- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:楼庆西著;张蕾,于红译
- 出 版 社:北京:五洲传播出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787508516639
- 页数:168 页
Preface 1
Landscape Gardens 5
Hunting and Communion with the Spirits 8
The Symbol of a Unified State 9
Fully Enjoying the Beauty of Nature 14
Gardens of Pleasure in Prosperous Times 19
AWorld in a wine pot 23
A Vision to Move the Heaven and Condense the Earth 26
Private Gardens of Ming and Qing Dynasties 29
Private Gardens of the South 30
Celebrated Gardens of the North 51
Construction Techniques of Private Gardens 61
Magnificent Imperial Gardens 79
General Introduction of Imperial Gardens of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 81
The Garden Zone in the Northwest Outskirts of Beijing 87
The Appreciation of Some Well-known Gardens 91
The Comparison between Imperial Gardens and Private Gardens 128
Garden Building Masters and Theories on Creating a Garden 133
How to Appreciate the Beauty of Gardens'Artistic Conception(Realm) 139
The Creation of Gardens'Artistic Conception(Realm) 140
Symbolism and Allegories 140
Seek Poetic Mood and Artistic Realm 143
Gathering Scenic Wonders and Historical Sites from all over the Country 148
Building Temples,Streets and Taverns 151
View-watching Angles 152
The Tragedy and Revival of the Famed Gardens 159
Appendix:Chronological Table of the Chinese Dynasties 168
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- 《园林树种的选择与应用》贾志国主编 2018
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- 《自然地理基础》张蕾蕾编著 2018
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- 《人的自我寻求》(美)罗洛·梅著;郭本禹,方红译 2013
- 《商贸英语综合教程 上》纵瑞昆,张蕾主编;汪文娟,钱建文,王为国副主编 2013
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- 《狂热的爱》(美)陈著;张宇红译 2012
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