- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:祁继香主编;郭晨,李瑞霞,闫国娥副主编;刘晓旭,郭玉琴,任晓梅,董玮玮,王有兰,吕雪妮编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:7513578592
- 页数:133 页
Section Ⅰ British Literature 2
A General Introduction 2
Unit 1 The Elizabethan Literature 5
Ⅰ.时代背景 6
Ⅱ.作家及作品选读 6
William Shakespeare 6
Francis Bacon 11
Unit 2 The 18th-Century British Literature 15
Ⅰ.时代背景 16
Ⅱ.作家及作品选读 16
Daniel Defoe 16
Jonathan Swift 21
Unit 3 The British Romantic Period 27
Ⅰ.时代背景 28
Ⅱ.作家及作品选读 28
Robert Burns 28
William Wordsworth 32
John Keats 37
Jane Austen 41
Unit 4 The Victorian Fiction 47
Ⅰ.时代背景 48
Ⅱ.作家及作品选读 48
Charles Dickens 48
Charlotte Bronte 53
Lewis Carroll 58
Unit 5 British Literature of the Early 20th Century 65
Ⅰ.时代背景 66
Ⅱ.作家及作品选读 66
William Butler Yeats 66
D.H.Lawrence 70
Section Ⅱ American Literature 76
A General Introduction 76
Unit 6 Literature of American Romanticism 79
Ⅰ.时代背景 80
Ⅱ.作家及作品选读 80
Edgar Allan Poe 80
Walt Whitman 86
Unit 7 Literature of American Realism 91
Ⅰ.时代背景 92
Ⅱ.作家及作品选读 92
Mark Twain 92
O.Henry 98
Jack London 104
Unit 8 American Literature of the Early 20th Century 109
Ⅰ.时代背景 110
Ⅱ.作家及作品选读 110
Robert Frost 110
Ernest Hemingway 115
Unit 9 The American Southern Renaissance 121
Ⅰ.时代背景 122
Ⅱ.作家及作品选读 122
Margaret Mitchell 122
William Faulkner 128
Bibliography 133
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- 《世界文学名著典藏 荒凉山庄 上》(英国)查尔斯·狄更斯著;张生庭,张宝林译 2015
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