新模式英语 教师用书 4PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)约翰逊,詹金斯著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国劳动社会保障出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787504576941
- 页数:324 页
Basic CommunicationPre-Unit Getting to Know You 1
Fill out an admission applicationIdentify learning strategiesWrite about your goalsTell me something about yourselfLearning strategiesWhat are your goals?Information questionsEditing 1
1 Balancing Your Life 1
Compare past and presentCreate a goal chartIdentify obstacles and give adviceWrite about an important personIdentify and apply time-management skillsWhere did you use to study?Reaching your goalsWhat should I do?What is most important to me?Time managementUsed toFuture tense using willModals:could,should;Why don't you...?How about...?Adjective clausesConsumer Economics 1
2 Personal Finance 21
Calculate monthly expensesIdentify ways to be a smart consumerInterpret credit card and loan informationAnalyze advertising techniquesWrite a business letterMoney in,money outSavvy shopperCharge it!How they pull you inExpress yourselfContrary-to-fact conditionalsPassive voice:present tense 21
3 Buying a Home 41
Interpret housing advertisementsCompare types of housingThe American dreamBigger?Better?Identify housing preferencesIdentify the steps to buying a homeInterpret mortgage informationHousing preferencesStep-by-stepFinancial planningComparative adjectives and questionsSuperlative adjectives and questionsYes/No questionsInformation questionsCommunity Resources 41
4 Community 61
Locate community resourcesUse the telephoneGive suggestionsInterpret a road mapIdentify ways to volunteer in the communityYour communityCan you tell me...?Why don't we...?How far is it?VolunteeringEmbedded questionsImperativesHealth 61
5 Health 81
Identify health habitsDescribe symptoms of illnessesInterpret doctor's instructionsInterpret nutrition informationComplete a health insurance formHealth habitsWhat's the problem?What did she say?Nutrition labelsDo you want dental coverage?Present perfect continuousPresent perfect simpleFor and sinceDirect vs.Indirect speechOccupational Knowiedge 81
6 Getting Hired 101
Identify skills and characteristicsConduct a job searchWrite a resumeWrite a cover letterPrepare for a job interviewWhat skills do you have?Looking for a jobResumesCover lettersInterviewingSimple present tense 101
7 On the Job 121
Identify appropriate and inappropriate workplace behaviorIdentify workplace actionsCommunicate problems to a supervisorMake ethical decisionsAsk for a raiseShe's late,isn't she?The note was written by JimTaking actionWhat should you do?A raiseTag questionsPassive voice vs.active voiceAppendicesGlossary 141
Irregular Verb List 155
Grammar Reference 156
Activity Bank Contents 161
Photo Credits 164
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