英语 4PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄次栋主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7810469509
- 页数:441 页
Lesson One 1
Communicative Functions:Making a contrast 1
Functional Expressions 1
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 2
Oral Communication:Conversation 3
Guided Practice 6
Role Play 7
Reading:Preview 9
Text A:Three Days to See 9
Grammatical Points:Contrast 14
Reading Skills:Skimming 20
Text B:The Most Important Day 21
Lesson Two 25
Communicative Functions:Reporting 25
Functional Expressions 25
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 26
Oral Communication:Conversation 27
Guided Practice 30
Role Play 32
Reading:Preview 34
Text A:If It Comes Back 35
Grammatical Points:Reporting 41
Reading Skills:Skimming 46
Text B:The Husband Who Vanished 47
Lesson Three 53
Communicative Functions:Constructing a definition 53
Functional Expressions 53
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 53
Oral Communication:Conversation 55
Guided Practice 59
Role Play 60
Reading:Preview 62
Text A:Self-image 63
Grammatical Points:Constructing a definition 68
Reading Skills:Skimming 73
Text B: 74
Passage 1:To Be or Not to Be a Vegetarian 74
Passage 2:Pottery 76
Lesson Four 79
Communicative Functions:Inferring 79
Functional Expressions 79
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 80
Oral Communication:Conversation 81
Guided Practice 86
Role Play 87
Reading:Preview 88
Text A:Will Spelling Count? 89
Grammatical Points:Inferring 94
Reading Skills:Skimming 99
Text B:You Are Only As Old As You Feel 101
Lesson Five 105
Communicative Functions:Proposing and supporting an argument 105
Functional Expressions 105
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 106
Oral Communication:Conversation 107
Guided Practice 112
Role Play 113
Reading:Preview 116
Text A:Debating the Unknowable 116
Grammatical Points:Proposing and supporting an argument 122
Reading Skills:Skimming 127
Text B:How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading 129
Lesson Six 135
Communicative Functions:Interviewing 135
Functional Expressions 135
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 136
Oral Communication:Conversation 138
Guided Practice 141
Role Play 142
Reading:Preview 144
Text A:Here Am I,a Worker 145
Grammatical Points:Interviewing and being interviewed 150
Reading Skills:Skimming 156
Text B:Shield Our Youth with Censorship 157
Lesson Seven 161
Communicative Functions:Showing hospitality 161
Functional Expressions 161
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 162
Oral Communication:Conversation 163
Guided Practice 168
Role Play 169
Reading:Preview 171
Text A:A Letter to My Daughter 171
Grammatical Points:Showing hospitality 175
Reading Skills:Skimming 180
Text B:Learning to Communicate across Culture 182
Lesson Eight 186
Communicative Functions:Assuring and reassuring 186
Functional Expressions 186
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 187
Oral Communication:Conversation 188
Guided Practice 191
Role Play 192
Reading:Preview 194
Text A:The Piece of String 195
Grammatical Points:Offering assurance,expressing emotions and comforting 199
Reading Skills:Skimming 204
Text B:The Hummingbird That Lived through Winter 205
Review Ⅰ 209
Lesson Nine 215
Communicative Functions:Criticizing 215
Functional Expressions 215
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 216
Oral Communication:Conversation 217
Guided Practice 220
Role Play 221
Reading:Preview 223
Text A:A Police Sergeant 223
Grammatical Points:Criticizing 228
Reading Skills:Skimming 234
Text B:What about Women's Liberation? 235
Lesson Ten 241
Communicative Functions:Summarizing 241
Functional Expressions 241
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 241
Oral Communication:Conversation 243
Guided Practice 246
Role Play 248
Reading:Preview 249
Text A:How to Write a Research Report 250
Grammatical Points:Summarizing 255
Reading Skills:Skimming 260
Text B:Symbols of Humankind 261
Lesson Eleven 265
Communicative Functions:Talking about past possibilities 265
Functional Expressions 265
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 265
Oral Communication:Conversation 267
Guided Practice 270
Role Play 271
Reading:Preview 272
Text A:The Woman Who Had No Prejudices 272
Grammatical Points:Talking about past possibilities 277
Reading Skills:Skimming 283
Text B:After Twenty Years 284
Lesson Twelve 289
Communicative Functions:Clarifying 289
Functional Expressions 289
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 289
Oral Communication:Conversation 291
Guided Practice 295
Role Play 296
Reading:Preview 297
Text A:How to Mark a Book 297
Grammatical Points:Clarifying 304
Reading Skills:Skimming 310
Text B:The SQR Method of Studying 311
Lesson Thirteen 316
Communicative Functions:Expressing intention 316
Functional Expressions 316
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 317
Oral Communication:Conversation 318
Guided Practice 322
Role Play 323
Reading:Preview 324
Text A:The Wish 324
Grammatical Points:Expressing intention 329
Reading Skills:Scanning 334
Text B:Lessons from Jefferson 335
Lesson Fourteen 341
Communicative Functions:Expressing opinions 341
Functional Expressions 341
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 341
Oral Communication:Conversation 342
Guided Practice 346
Role Play 348
Reading:Preview 348
Text A:When Does Education Stop? 349
Grammatical Points:Expressing opinions 355
Reading Skills:Scanning 361
Text B:The Trouble with Television 362
Lesson Fifteen 366
Communicative Functions:Remembering and describing experiences 366
Functional Expressions 366
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 366
Oral Communication:Conversation 368
Guided Practice 371
Role Play 373
Reading:Preview 373
Text A:Fresh Start 374
Grammatical Points:Remembering and describing experiences 378
Reading Skills:Scanning 383
Text B:Advice That Can Help You Succeed on Campus 384
Lesson Sixteen 388
Communicative Functions:Expressing emotions 388
Functional Expressions 388
Functional Focus:Mini Talk 388
Oral Communication:Conversation 390
Guided Practice 394
Role Play 395
Reading:Preview 396
Text A:Love and Resentment 397
Grammatical Points:Expressing emotions 402
Reading Skills:Learning to concentrate 408
Text B:What Kids Need Most in a Dad 409
Review Ⅱ 415
Reference Key 421
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