2008年广州市政府规章汇编 中英文对照本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:广州市人民政府法制办公室编
- 出 版 社:广州:广州出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7546208589
- 页数:367 页
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.1 1
Decision on Amending the Detailed Rules of Guangzhou Municipality for Implementing the Provisions of Guangdong Province on the Continuing Education of Scientific and Technical Personnel 2
广州市人民政府令 第1号 9
关于修改《广州市实施〈广东省科学技术人员继续教育规定〉细则》的决定 10
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.2 14
Decision on Amending the Procedures of Guangzhou Municipality for Population and Family Planning Administration 15
广州市人民政府令 第2号 35
关于修改《广州市人口与计划生育管理办法》的决定 36
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.3 47
Decision of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality on Amending the Provisions of Guangzhou Municipality on Commercialization of Purchased Publicly-Owned Dwellings 48
广州市人民政府令 第3号 53
广州市人民政府关于修改《广州市已购公有住房上市规定》的决定 54
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.4 57
Decision of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality on Amending the Provisions of Guangzhou Municipality for the Administration of Commodity Exchange Markets 58
广州市人民政府令 第4号 75
广州市人民政府关于修改《广州市商品交易市场管理规定》的决定 76
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.5 87
Decision of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality on Amending the Provisions of Guangzhou Municipality on the Administration of Premises Leasing 88
广州市人民政府令 第5号 104
广州市人民政府关于修改《广州市房屋租赁管理规定》的决定 105
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.6 114
Provisions of Guangzhou Municipality for Premises Safety Administration 115
广州市人民政府令 第6号 137
广州市房屋安全管理规定 138
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.7 151
Decision of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality on Amending the Procedures of Guangzhou Municipality for the Administration of Organization Codes 152
广州市人民政府令 第7号 160
广州市人民政府关于修改《广州市组织机构代码管理办法》的决定 161
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.8 166
Procedures of Guangzhou Municipality for Investigating and Seeking the Accountability for Administrative Law Enforcement Liability 167
广州市人民政府令 第8号 185
广州市行政执法责任追究办法 186
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.9 197
Provisions of Guangzhou Municipality for Archives Administration 198
广州市人民政府令 第9号 208
广州市档案管理规定 209
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.10 215
Provisions of Guangzhou Municipality on the Administration of Temporary Migrants 216
广州市人民政府令 第10号 235
广州市流动人员管理规定 236
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.11 247
Procedures of Guangzhou Municipality for Trial Implementation of Basic Medical Insurance for Urban Employees 248
广州市人民政府令 第11号 277
广州市城镇职工基本医疗保险试行办法 278
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.12 294
Provisions of Guangzhou Municipality for the Administration on the Supply and Utilization of Electricity 295
广州市人民政府令 第12号 307
广州市供电与用电管理规定 308
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.13 315
Procedures of Guangzhou Municipality for the Protection of Oil-Gas Pipeline Facilities(For Trial Implementation) 316
广州市人民政府令 第13号 326
广州市油气管道设施保护试行办法 327
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.14 333
Provisions of Guangzhou Municipality for the Protection of Asian Games Intellectual Property Rights 334
广州市人民政府令 第14号 341
广州市亚洲运动会知识产权保护规定 342
Decree of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality No.15 346
Decision of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality on Amending the Procedures of Guangzhou Municipality for the Administration of Parking Lots 347
广州市人民政府令 第15号 360
广州市人民政府关于修改《广州市停车场管理办法》的决定 361
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