申小龙文化语言学译文集 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:申小龙著;高一虹编
- 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7560220320
- 页数:373 页
Preface 1
1.Disparity between Form and Spirit:the Dilemma of Modern Chinese Grammatical Studies 1
2.Four Characteristics of Chinese:Meaning Perception,Flow of Phrase-Chunks,Combination of Xu and Shi,and Use of Concrete Images 12
3.Phrase-Chunk as Basic Element,Logic as Linking Device,and Fulfillment of Expression as Sentence Boundary 23
4.Bright Hope for the Future:Chinese Cultural Linguistics 35
5.An Outline of Chinese Cultural Linguistics 44
6.The Spirit of the May 4th Language Reform and the Modernization of Chinese 67
7.Linguistics:Leading Ahead or Falling Behind? 84
8.A Cultural Fault-Line and the Vicissitudes of Modern Chinese Linguistics 92
9.On the Psychological Viewpoints of Chinese Sentences 114
10.Topic-Comment Sentences in Chinese and Their Typological Significance 143
11.The Ontology and Methodology of Chinese Grammatical Studies:Viewed from a Cultural Perspective 165
12.A Humanistic Approach to the Study of Chinese Grammar 194
13.The Cultural Characteristics of the Chinese Writing Systemand Feasibility of Its Reform 213
14.On the Humanistic Spirit of Chinese Characters 229
15.The Human Subject's Perspective in Chinese Characters 241
16.The Classical Rhetoric Tradition:Chinese vs. Western 263
17.Chinese Language Studies as Cultural Interpretation 279
18.The Tradition of Word-Class Studies in Chinese Philology 297
19.The Tradition of Syntactic Studies in Chinese Philology 322
20.Making Our Way out of Numbness and Depression 347
Name Glossary 363
Works by Shen Xiaolong 372
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