- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:曹继宏主编
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787546304731
- 页数:182 页
Forward 1
Chapter One General Introduction to Practical English Writing 3
1.Features of practical English writing 4
2.Principles of practical English writing 5
3.Elements of effective English writing 6
4.Practical writings in daily communications 8
Chapter Two Business Letters in the Travel Industry 22
1.The essential parts of a business letter 22
2.The language characteristics of a business letter 33
3.The forms of a business letter 37
4.The memo 44
5.The circular 49
6.The form letter 49
Chapter Three Advertising Literature in the Travel Industry 55
1.The structure of advertisements 55
2.Language characteristics of English advertising 59
3.Advertising in the travel industry 60
Chapter Four Publicity Literature in the Travel Industry 74
1.The difference between publicity and advertising 74
2.Characteristics of publicity literatures in the travel industry 75
3.The presentation of destination country/city or a tourist attraction 77
Chapter Five Agreements and Contracts in the Travel Industry 91
1.The layout of agreements in the travel industry 92
2.Contracts in the travel industry 96
3.The features of agreements and contracts 100
Chapter Six Document Forms and Invitations in the Travel Industry 106
1.Format qualifications of document forms 106
2.Contents of document forms 107
3.Devices used in the completion of the document forms 109
4.1nvitations in the Travel lndustry 112
Chapter Seven Tour Itineraries,Work Reports and Menu Design in the Travel Industry 125
1.The structure of the tour itinerary 125
2.The arrangement of reports 129
3.Special techniques in writing a work report 130
4.Qualities of reports 133
5.Menus 136
Chapter Eight Resumes in the Travel Industry 144
1.The structure of resumes 144
2.The space layout of the resume 147
3.Features of a resume 153
4.Resumes in the travel industry 156
Chapter Nine Cover Letters in the Travel Industry 164
1.The structure of cover letters 164
2.Rules of writing cover Letters 170
3.Layout of English cover letters 172
4.Steps of writing a cover letter 178
References 182
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