状元笔记·教材详解 高中英语 必修1 人教版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张成标,高晓东主编
- 出 版 社:北京:龙门书局
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787508820231
- 页数:338 页
Unit 1 Friendship目标要览 1
芝麻开门 2
基础知识全解 2
Warming up 2
Pre-reading 14
Reading 15
Learning about language 33
Using language 39
Workbook 45
学习策略 54
语法精讲 56
三年高考两年模拟 58
单元测试 60
答案与提示 66
语法专练答案与解析 66
单元测试答案与解析 66
教材课后练习答案与解析 69
Unit 2 English around the world目标要览 83
芝麻开门 84
基础知识全解 84
Warming up 84
Pre-reading 86
Reading 86
Comprehending 101
Learning about language 102
Using language 107
Workbook 119
学习策略 126
语法精讲 127
三年高考两年模拟 129
单元测试 130
答案与提示 136
语法专练答案与解析 136
单元测试答案与解析 137
教材课后练习答案与解析 139
Unit 3 Travel journal目标要览 152
芝麻开门 153
基础知识全解 153
Warming up 153
Pre-reading 156
Reading 157
Comprehending 171
Using language 172
Workbook 181
学习策略 186
语法精讲 188
三年高考两年模拟 190
单元测试 192
答案与提示 198
语法专练答案与解析 198
单元测试答案与解析 198
教材课后练习答案与解析 201
Unit 4 Earthquakes目标要览 213
芝麻开门 214
基础知识全解 214
Warming up 214
Pre-reading 215
Reading 217
Comprehending 233
Learning about language 235
Using language 236
Workbook 241
学习策略 247
语法精讲 248
三年高考两年模拟 251
单元测试 252
答案与提示 257
语法专练答案与解析 257
单元测试答案与解析 257
教材课后练习答案与解析 260
Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero目标要览 272
芝麻开门 273
基础知识全解 273
Warming up 273
Pre-reading 276
Reading 279
Comprehending 288
Learning about language 290
Using language 291
Workbook 304
学习策略 308
语法精讲 310
三年高考两年模拟 313
单元测试 314
答案与提示 321
语法专练答案与解析 321
单元测试答案与解析 322
教材课后练习答案与解析 325
A 233
a number of 233
a second thought 104
a series of 21
a stage where 284
accent 116
act out 234
active 274
actually 92
add up 4
advantage和disadvantage 155
afford 183
African American 112
all over the world 113
all...not 231
anti-black 302
as a matter of fact 287
as if 222
as usual 173
at an end 224
at dusk 28
at home 53
at midnight 178
at present 95
at the age of 121
at this point 176
attack 285
attitude 171
B 94
base 94
be afraid 16
be against 305
because of 89
be expected to do 109
be filled with 48
be fond of 165
be likely 243
be stopped from doing sth 294
before 19
beg 297
believe in 277
believe it or not 108
bend 171
beneath 179
better educated 295
block 118
blow away 228
blow up 287
break the law 286
burst 220
bury 232
by doing 307
by underground 85
C 7
calm(...)down 7
care about 166
change...for 176
change her mind 168
classify 106
clear up 48
come to power 296
come true 185
come up 91
command 105
communicate 93
concern 9
congratulation 236
continue 282
crazy 24
cruelty 299
curtain 32
cycling 162
D 95
Danish 95
destroy 227
determine 167
devote 276
different from 105
dig out 232
disagree 41
dislike 43
do with 25
dream 159
dusty 32
E 96
enrich 96
entirely 30
equal 288
escape 293
even if 90
event 222
ever since 159
exactly 41
express 238
expression 111
extreme 226
F 31
face to face(with) 31
fall in love 41
fare 156
fee 282
feel like 122
fight for 278
fill in 156
finally 163
fit...free 306
flame 178
flow 156
fluent 98
for company 178
for short 121
found 277
frequent 101
frightening 235
fun 175
G 275
generous 275
get...done 5
get along with 40
get away 238
get away with 53
get tired of 37
give in 169
give out 235
give up 278
go on holiday 11
go through 17
go to the pictures 84
gradually 95
graduate 162
grateful 42
grow up 162
grown-up 75
guidance 281
H 28
happen 28
have a place built 122
have got to 8
have time to do sth 216
have trouble(in)doing sth./with sb./sth 39
headline 240
highway 35
hold on 107
honor 237
hopeful 284
however 110
I 53
I am sorry but 53
identity 98
ignore 7
in high spirits 185
injure 226
in order to 26
in pairs 102
in peace 52
in prison 279
in ruins 225
in the way 111
in trouble 288
insist 166
instead of 103
it be...that/who...强调句型 23
it is believed that 52
J 43
join in 43
journey 168
judge 237
L 97
latter 97
lay 225
leave for 104
legal 282
like clockwork 205
loose 13
lorry 116
lose heart 290
M 14
make a list of 14
make it easier for us to cycle 185
make progress 125
make sense 104
make sure 242
make up her mind 169
make use of 97
Malaysia 99
man himself 246
mankind 279
match 102
mean 274
midwestern 111
might 214
million 221
more of a problem 120
more than 123
more than one 84
N 224
nation 224
native 90
neighbor 112
no...longer/not...any longer 33
no matter 204
no such 108
nothing but 245
notice 219
O 235
of no use 235
official 86
on purpose 25
once 51
one another 52
opinion 303
organize 165
out of work 283
outdoors 24
outline 239
over time 92
P 170
pace 170
pack up 38
part of 51
peaceful 278
period 281
persuade 160
pipe 220
play a part(in) 113
power 30
prefer 154
principle 278
properly 166
put up 177
Q 273
quality 273
R 240
raise money 240
recognize 115
recover 36
relative 298
reliable 174
reporter 235
request 105
rescue 229
reward 300
right away 215
rise 218
S 164
schedule 164
see 284
selfish 275
sentence 302
set down 20
set up 301
setting 173
settle 33
shine 173
shock 229
shortcoming 165
should have done 13
show...over 301
similar 182
since 295
Singapore 99
skim 15
sleep late 184
so many 112
Spanish 112
standard 109
stay awake 25
straight 117
such as 99
suffer与suffer from 34
suffering 226
T 12
take care of 12
take note of 116
terror 299
tens of thousands of 240
than ever before 89
the first time 298
the hiding place 47
the number of 100
the 1600's 97
there be no doing sth 245
the same...as 113
think little of 222
thunder 29
timeline 101
tip 44
too much,too many和much too 27
too...to 219
track 228
transport 153
trap 230
turn to 289
twice the population 182
two thirds 226
U 29
until 29
upset 6
usage 102
useless 228
V 170
valley 170
view 175
violence 287
vocabulary 96
vote 285
voyage 88
W 12
walk the dog 12
what else 14
why not 84
willing 289
wonder 22
wool 173
work on 123
worry about 283
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