文体学:中国与世界同步 首届国际文体学学术研讨会暨第五届全国文体学研讨会文选PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘世生,吕中舌,封宗信主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:7560078540
- 页数:342 页
PartⅠ:Stylistics Abroad 3
Literary Stylistics and Systemic Functional Linguistics&Michael Cummings 3
A Voice of Her Own:A Feminist Stylistic Analysis of Jane Eyre,To the Lighthouse and Bridget Jones's Diary&Ruth Page 23
The Limits of Blending:Extended Metaphor,Simile and Allegory&Peter Crisp 48
The Social Agency of Verbal Art:How Far Can a Systemic Approach Usefully Go in Modelling the Context of Creation?—Absrtact&David G.Butt 71
Self at the Interface of Memory,Experience and Values:The Lexicogrammar and Semantics of Memory in(Auto)biographical Narrative—Abstract&Paul J.Thibault 76
Blending and Beyond:Form and Feeling in Poetic Iconicity—Abstract&Margaret H. Freeman 78
The Shudder of the Dying Day in Every Blade of Grass—Abstract&John McRac 80
Text-Worlds:The Way We Think about the Way We Think—Abstract&Joanna Gavins 81
PartⅡ:Stylistics in China 85
1.Cognitive Stylistics 85
A Cognitive Revisit to The InheritorsLiu Shisheng 85
A Cognitive Approach to the Mind Style of Forrest Gump&Cao Jinmei 96
Realization of Subiectivity:An Analysis of the Referential Devices in Narrative Discourse&Wang Yina 116
A Distorted World in a Distorted Mind—The Mind Style of Rosa in Cynthia Ozick's“The Shawl”&Liang Xiaohui 130
2.Functional Stylistics 139
Internal Contrast and Double Decoding:A Functional-Cognitive Approach to Transitivity in“On the Road”&Shen Dan 139
Comparativity and Functional Inter-lingual Stylistics&Zhang Delu 158
Transitivity,Indirection,and Redemption in Sheila Watson's The Double Hook&Ji Yinglin&Shen Dan 173
3.Drama Stylistics 192
Politeness Strategies,Characterization Theory,and Drama Stylistics:A Synthetic Case Study with Theoretical Modifications&Gao Jianwu&Shen Dan 192
Discourse Role Switchng and Characterization in Drama&Yu Dongming&Han Zhongqian 213
The Stylistics of Drama:The State of the Art&Li Huadong 224
4.The Stylistics of Fiction and Poetry 236
Metalanguage in the Making of Fiction&Feng Zongxin 236
Stylistic Analysis of a Love Story in Network Literature—The Salty Coffee&Li Yanmei&Dong Qiming 245
Two Diffrent Views of London—A Comparative Stylistic Study of “Composed upon Westminster Bridge”and“London”&Xue Shunyan 255
5.General Stylistics 267
PowerPoint:Tool,Discourse,Genre and Style&Hu Zhuanglin 267
Online Self Introduction Languages on the Internet&Lü Zhongshe 278
Evaluation in Abstracts:A Contrastive Study of Student Writing and Published Writing&Xu Guohui 291
Discourse Analysis of 2004 American Presidential Debates&Chen Jian,Guo Jian&Li Jiehong 308
6.Pedagogical Stylistics 324
An Integrated Stylistic Approach for English Majors&Dong Qiming 324
7.Views on Stylistics 335
On the Orientation of Modern Stylistics:A Reply to Some Remarks about Stylistics&Xu Youzhi 335
编后记 342
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