批判与论辩 论辩文写作入门PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:曲卫国编著
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7040371178
- 页数:276 页
Chapter One Critical thinking and argumentation 1
1.0 Orientation 1
1.1 What do we mean by"critical" ? 4
1.2 Theories 6
1.2.1 Stephen Toulmin's theory 6
1.2.2 Carl Rogers' theory 10
Critical thinking activities 12
Writing tasks 17
Chapter Two Basic concepts of argumentation 20
2.0 Orientation 20
2.1 Defining argumentation and argument 22
2.2 Argumentation and communication 27
2.3 Argumentation and persuasion 30
2.4 Argumentation and explanation 32
2.5 Work ethic for argumentation 33
Critical thinking activities 36
Writing tasks 39
Chapter Three Definition and its functions 45
3.0 Orientation 45
3.1 Defining definition 46
3.2 Definition and reality 48
3.3 Definition and point of departure 52
3.4 Definition and thoughtscollecting 55
3.5 Definition and structuring 56
3.6 Definition and audience 58
3.7 Working definitions 59
Critical thinking activities 60
Writing tasks 66
Chapter Four Basics of definition 69
4.0 Orientation 69
4.1 How to start a definition? 70
4.2 The basic structure of a definition 72
4.2.1 First-level definition 72
4.2.2 Common ways of first-level defining 75
4.3 Second-level elaboration 86
Critical thinking activities 88
Writing tasks 89
Chapter Five Basics of claims 92
5.0 Orientation 92
5.1 The nature of a claim 93
5.2 Functions of a claim 96
5.3 The structure of a claim 100
Critical thinking activities 106
Writing tasks 108
Chapter Six Claims of fact 111
6.0 Orientation 111
6.1 Defining a claim of fact 112
6.2 Presenting facts in a claim of fact 114
6.3 Relativity of certainty in a claim of fact 116
6.4 Supporting a claim of fact 117
6.5 Challenging a claim of fact 123
6.6 A case study 129
Critical thinking activities 133
Writing tasks 136
Chapter Seven Claims of value 140
7.0 Orientation 140
7.1 Defining a claim of value 141
7.2 Supporting a claim of value 145
7.3 Challenging a claim of value 155
Critical thinking activities 165
Writing tasks 168
Chapter Eight Claims of policy 171
8.1 Defining a claim of policy 171
8.2 Establishing a problem 171
8.3 Matching the problem with the course of action 176
Critical thinking activities 178
Writing tasks 179
Chapter Nine Warrant 185
9.0 Orientation 185
9.1 Defining warrant 187
9.2 Warrant andits strength of validation 189
9.3 Types of warrants 194
Critical thinking activities 198
Writing tasks 201
Chapter Ten Support 208
10.0 Orientation 208
10.1 Defining support 210
10.2 Evidential support 211
10.3 Motivational support 218
10.4 Measuring the strength of support 220
Critical thinking activities 227
Writing tasks 229
Chapter Eleven Quoting 234
11.0 Orientation 234
11.1 Quoting for a purpose 234
11.2 Factors that constrain quoting 236
11.3 Ways of quoting 241
Writing tasks 245
Chapter Twelve Concluding remarks 250
12.1 Critical reading 250
12.2 Basics of a critical approach 251
Critical thinking activities 252
Appendix 1 Worksheets 254
Appendix 2 A sample task for the final examination 258
Appendix 3 Clues to the writing tasks 261
Main References 273
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