- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吉林省教育学院编
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林人民出版社
- 出版年份:1982
- 页数:416 页
a,one 1
a bit of(paper),a piece of(paper),a sheet of(paper) 2
a great many,a great deal of 2
a pair of,a couple of 3
above,up,on,over,upon 4
above,over,more than 6
ache,pain 7
add,plus 8
ago,before 9
agree to,agree with 11
all,both,either,any,neither,none 12
all,every,whole 13
allow,permit,admit,let,promise 15
almost,nearly,about 16
always,usually,often,sometimes,all the time 17
angry at,angry with 19
animal,beast 20
answer,reply 20
army,forces,troops 21
around,round,circle 22
ask,question,inquire,enquire 23
ask,request,beg 24
at last,at length,finally,after all 26
at least,in the least 28
at once,immediately,very soon 28
at school,in school 29
at the beginning,in the beginning;at the middle,in the middle;at the end,in the end,by the end 30
attend,be present at 32
bad,wrong,badly 32
ball,party 34
base,basis,foundation 35
be made,be made of,be made from,be made up of 36
be ready to,be ready for 37
beautiful,pretty,handsome,lovely,nice,good-looking,fine 38
because,for,since,as 41
become,be,grow,get,turn,change 43
begin,start 47
behind,after,at the back of 49
between,among,amidst 50
big,large,great 52
boat,ship 54
borrow,lend 55
boy,child,baby,infant,lad 56
bread,loaf,bun,roll,sandwich 57
bring,fetch,carry,take,get,hold 58
broad,wide 60
by,beside,at,close,near 61
call,cry,shout 64
can,be able to,be capable of 65
candy,sweets,sugar 66
cap,hat 67
catch,seize,hold,take(or catch,or get)hold of 68
cause,reason 70
certainly,of course 70
certainly,surely,sure 71
chair,armchair,bench,stool,seat 73
chance,opportunity,occasion 74
cheat,deceive 75
choose,select,pick(out) 75
city,town 76
clean,neat,tidy 77
clear,plain 78
clever,wise,bright 79
clothing,clothes,dress,coat,suit,jacket,shirt 80
cold,cool 82
college,university,institute 82
come into,come to 83
come into(in),go into(in),enter,drop into 84
common,ordinary,general,usual 85
competition,contest 87
continent,land 88
continue,last,persist,go on 88
country,nation,state,power 90
courage,courageous,bravery,brave 91
court,yard,courtyard 92
cry,weep,sob 93
cup,glass,mug 94
dark,dusk,dim,gloomy 95
decide,determine,make up one's mind 96
defeat,fail 98
desk,table 100
destroy,ruin,damage,wipe out 101
die(die of,die from,die by,die with),dead 102
different,various 106
difficult,hard 107
distant,far 109
door,gate 110
drag,draw,pull 111
drill,training,exercise,practice 113
drink,have,take 114
each,every 116
each other,one another 117
eat,have,feed,take,belp oneself to 117
either,both 119
either,neither 121
emperor,king 122
enemy,foe 123
energy,capacity,power 124
entire,whole 125
escape run away,run off 126
evening,night 127
examination,exam,quiz,test 128
except,but,except for,besides 129
excuse,pardon 130
exercise,sport 131
factory,works,plant,workshop 132
famous,well-known,world-famous 133
farther,further 133
fast,quick,rapid,swift 134
fear,to be afraid of,frighten,ter rify,threaten 136
feel,sense 138
fight,combat 139
fill,cover 140
final,last 141
find,find out,discover,invent,look for,look up 142
finish,complete,end,go through with 144
fit,suitable 146
flag,banner 147
flat,level,even 147
flee,escape 149
flower,blossom,bloom 150
foolish,silly,stupid 151
force,power,strength 152
form,shape,figure 154
freedom,liberty 155
fresh,new 156
gather,collect 157
get in,harvest,crop,grain 158
get,gain,acquire 160
get,receive,accept 161
gift,present 162
girl,maid,lass 163
glad,pleased 163
globe,earth 164
go on,continne 165
go,walk,step 166
go to bed,go to sleep,fall asleep 168
gold,golden 169
good,well,nice,excellent,wonderful 170
grain,corn 172
grand,magnificent 172
habit,custom 173
happen,occur,take place 174
happy,gay,pleasant 175
have,own,possess 176
head,mind,brain 178
headmaster,principal 179
healthy,strong,fat 179
hear,listen 180
heart,mind,spirit,soul 181
high,tall 183
hold,keep,preserve 184
hot,warm 185
hour,o'clock 186
house,home,family 186
huge,giant 187
idea,thought,opinion,view 188
ill,sick,unwell 189
immediately,at once,right now 190
in,into 191
in,within 192
in bed,in the bed,on the bed 193
in front of,in the front of,before 194
in time,on time 194
include,involve,embrace 195
indeed,really 196
insist,persist 197
instead of,in place of 198
instrument,tool,implement 199
interested,interesting 200
jar,pot,vase,kettle 201
join,connect,unite,combine,link 202
join,take part in,go in for 204
jump,leap,spring 205
kill,murder 206
knock,hit,whip,beat 207
know,understand,see,know of 208
knowledge,learning 209
lamp,light 210
land,ground,earth,soil 210
language,speech,tongue 212
last,final 213
late,lately,of late 214
laugh,smile 215
lead,guide,direct 216
learn,study 217
leave,start,set off,set out,go off,go away 218
lesson,class,lecture 219
lie(lay,lain),lie(lied,lied),lay(laid,laid) 220
light,ray,beam 222
like,love,be fond of,prefer 223
list,content 225
little,a little,few,a few 225
live,stay 226
look,see,watch 227
lose,miss 228
mad,crazy 229
man,human being,mankind 230
many,much,a lot,a lot of 231
maybe,perhaps,probably 233
means,method,way 234
meet,meet with 235
meeting,meet,party,congress,conference 236
middle,centre 237
mind,notice,take care(of),look after 239
miserable,hard 241
mistake,shortcoming,error,fault 242
model,pattern 243
more than hundred,a hundred more 244
most,majority 245
motor,engine 246
mountain,hill 247
must,have to 248
name,title,topic 250
near,close,nearby,near by 251
nearly,almost 253
neither,none 254
nice,fine,fair 254
nobody,no one,none 256
not more than,no more than 257
note,bill 258
now,presently,at present 259
older,elder 259
once,ever 261
opinion,view 262
order,command 263
other,others,another,the other 263
past,pass,across 265
people,the people,person,man,peoples 266
photo,picture,portrait 268
place,spot 269
plane,airplane,aeroplane 270
play,drama 271
prepare,prepare for 272
pretend,assume,affect 273
price,cost,expense 274
progress,advance 275
protect,defend,guard 277
purpose,aim 279
put,place,lay 280
question,problem 281
quiet,calm,silent,still 282
reach,arrive in(at),get to 284
remember,memorize 286
remember,recall,remind 287
repair,mend,fix 288
ring up,call up,phone 288
rise,raise,lift 290
river,stream,brook 291
sad,sorry,worry 292
sail,voyage 293
sea,ocean 294
search,search for,look for 295
seashore,beach,bank,coast 296
seem,look,look like,appear 297
send,post,mail,send off 298
separate,divide 299
shop,store,department store 300
shut,close 301
small,little,tiny 302
soldier,fighter,armyman 304
some,any 305
some day,one day,the other day 307
sometimes,sometime,some time 308
sound,voice,noise,tone 309
south,southern 311
speak,say,talk,tell 312
sport,game,play 314
station,stop 315
steal,rob,loot 316
steam,vapo(u)r 317
still,yet,already 318
stop+V-ing,stop to;forget+V-ing,forget to 320
stop,prevent 321
story,tale,novel,fable 322
street,road,way,path,lane,boulevard,avenue 323
student,pupil 325
suggest,offer,propose 326
supply,provide 327
surprise,frighten,wonder 328
talk to,talk with 329
terrible,horrible,fearful 330
the number of,a number of 331
thing,matter,business,affair,event 332
think,think of,think about,think over,think out 334
though,although 336
through,across 337
till,until 338
too,also,either 339
touch,press 340
travel,journey,trip,tour,voyage 341
triumph,victory 342
true,real,actual 343
try,attempt 345
under,below,beneath,down 346
underground,subway,tube 347
used to,be used to,get used to 348
very,much 349
visit,call on,call at,call in,drop in 350
wake,awake,waken,awaken 352
war,battle,fight 353
warn,advise,advice 355
way,method,manner 356
weapon,arms 357
wear,put on,dress 358
wet,damp 359
when,while,as 360
whether,if 362
win,conquer,overcome 363
woods,forest 364
work,job,task 365
work,labour 366
wound,injure,hurt,break,harm 366
wrong,mistake,error 369
INDEX(索引) 371
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