- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:施传瑞,林六十编
- 出 版 社:武汉:中国地质大学出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7562512957
- 页数:182 页
差异组合组词基表 1
ab 1
able 1
ace 1
ack 1
act 2
actor 2
ad 3
ade 3
afe 3
after 3
ag 4
age 4
ager 4
agree 5
ague 5
aid 5
ail 5
aily 6
aim 6
ain 6
aint 6
air 7
airy 7
ait 7
ake 7
ale 8
alf 8
ality 8
alk 9
all 9
allow 9
ally 10
alm 10
alt 10
alter 10
am 10
ame 11
amine 11
amp 11
ample 12
an 12
ance 12
ancer 13
and 13
andle 13
andy 13
ane 13
ang 14
ange 14
anger 14
angle 14
ank 14
ant 15
any 15
ap 15
ape 16
aper 16
appoint 16
ar 16
arch 17
ard 17
arden 17
are 17
arge 18
ark 18
arm 19
arn 19
arp 19
arrel 20
arriage 20
arrow 20
arry 20
art 20
article 21
arve 21
ary 21
as 21
ase 21
ash 21
ask 22
asp 22
ass 22
ast 22
aste 23
aster 23
asty 23
at 23
atch 24
ate 24
ater 25
ath 25
athe 25
ather 25
ation 26
atitude 26
ative 26
ato 26
atter 26
attle 26
ature 27
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augh(ter) 27
ause 27
ave 27
avour 28
avy 28
aw 28
awn 28
ax 29
ay 29
aze 29
azy 30
bby 30
bel(1) 30
bit 30
bject 30
ble 30
blish 30
body 31
bour 31
bric(ate) 31
cade 31
ceed 31
cent 31
cept 31
cern/cert 32
cess 32
cident 32
cific 32
cise 32
cision 32
cite 32
city/citi 33
cle 33
close 33
clude 33
cognize 33
come 33
company 33
connect 34
conscious 34
cord 34
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course 34
cover 35
crease 35
crete 35
cross 35
ction 35
ctor 35
cture 36
culate 36
culture 36
cuse 36
custom 36
cycle 36
dar 36
dd 37
dial 37
dicate 37
differ 37
dio 37
dition 37
dium 38
divide 38
dress 38
duce 38
duct 38
due 39
e 39
ea 39
each 39
ead 39
eak 40
eal 40
eam 41
ean 41
eap 41
ear 41
early 42
earth 43
easant 43
ease 43
eason 43
east 43
easure 43
easy 43
eat 43
eath 44
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eave 44
eceive 44
eek 44
ed 45
edal 45
edge 45
ee 45
eed 45
eek 46
eel 46
een 46
eep 46
eer 47
eet 47
eg 47
egion 47
eigh 47
eight 47
eign 48
ein 48
eject 48
eld 48
elf 48
elieve 48
ell 48
ellow 49
elt 49
em 49
ember 50
emble 50
ement 50
en 50
ence 50
ench 51
end 51
ender 51
ene 51
ength 51
ense 52
ension 52
ensive 52
ent 52
enter 53
entice 53
ention 53
entry 53
enty 53
ept 53
equate 53
eral 53
erate 54
erb 54
ere 54
erior 54
erm 55
ero 55
erry 55
erve 55
ery 55
esh 55
ess 55
ession 56
est 56
ester 56
et 56
etch 57
etter 57
ettle 57
etty 57
evel 58
even 58
ever 58
ew 58
ext 59
ey 59
face 59
fair 59
fault 59
fect 60
fence 60
fend 60
fer 60
ference 60
fess 61
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ficient 61
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firm 62
fit 62
flect 62
fluent 62
form 62
fort 63
found 63
friend 63
front 63
fuse 63
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gent 64
ger 64
gest 64
get 64
gin 64
gine 64
ggle 65
gram 65
graph 65
gress 65
guard 65
gue 65
gust 66
habit 66
happy 66
hat 66
he 66
heat 67
hen 67
here 67
hibit 67
hief 68
hip 68
ho 68
hop 68
hy 68
ice 68
ich 69
ick 69
ickle 69
iction 70
id 70
iddle 70
ide 70
idle 71
ie 71
iece 71
ield 71
ierce 71
iet 71
iety/ial 71
ife 72
iff 72
ift 72
ig 72
igh 72
ight 73
ike 73
il 74
ild 74
ile 74
ilk 74
ill 74
illage 75
ilt 75
im 75
imal 76
ime 76
iment 76
in 76
inal 77
ince/inci 77
inch 77
ind 77
ine 78
ing 79
inger 79
ingle 79
ink 79
inkle 79
inner 80
int 80
inter 80
inus 80
ious 80
ip 80
ipe 81
ir 81
ird 81
ire 81
irl 81
irst 82
irt 82
irth 82
is 82
ise 82
iser 82
ish 83
ison 83
iss 83
issue 83
ist 83
ister 84
it 84
itate 84
itch 85
ite 85
ith 85
ither 86
itter 86
ittle 86
ity 86
ius 86
ivate 86
ive 87
iver 87
ives 87
ix 87
ize 88
ject 88
join 88
just 88
lace 88
lack 88
lad 89
lame 89
lance 89
land 89
lank 89
lant 90
lapse 90
lare 90
large 90
1ash 90
lass 90
lastic 90
late 91
law 91
lay 91
lease 91
lect 92
lege 92
lence 92
less 92
lice 92
lide 92
lief 93
light 93
limb 93
1imit 93
line 93
lin/ling 93
lip 94
lish 94
lit 94
lite 94
lock 94
log 94
long 95
lood 95
loom 95
lot 95
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loud 95
lour 96
low 96
lse 96
lue 96
lume 96
1ute 96
ly 97
mach 97
main 97
man 97
mand 98
mark 98
mate 98
mmble 98
mediate 98
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meter 99
mily 99
mine 99
minister 99
miss 99
mission 99
mist 100
mit 100
mobile 100
mon 100
most 100
mote 101
motion 101
mous 101
mple 101
mply 101
nant 101
nation 101
necessary 101
neer 102
ner 102
new 102
nic 102
night 102
nion 102
nior 102
nish 103
int/nity 103
nouin 103
nounce 103
now 103
nown 103
ntity 104
nto 104
nual 104
o 104
oach 105
oad 105
oaf 105
oak 105
oal 105
oam 105
oan 105
oast 106
oat 106
ob 106
obe 106
ocal 106
ock 106
ocket 107
ocus 107
od 107
ode 107
oe 107
oft 108
often 108
og 108
oice 108
oil 108
oint 109
oise 109
oke 109
old 109
ole 110
olent 110
olf 110
olid 110
o11 110
ollar 110
ollow 110
olly 111
ology 111
om 111
omb 111
ome 111
oment 112
on 112
ond 112
onder 112
one 113
oney 113
ong 113
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ony 114
onym 114
oo 114
ood 114
oof 114
ook 114
ool 115
oom 115
oon 115
oop 116
oor 116
oose 116
oot 116
ooth 116
op 117
ope 117
opic 117
or 117
oral 117
ord 117
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ordinary 118
ore 118
ork 119
orm 119
orn 119
orrow 119
orry 120
orse 120
ort 120
orth 120
ory 121
ose 121
oss 121
ost 121
oster 122
ot 122
ote 122
other 123
otion 123
otor 123
ottle 123
ouble 124
ouch 124
ough 124
ought 124
oul 124
ould 125
ounce 125
ound 125
ount 125
ounty 126
oup 126
our 126
ouse 127
out 127
outh 127
ove 128
ovel 128
over 128
ow 128
owel 129
ower 129
owl 129
own 129
ox 130
oy 130
oyal 130
ozen 130
pare 130
part 131
pathy 131
pear 131
pect 131
pel 131
pend 131
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pense 132
per 132
perate 132
pert 132
petition 133
phone 133
photo 133
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ple 133
plete 133
plicate 133
ply 133
port 134
posal 134
pose 134
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pot 135
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prise 136
prison 136
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pture 137
public 137
pulse 137
pute 137
quent 137
quest 137
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rain 139
rance 139
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rap 140
rary 140
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rawl 141
ray 141
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ream 142
reat 142
reath 142
reet 142
ree 143
reen 143
reet 143
reeze 143
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reme 143
rent 144
resh 144
ress 144
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retch 144
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rial 145
rible 145
rick 145
ridge 145
rief 145
rier 145
right 146
rime 146
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rious 146
rip 147
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rist 147
rit 147
rite 147
rive 147
rment 148
road 148
roke 148
roll 148
ron 148
rong 149
room 149
rop 149
rough 149
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row 150
rown 150
rror 150
ruise 150
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rupt 150
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ry 151
science 151
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sic 153
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sight 154
sign 154
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sin 154
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spect 155
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stant 156
stitute 156
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story 157
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stry 157
sual 158
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sure 158
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tail 159
tain 159
tal 159
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tation 160
tect 160
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ther 161
thing 162
throw 162
tic(al) 162
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title 163
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tle 163
to 163
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tral 164
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tribute 164
tric 164
trol 164
true 164
tual 165
ture 165
ty 165
ual 165
ub 165
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ube 166
uch 166
uck 166
ud 166
ude 167
udge 167
ue 167
uel 167
uff 167
uffer 167
ug 168
uge 168
uid 168
uilt 168
uit 168
uite 168
uke 169
ula 169
ule 169
ull 169
ully 169
uly 169
um 170
umb 170
umber 170
umble 170
ument 170
ump 171
un 171
unch 171
unction 172
und 172
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ung 172
unge 172
unite 173
unk 173
unnel 173
unny 173
unt 173
up 173
ur 173
urb 174
ure 174
urge 174
urious 174
url 174
urn 175
urry 175
urse 175
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urt 175
ury 175
us 175
use 176
ush 176
usk 176
uss 176
ust 177
ut 177
utch 177
ute 177
utter 178
utton 178
uture 178
uty 178
uy 178
uzzle 178
vail 178
valid 178
vade 179
vant 179
velop 179
vent 179
vern 179
verse 179
vert 180
vice 180
view 180
vince 180
vious 180
vise 180
visible 180
vision 181
volution 181
ward 181
way 181
we 182
well 182
wer 182
witch 182
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