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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:赵金镛著
  • 出 版 社:中国文化大学出版部
  • 出版年份:1984
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:204 页
标签:交关 简史

Chapter Ⅰ History of Chinese Foreign Relations 1

Introduction 1

1.The Inter-states Relations 2

(1)Prior to the Spring-And-Autumn Period 2

(2)The Spring-And-Autumn Period 4

(3)The Warring-States Period 11

(4)Theories 15

(5)Regulations Conducting War 25

2.Relations with Bordering States 28

(1)Foreign Policy 29

(2)The Hsiung Nu 29

(3)Chang Chian's Mission to the Western Regions 30

(4)Chao Chun's Marriage 32

(5)Pan Chao's Mission to the Western Regions 34

(6)Chu-ko Liang 36

(7)The Japanese Envoys 39

(8)The Turkie 40

(9)Relations with Tibet 41

(10)Relations with the Uighurs 42

(11)Sung Diplomacy 43

(12)Conclusion 44

3.Foreign Relations with European Countries 46

(1)Marco Polo 47

(2)Foreign Envoys 48

(3)Portuguese and Spaniards 50

(4)The Dutch 53

(5)Great Britain's Mission 55

(6) Relations with Russia 63

(7)Machinery of Chinese Diplomacy 65

(8)Permanent Residence of Foreign Diplomatic Missions 67

(9)Chinese Diplomatic Missions Abroad 68

(10)Conclusion 71

Chapter Ⅱ Foreign Advisers and the Diplomacy of the Manchu Empire 75

Introduction 75

1.Jesuits in the 17th Century 77

(1)Father Adam Schall and the Goyer Mission 78

(2)Father Gerbillon and the Treaty of Nertchinsk 82

(3)Father Bouvet's Mission to France 84

2.Mr.Anson Burlingame 86

(1)Good Offices in the Anglo-Chinese Fleet Affairs in 1863 87

(2)The Burlingame Mission to America 89

(3)The Burlingame Mission in Europe 95

3.Sir Robert Hart 99

(1)The Pin Chun Mission to Europe in 1866 101

(2)Revision of the Treaty of Tientsin 1868 104

(3)The Chefoo Convention1876 113

(4) Settlement of the Chinese and French Dispute over Tonkin in 1885 117

(5)Hongkong and Macao Agreements 117

4.Conclusion:The Others 120

Chapter Ⅲ Chinese Diplomatic Practice and Treaty Relations 121

1.Introduction 121

2.(1)Abolition of Undiplomatic Phraseology 122

(2)Exchange of Diplomatic Representatives 126

(3)Rights and Privileges of Foreign Diplomatic Representatives 136

(4)Correspondence 138

(5)Machinery of Diplomacy 146

(6)Audience Ceremony 150

(7)Legation Quarters and Legation Guards 159

(8)The Diplomatic Body 162

(9) Conclusion 168

Appendix 1.Anson Burlingame's Instructions from the Tsung-li Yamen,26/11/1867 169

2.Pin Chun's Mission.Sir R.Alcock to Lord Clarendon 173

3.Hart's Statement on the Advice for Sending a Chinese Mission Abroad 176

4.The Treaty of Nanking,1842 177

5.Convention of Peking(1860) 183

6.Convention for the Extension of Hongkong,1898 188

7.The Sino-American Treaty,1943 190

8.The Sino-British Treaty,1943 197
