- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:柳淑瑛编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787516123591
- 页数:472 页
Chapter 1 Scaffolding:Give Support to Young Learners 1
Ⅰ Scaffolding 2
1.1 What is scaffolding 2
1.2 Vygotsky's theory and learning 3
1.3 Features of scaffolding 4
Ⅱ Young Learners 6
2.1 Characteristics of young learners 6
2.2 Theory on child language learning 7
2.3 Learning a second language/a foreign language 10
2.4 Requirement of new English curriculum 11
Ⅲ Scaffolding to young learners 14
3.1 What scaffolding means to the young learners in the classroom 14
3.2 Scaffolding young learners in language learning 16
3.3 Scaffolding from teachers,peers and visual aids 16
3.4 Scaffolding through interaction 19
3.5 Scaffolding by creating a supportive language learning environment 22
Ⅳ Roles of language teachers in scaffolding 23
4.1 knowing young learners 23
4.2 Scaffolding young learners 24
Ⅴ A case of scaffolding young learners in classroom teaching 25
Chapter 2 Scaffolding Young Learners through tasks and activities 35
Ⅰ Task 36
1.1 Task described and defined 36
1.2 Theoretical rationale for the use of tasks in foreign language teaching classroom 37
1.3 Task features,components and framework 38
Ⅱ Scaffolding young learners through tasks and activities 45
2.1 Perspectives on Task and activity scaffolding 45
2.2 Scaffolding Young Learners through tasks and activities 47
2.3 Scaffolding young learners through interaction 49
Ⅲ Effective support for young learners to perform a task 51
3.1 Cognitive support and language support 52
3.2 Task design 54
3.3 Complexity of the task 58
Ⅳ Roles of language teachers 59
4.1 Promoter 59
4.2 Facilitator 60
4.3 Scaffold 60
Ⅴ A case of scaffolding young learners through tasks 64
Chapter 3 Scaffolding Young Learners in Developing Listening Skills 70
Ⅰ A brief Review of listening process 71
1.1 Top-down and bottom-up views of listening 71
1.2 Schema theory 72
1.3 Comprehensible input 73
Ⅱ Reflection on listening experience 74
2.1 Addressing factors which inhibit effective listening comprehension 75
2.2 Listening process 77
Ⅲ Scaffolding Young Learners in developing listening skills 81
3.1 Providing general basic phonetic rules 82
3.2 Establishing listening situation by providing different stuff 86
3.3 Scaffolding pre-,while- and post-listening activities 88
3.4 Scaffolding young learners with basic skills 93
3.4 Scaffolding young learners by designing tasks 100
Ⅳ Guidance to listening tests 101
4.1 Helping young learners prepare for tests 102
4.2 Guidance before beginning the paper 102
4.3 Advice for young learners to prepare for the test 104
4.4 Advice for language teachers 104
Ⅴ A case of scaffolding young learners in listening 107
Chapter 4 Scaffolding young learners in articulating their ideas 114
Ⅰ A Brief Review of speaking Process 115
1.1 Pupil talking and learning 115
1.2 Characteristics of spoken language 116
1.3 Accuracy and fluency 116
Ⅱ Scaffolding young learners in articulating their ideas 117
2.1 Scaffolding young learners in teaching process 117
2.2 Scaffolding young learners with an atmosphere of safety 119
2.3 Providing young learners with models 120
2.4 Providing young learners with necessary terminology 121
2.5 Scaffolding young learners through motivating topics 121
2.6 Exploring potential possibility of talk in the classroom 122
Ⅲ Errors and mistakes 122
3.1 Views on errors and mistakes 122
3.2 Dealing with mistakes and errors 123
Ⅳ Developing young learners'speaking abilities through activities 128
4.1 Circle time 128
4.2 Communication games 131
Ⅴ Teachers'roles in scaffolding young learner in articulating their ideas 135
5.1 Teachers'roles in the classroom 135
5.2 Teachers'own phonetic knowledge 137
5.3 Teachers'classroom strategies 142
Ⅵ A case of scaffolding young learners in articulating their ideas 146
Chapter 5 Scaffolding Young Learners in Developing Reading Skills 151
Ⅰ A brief review of reading process 152
1.1 Bottom-up and top down 152
1.2 Schema theory 154
1.3 Comprehension process 155
1.4 Interactive process 156
Ⅱ Planning for reading:activities for before,during,and after reading 157
2.1 before-reading activities 158
2.2 While-reading activities 160
2.3 Post-reading activities 161
Ⅲ Scaffolding strategies in reading process 166
3.1 Activating prior knowledge 170
3.2 Learning to predict 172
3.3 Designing guiding questions 175
3.4 Presenting new vocabulary 178
3.5 Introducing the text 180
Ⅳ Optional activities in the language classroom 181
4.1 Classroom activities 181
4.2 Preparing for the test 183
Ⅴ Extensive reading 186
5.1 Strategies for extensive reading 186
5.2 Using authentic texts 187
Ⅵ A case of classroom reading process 188
Chapter 6 Scaffolding young learners in developing writing skills 196
Ⅰ A Brief review of writing in English teaching 196
1.1 What kind of writing are young learners required to do? 197
1.2 What kind of difficulties do young learners face in writing? 199
Ⅱ How can teachers scaffold young learners have their ideas? 203
2.1 Brainstorming ideas 203
2.2 Activating learners'prior knowledge 205
2.3 Making full use of resource 208
Ⅲ How can teachers help young learners organize their ideas? 213
3.1 Asking themselves questions 213
3.2 Making mind maps 214
3.3 Sharing quick ideas 215
Ⅳ Scaffolding frames for young learners 216
4.1 Introduction of six main genres 217
4.2 Use of the frames 223
Ⅴ Response to Young learners'writing 224
5.1 Teachers'comments on young learners'writing 225
5.2 Basic principles to response students'writing 226
5.3 Ways of responding to young learners'written work 227
Ⅵ Suggestions for language teachers 231
6.1 Making preparations first 231
6.2 Examples of a coding system for correcting written work 232
Ⅶ A case of classroom writing 233
Chapter 7 Scaffolding Young Learners in learning vocabulary 241
Ⅰ Vocabulary development in children's language learning 241
1.1 What does learning vocabulary mean to young learners? 242
1.2 What does it mean to know a word 242
Ⅱ Learning and teaching vocabulary 243
2.1 Explicit&implicit process of learning 244
2.2 Choosing which vocabulary to teach 246
2.3 Principles for teaching vocabulary 247
2.4 A general vocabulary lesson procedure 249
Ⅲ Scaffolding Young learners through activities and games 250
3.1 Making deliberate presentation of vocabulary 250
3.2 Using context clues 253
3.3 Giveing opportunities for deep processing of vocabulary items 254
3.4 Consolidating and checking vocabulary 256
Ⅳ Vocabulary development 258
4.1 Word structure 258
4.2 Reference for vocabulary learning 261
Ⅴ A case of scaffolding young learners to guess the new words based on the context 262
Chapter 8 Scaffolding Young learners in grammar learning 268
Ⅰ A brief review of grammar and grammar learning 268
1.1 What is grammar 268
1.2 What does grammar mean to young learners 270
1.3 Traditional view of grammar learning 271
1.4 Cognitive view of grammar learning 272
Ⅱ Grammar terminology 273
2.1 What words are used to talk about English grammar 273
2.2 Grammar teaching process 278
2.3 Grammar learning process 279
Ⅲ Ways of presenting grammar 280
3.1 Covea and overt 280
3.2 Discovery techniques 283
3.3 Personalization 284
Ⅳ Activities for scaffolding grammar learning 289
4.1 Guided noticing activities 289
4.2 Proceduralising activities 290
Ⅴ Implication for teaching grammar 293
5.1 Form to meaning 293
5.2 Meaning to form 293
5.3 Communicative function 294
Ⅵ Cases of scaffolding young learners in learning grammar 296
Chapter 9 Scaffolding Young Learners through questioning 307
Ⅰ A brief review of questions 308
1.1 What are questions? 308
1.2 Question-scaffolding coursebook 309
Ⅱ Classroom questions 311
2.1 Function of questions 311
2.2 Characteristics of good questions 314
2.3 Using right questions 316
Ⅲ Question design 319
3.1 Framing the right questions 320
3.2 Open-ended and closed questions 320
3.3 Asking questions 321
3.4 Ways to start your questions 322
3.5 Reinforcement of questions 323
Ⅳ A case of designing questions in a classroom 325
Chapter 10 Scaffolding Young Learners through adapting materials 330
Ⅰ A brief review of current English coursebooks 331
1.1 What is in the current coursebook 331
1.2 Framework of coursebooks 333
1.3 English coursebook as a communicative act 338
1.4 Characteristics of the coursebook 339
Ⅱ How can teachers use the coursebooks 339
2.1 Student-centered learning process 339
2.2 Analysis of language teaching material 340
2.3 Reinterpretation of language materials 342
2.3 Factors taken into consideration 343
Ⅲ How can teachers scaffold young learners through coursebooks 344
3.1 Organization of the materials 344
3.2 Designing a course unit 345
3.3 Making the best of it-what teachers can do 359
3.4 Organizing principles 361
3.5 Material adaption 363
Ⅳ Implication to language teachers 367
4.1 Materials should help learners to feel at ease 367
4.2 Support yourself 369
4.3 Exploring teaching resource 370
Ⅴ A Case of organizing coursebook in the classroom 374
Chapter 11 What language teachers should do before they provide a scaffold for young learners 380
Ⅰ Preparation for class 381
1.1 What should teachers plan before a new year or new term start 381
1.2 What should teachers plan before a lesson begin 383
1.3 What should teachers prepare for a task 387
Ⅱ Lesson planning 389
2.1 What are teachers concerned about before they make a plan 390
2.2 What components are involved in a lesson plan 392
2.3 What stages are composed in a lesson 394
Ⅲ Variety of Lesson plans 396
3.1 A detailed formal plan 396
3.2 Procedure notes 398
3.3 Daily lesson plan 400
Ⅳ Concerns in making a lesson plan 401
4.1 Adapting teaching Material 401
4.2 Be flexible in the planning 402
Ⅴ Teachers'voice for lesson preparation 404
Chapter 12 Classroom research 408
Ⅰ Classroom research 409
1.1 What is classroom research 409
1.2 How can I conduct classroom research 410
1.3 Where shall I start 411
1.4 What procedure shall I follow? 411
Ⅱ Action research 416
2.1 What is action research 417
2.2 How can I do action research? 418
2.3 What should I do with action research? 419
Ⅲ Perspectives on classroom issues 421
3.1 Studying yourself 421
3.2 Studying your student feedback 422
3.3 Studying your classroom and group of work 423
3.4 Studying the teaching materials 425
3.5 Studying the ideas of communicating with others 425
Ⅳ Learning some research method 426
4.1 Using questionnaires 426
4.2 Using Interviewing 428
4.3 Using observations as a learning tool 430
4.4 Keeping a diary 433
Ⅴ Professional support 435
5.1 Collecting resources 435
5.2 Learning from colleagues 435
5.3 Building relationship with others 436
5.4 Useful websites for resource 437
5.5 Guidance to Bibliographic Citation and Referencing 438
Main reference 449
Acknowledgements 471
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