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话语分析  理论与案例
话语分析  理论与案例

话语分析 理论与案例PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张发祥,康立新,赵文超著
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787030233417
  • 页数:210 页
《话语分析 理论与案例》目录

Part One Discourse Analysis Theory 3

Chapter 1 An Introduction to Discourse Analysis 3

1.0 Introduction 3

1.1 Definition of discourse 4

1.2 Discourse analysis:its definition and development 7

1.3 "Text","context"and"discourse" 11

1.4 An understanding of DA as a discipline 13

1.5 Conversation analysis and conversational principles 15

1.5.1 Conversation analysis 16

1.5.2 Conversational principles 19

1.6 Eclecticism in discourse analysis 23

1.7 DA and pragmatics 27

Chapter 2 Methodology of Discourse Analysis 29

2.0 Introduction 29

2.1 Methods of doing discourse analysis 29

2.1.1 Structural discourse analysis 30

2.1.2 Socio-cultural discourse analysis 30

2.1.3 Cognitive discourse analysis 31

2.1.4 Critical discourse analysis 31

2.1.5 Integrated discourse analysis 34

2.2 Understanding the methods 34

2.2.1 In terms of focus 35

2.2.2 In terms of aim 36

2.2.3 In terms of technique 38

2.3 Summary 40

Chapter 3 Theoretical Thoughts about Discourse 41

3.0 Introduction 41

3.1 Speech act theory 42

3.2 Cooperative principle theory 46

3.3 Face and politeness principle theory 49

3.4 Relevance theory 53

3.5 The study of stylistic variation and registers 56

3.6 Schema theory 59

3.6.1 The terminology of schema theory 61

3.6.2 Evidence for schemata 63

3.6.3 The origins of schema theory 66

3.7 Post-structuralist theory about discourse 67

3.7.1 Michel Foucault's thoughts about discourse 70

3.7.2 M.M.Bakhtin's dialogic view on discourse 73

3.8 Genre theories 76

3.8.1 The problem of definition 76

3.8.2 Definitions in applied linguistics 78

3.8.3 Systems of genre studies 81

3.9 Summary 93

Chapter 4 Discourse Analysis and Second Language Teaching 95

4.0 Introduction 95

4.1 Application of discourse analysis to grammar teaching 97

4.2 Application of discourse analysis to vocabulary teaching 99

4.3 Application of discourse analysis to text interpretation teaching 101

4.3.1 Top-down and bottom-up text processing 102

4.3.2 Types of text 103

4.3.3 Patterns in text 104

4.4 Application of discourse analysis to conversational interaction teaching 105

4.5 Summary 108

Part Two Cases Analysis 111

Chapter 5 Discourse Types 111

5.0 Introduction 111

5.1 News discourse analysis 111

5.1.1 Vocabulary analysis 112

5.1.2 Word features 117

5.1.3 Syntactical analysis 119

5.2 Public discourse analysis 120

5.2.1 Modal verb analysis 121

5.2.2 Analysis of pronoun 122

5.3 Advertising discourse analysis 125

5.3.1 Lexical features 126

5.3.2 Syntactic features in advertising discourse 144

5.3.3 Rhetorical features in advertising discourse 147

5.4 Diplomatic discourse analysis 152

5.4.1 Forms of achieving vagueness in diplomatic discourse 155

5.4.2 Functions of vagueness in diplomatic discourse 161

5.5 Teacher-student discourse analysis 163

5.5.1 Elements of structure in classroom interaction 164

5.5.2 Classes of acts 167

5.5.3 Classes of moves 168

5.5.4 Classes of exchanges 170

5.6 Humorous discourse analysis 172

5.6.1 Remarkable characteristics of humor 174

5.6.2 Cooperative principle and humor 175

5.6.3 Speech act and humor 178

5.7 Network discourse analysis 179

5.7.1 Reasons for the formation of network discourse 180

5.7.2 Development of network discourse 181

5.7.3 Classifications of network vocabulary 182

5.7.4 Characteristics of network discourse 188

References 197
