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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)帕迪利亚(Padilla,M.J.)著
  • 出 版 社:杭州:浙江教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:7533869761
  • 页数:213 页
图书介绍:本套书是从美国培生教育出版集团引进的英文原版Science Explorer(科学探索者)丛书。本册为“动物”。

Animals 14

Nature of Science:An Amazon Discovery 14

Chapter 1 Sponges,Cnidarians,and Worms 18

1 What Is an Animal? 20

2 Integrating Mathematics:Symmetry 27

3 Sponges and Cnidarians 32

4 Worms 39

Chapter 2 Mollusks,Arthropods,and Echinoderms 50

1 Mollusks 52

2 Arthropods 58

3 Insects 66

4 Integrating Physics:The Sounds of Insects 74

5 Echinoderms 77

Chapter 3 Fishes,Amphibians,and Reptiles 84

1 What Is a Vertebrate? 86

2 Fishes 91

3 Amphibians 99

4 Reptiles 105

5 Integrating Earth Science:Vertebrate History in Rocks 115

Chapter 4 Birds and Mammals 122

1 Birds 124

2 Integrating Physics:The Physics of Bird Flight 134

3 What Is a Mammal? 137

4 Diversity of Mammals 145

Chapter 5 Animal Behavior 154

1 Why Do Animals Behave as They Do? 156

2 Patterns of Behavior 164

3 Integrating Chemistry:The Chemistry of Communication 174

Interdisciplinary Exploration:The Secret of Silk 180

Reference Section 188

Skills Handbook 188

Think Like a Scientist 188

Making Measurements 190

Conducting a Scientific Investigation 192

Thinking Critically 194

Organizing Information 196

Creating Data Tables and Graphs 198

Appendix A:Laboratory Safety 201

Glossary 204

Index 207

Acknowledgments 212

Inquiry Activities 19


Opportunities for long-term inquiryChapter 1:Alive and Well 19

Chapter 2:Going Through Changes 51

Chapter 3:Animal Adaptations 85

Chapter 4:Bird Watch 123

Chapter 5:Learning New Tricks 155


Exploration and inquiry before readingIs It an Animal? 20

How Many Ways Can You Fold It? 27

How Do Natural and Synthetic Sponges Compare? 32

What Can You Learn About a Flatworm by Looking at It? 39

How Can You Classify Shells? 52

Will It Bend and Move? 58

What Kinds of Appendages Do Insects Have? 66

What Causes Sound? 74

How Do Sea Stars Hold On? 77

How Is an Umbrella Like a Skeleton? 86

How Does Water Flow Over a Fish's Gills? 91

What's the Advantage of Being Green? 99

How Do Snakes Feed? 105

What Can You Tell From an Imprint? 115

What Are Feathers Like? 124

What Lifts Airplanes and Birds Into the Air? 134

What Are Mammals' Teeth Like? 137

How Is a Thumb Useful? 145

What Can You Observe About a Vertebrate's Behavior? 156

What Can You Express Without Words? 164

Can You Match the Scents? 174

Sharlpen Your SKills 24

Practice of specific science inquiry skillsInferring 24

Observing 44

Classifying 54

Graphing 68

Communicating 92

Drawing Conclusions 113

Classifying 141

Predicting 158

Reinforcement of key concepts 22

Get Moving 22

Hydra Doing? 36

Pill Bugs—Wet or Dry? 62

Tune In 75

Bead-y Bones 88

Webbing Through Water 102

Eggs-amination 131

It's Plane to See 135

Insulated Mammals 139

Line Them Up 161

Worker Bees 167

Skills Lab 46

In-depth practice of inquiry skillsEarthworm Responses 46

A Snail's Pace 57

Soaking Up Those Rays 110

Looking at an Owl's Leftovers 128

Become a Learning Detective 163

Real-World Lab 30

Everyday application of science conceptsA Tale Told By Tracks 30

What's Living in the Soil? 72

Home Sweet Home 98

Keeping Warm 143

One for All 172

Interdisciplinary Activities 116

Science and History 116

Discovering Vertebrate Fossils 116

Science and Society 38

Coral Reefs in Danger 38

Animals and Medical Research 144

Connection 34

Language Arts 34

Social Studies 70

Language Arts 101

Visual Arts 125

Social Studies 170


Visual exploration of concepts 33

A Sponge 33

The Life Cycle of a Dog Tapeworm 41

A Snail 55

A Crayfish 63

Insect Metamorphosis 69

A Sea Star 79

A Bony Fish 95

A Frog 103

A Lizard 108

A Bird 127

Birds 132

Placental Mammals 148

A Honeybee Society 169
