钱伯林近代中国考察档案文献汇编 上PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张雷主编
- 出 版 社:北京:学苑出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787507750140
- 页数:244 页
Ⅰ 钱伯林中国考察日记 1
1.Notebook No.1 3
2.Notebook No.2 35
3.Notebook No.3 75
4.Notebook No.4 115
5.Notebook No.5 155
Ⅱ 钱伯林中国考察笔记 165
1.Oriental Educational Investigation Synopsis of Notes on South China By T.C.Chamberlin and R.T.Chamberlin 165
2.Oriental Educational Investigation Synopsis of Studies in Central China February 27th to May 3rd,1909 By T.C.Chamberlin and R.T.Chamberlin 171
3.Oriental Educational Investigation Synopsis of the Observations of the Messrs.Chamberlin North of the Yangtze River May 10th.1909 185
4.Oriental Educational Investigation Synopsis of the Observations of the Messrs.Chamberlin in the Province of Honan May 11th to 15th,1909 191
5.Oriental Educational investigation Synopsis of the Observations of the Messrs.Chamberlin in the Province of Shanxi May 16th to 18th,1909 199
6.Oriental Educational Investigation Synopsis of the Observations of the Messrs.Chamberlin in the Province of Chili May 15th to June 5th,1909 205
7.Oriental Educational Investigation Synopsis of the Observations of the Messrs.Chamberlin on the Borderland of the Gulf of Chili Between Peking and Mukden June 5th and 6th,1909 211
8.Oriental Educational Investigation Synopsis of the Observations of the Messrs.Chamberlin on Manchuria June 6th-10th,1909 219
Ⅲ 附录 227
1.Thomas C.Chamberlin′s letter to the President of the University of Chicago regading Chinese Expedition,1901 229
2.The Chinese Expedition of 1909.Recollections by Rolling T.Chamerlin,1929 235
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