, Shanghai Tongwei Graphic & Text Co., Ltd., Yang Xiongwei and Cai Zhihua 601

Conviction and Sentencing of Online Sale of Pirate ISO and IEC International Standard Documents—Case of Copyright Infringement Committed by Wang Kai 605

Judicial Recognition of Copyright Infringement in Provision of Network Services—Case of Copyright Infringement Committed by Zhang Junxiong 613

Ⅶ.Administrative Cases over Intellectual Property 627

Review of Reasonableness of Extent of Administrative Punishment —Case of Haorun Catering (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.’s Dissatisfaction with the Administrative Punishment 627
