大学生就业力的需求与培养 中英比较研究PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)赫弗南,冯伟哲主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国农业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787565505904
- 页数:250 页
1.Introduction 1
Section A:Employability-Theoty and Practice 8
2.Education and Employability 8
3.Implementing Employability 22
4.Student Centred Approaches to Employability 43
5.Culture,Learning and Employability 62
Section B:Enhancing the Employability of Business School Graduates in the UK and China 78
6.Methodology 78
7.Results A:The Marketing Discipline and Employability 84
8.Results B:The Finance/Accounting Discipline and Employability 107
9.Results C:The Human Resources Discipline and Employability 131
Section C:Case Studies of Employability Enhancement ac ross Disciplines and Continents 154
10.Employability Led Course Design 154
11.Knowledge Transfer in Higher Education 162
12.Collaborative Development of an Online Module Concerning Employability and Entrepreneurship 175
13.Using Summer Schools to Develop the Employability of PhD Students 186
14.Entrepreneurship for the Creative and Media Arts 197
15.Enhancing Employability Through Life-Wide Learning 220
16.Concluding Remarks 229
References 236
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