- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李玉洁编著
- 出 版 社:北京:知识产权出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787513021708
- 页数:134 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Characteristics of a research paper 1
1.2 Types of research papers 4
1.3 The structure of a research paper 4
1.3.1 The front matter 5 Title page 5 Outline page 5 Abstract 5
1.3.2 The body 6 Introduction 6 Literature review 8 Writing the conclusion 8
1.3.3 The back matter 10 References 10 Appendices 11
Chapter 2 The Process of Writing a Research Paper 12
2.1 Choosing a topic 12
2.2 Exploring sources 13
2.3 Evaluating resources 14
2.4 Outlining the paper 15
2.4.1 Topic outline 15
2.4.2 Sentence outline 16
2.5 Writing the first draft 16
2.6 Revising and editing 17
2.7 Proofreading 17
Chapter 3 Literature Review 19
3.1 Components of literature review 20
3.2 Mistakes in writing a literature review 21
3.3 Examples of good literature reviews 23
Chapter 4 Methodology 30
4.1 Qualitative approach 30
4.2 Quantitative approach 31
4.3 Ways to collect data 31
4.3.1 Interview 31
4.3.2 Questionnaire 32
Chapter 5 Language and Style 39
5.1 Diction 39
5.1.1 Avoid colloquialisms 39
5.1.2 Avoid personalization 41
5.1.3 Avoid gender limitations 42
5.1.4 Avoid using the same word repeatedly 43
5.2 Sentence structure 43
5.2.1 Parallelism 43 Balanced parallel ideas in a series 44 Balanced parallel ideas presented as pairs 44
5.2.2 Shifts 46 Make the point of view consistent 47 Make verbs consistent in mood and voice 48 Avoid sudden shifts from indirect to direct questions or quotations 49
5.2.3 Sentence variety 50 Use a variety of sentence structures 50 Use a variety of sentence openings 50 Try inverting sentences occasionally 51
Chapter 6 Mechanics 52
6.1 Abbreviations 52
6.1.1 Social and professional titles&similar terms 52
6.1.2 Organizations 54
6.2 Units of measurement 54
6.3 Titles of works 55
6.4 Numbers 55
6.4.1 Use of words of numerals 55
6.4.2 Punctuation of numbers 57
6.4.3 Decimals and percentage 57
Chapter 7 Abstract 58
7.1 Reasons of making up an abstract 58
7.2 Elements of an abstract 59
7.3 The relationships between an abstract text and a research text 60
7.4 Samples of abstract 61
Chapter 8 Documentation 64
8.1 Supporting a thesis 64
8.1.1 Use sources to inform and support your argument 64 Providing background information or context 65 Explaining terms or concepts 65 Supporting your claims 65 Lending authority to your argument 66
8.2 Citing sources and avoiding plagiarism 66
8.2.1 Cite quotation and borrowed ideas 67
8.2.2 Enclose borrowed language in quotation marks 68
8.2.3 Put summaries and paraphrases in your own words 69
8.2.4 Plagiarism:unacceptable borrowing 70
8.3 Integrating sources 71
8.3.1 Limit your use of quotations 71 Using the ellipsis mark and brackets 72 Setting off long quotations 73
8.3.2 Use signal phrases to integrate sources 74 Using signal phrases in MLA papers 74 Marking boundaries 75 Establishing authority 76 Introducing summaries and paraphrases 77 Putting direct quotations in context 78 Integrating statistics and other facts 79
Chapter 9 Documenting sources:Modern Language Association(MLA)Style 81
9.1 MLA in-text citations 82
9.2 Basic rules for print and electronic sources 83
9.3 Variation on the basic rules 86
9.4 MLA list of works cited 90
9.4.1 General guidelines for listing authors 91
9.4.2 Basic format for a book 93
9.4.3 Articles in periodicals 97
9.4.4 Online sources 98
9.5 Alphabetizing the list 102
9.5.1 Indenting 102
9.5.2 Web addresses 103
Bibliography 133
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