许渊冲文集 汉魏六朝诗选 汉译英PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:许渊冲译
- 出 版 社:北京:海豚出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787511014153;9787511014344
- 页数:363 页
Preface 3
Liu Bang 23
Song of the Great Wind 23
Xiang Yu 23
Xiang Yu's Last Song 23
Lady Yu 23
Rely to Xiang Yu 23
Liu Che 24
Song of the Autumn Wind 24
Sima Xiangru 25
Songs of the Lute 25
Li Yannian 25
Song of the Northern Beauty 25
刘邦 229
大风歌 229
项羽 229
垓下歌 229
虞姬 229
和项王歌 229
刘彻 230
秋风辞 230
司马相如 230
琴歌 230
李延年 231
北方有佳人 231
Lady Ban 26
To an Autumn Fan 26
XinYannian 27
Captain of the Guard 27
Su Wu 29
SuWu to His Wife 29
Anonymous 30
Fighting South of the Town 30
I Long for One 31
The Pledge 32
Gathering Lotus 32
East of the Tomb 33
The Roadside Mulberry 34
A Slow Song 36
Song of the East Gate 37
A Longing Wife 38
On Her Deathbed 39
Song of A Roamer 40
班婕好 231
怨歌行 231
辛延年 232
羽林郎 232
苏武 233
苏武诗四首(其三) 233
无名氏 233
战城南 233
有所思 224
上邪 234
江南 235
平陵东 235
陌上桑 235
长歌行 237
东门行 237
饮马长城窟行 237
妇病行 239
艳歌行 240
Song of the White Hair 41
Song of a Butterfly 42
Song of a Crow 42
Song of a Dried Fish 43
A Song of Grief 44
A Pair of Peacocks Southeast Fly 44
Nineteen Old Poems 60
Ⅰ 60
Ⅱ 61
Ⅲ 61
Ⅳ 62
Ⅴ 63
Ⅵ 64
Ⅶ 64
Ⅷ 65
Ⅸ 66
Ⅹ 66
Ⅺ 67
白头吟 240
蜨蝶行 241
乌生八九子 241
枯鱼过河泣 242
悲歌 242
孔雀东南飞 242
古诗十九首 252
行行重行行 252
青青河畔草 253
青青陵上柏 253
今日良宴会 254
西北有高楼 254
涉江采芙蓉 255
明月皎夜光 255
冉冉孤生竹 256
庭中有奇树 256
迢迢牵牛星 257
回车驾言迈 257
Ⅻ 67
ⅩⅢ 69
ⅩⅣ 70
ⅩⅤ 70
ⅩⅥ 71
ⅩⅦ 72
ⅩⅧ 73
ⅩⅨ 73
The Old Wife and the New 74
I Stroll out of the East Gate 75
Homecoming After War 76
Cai Yan 77
The Lamentations 77
Cao Cao 82
Graveyard Song 82
A Short Song 83
Song of the Cold Endured 84
The Sea 86
东城高且长 258
驱车上东门 258
去者日以疏 259
生年不满百 259
凛凛岁云暮 260
孟冬寒气至 260
客从远方来 261
明月何皎皎 261
上山采蘼芜 261
步出城东门 262
十五从军征 262
蔡琰 263
悲愤诗 263
曹操 266
蒿里行 266
短歌行 266
苦寒行 267
观沧海 268
Indomitable Soul 87
Wang Can 88
Seven Sorrows(Ⅰ) 88
Seven Sorrows(Ⅱ) 89
Joining the Army 90
Chen Lin 91
I Water My Steed 91
Liu Zhen 92
The Pine—To My Cousin 92
Xu Gan 93
A Wife's Thoughts 93
Po Qin 93
A Woman's Love 93
Cao Pi 97
Song of a Lonely Wife 97
The Lotus Pond 98
Nostalgia 99
A Roamer's Song 100
龟虽寿 269
王粲 269
七哀诗 269
七哀诗(其二) 270
从军行 271
陈琳 272
饮马长城窟行 272
刘桢 273
赠从弟 273
徐幹 273
室思 273
繁钦 274
定情诗 274
曹丕 276
燕歌行 276
芙蓉池作 276
杂诗一 277
二 277
Cao Zhi 100
Oh,Tumbleweed 100
Song of the Harp 102
An Oriole in the Field 103
Song of the Capital 104
Song of a Beauty 105
Song of the White Horse 107
Song to the Prince of White Horse 109
Parting with Ying at Luoyang 113
Seven Poems(Ⅳ) 114
Lament 115
Written While Taking Seven Paces 116
Ji Kang 116
To My Brother Giving up the Pen for the Sword(Ⅸ) 116
Ruan Ji 116
Reflections Ⅰ 116
曹植 278
吁嗟篇 278
箜篌引 278
野田黄雀行 279
名都篇 279
美女篇 280
白马篇 282
赠白马王彪 283
送应氏 285
杂诗(其四) 286
七哀 286
七步诗 287
嵇康 287
赠兄秀才入军(其九) 287
阮籍 288
咏怀诗(其一) 288
Ⅲ 117
Fu Xuan 118
The Carriages Roll 118
Zhang Hua 118
Love Poem Ⅲ 118
Ⅴ 119
Pan Yue 119
Elegy on My Wife 119
Shi Chong 121
Song of the Bright Lady 121
Lu Ji 123
On My Way to Luoyang 123
Zuo Si 124
On History Ⅰ 124
Ⅱ 125
Zhang Han 126
Thinking of the Eastern Stream 126
咏怀诗(其三) 288
傅玄 289
车遥遥篇 289
张华 289
情诗(其三) 289
情诗(其五) 290
潘岳 290
悼亡诗 290
石崇 291
王明君辞 291
陆机 292
赴洛道中作 292
左思 293
咏史八首(其一) 293
咏史八首(其二) 293
张翰 294
思吴江歌 294
Zhang Zai 126
Song of Seven Sorrows 126
Su Boyu's Wife 128
Letter to Su Boyu 128
Liu Kun 130
Riding the Wind 130
Guo Pu 132
Song of Immortals 132
Wang Xizhi 133
In Orchid Pavilion 133
Xie An,Xia Lang,Xie Daoyun Snow 133
Gu Kaizhi 134
Spirit of the Four Seasons 134
Tao Qian 134
Spring Excursion 134
A Trip to the Slanting Stream 137
A Southern Complaint 138
张载 294
七哀诗(其一) 294
苏伯玉妻 295
盘中诗 295
刘琨 296
扶风歌 296
郭璞 297
游仙诗 297
王羲之 297
兰亭诗(其三) 297
谢安,谢朗,谢道韫 298
咏雪联句 298
顾恺之 298
神情诗 298
陶潜 299
时运 299
游斜川 300
怨诗楚调示庞主簿邓治中 301
Reply to Pang 139
Written on the 1st Day of the 5th Moon 140
In Reply to Liu of Chaisang 141
Reply to Liu,Prefect of Chaisang 142
In Replyto Secretary GuoⅠ.Summer 143
Ⅱ.Autumn 144
For My Cousin Jingyuan 145
On My River Journey 146
Qian Stream Revisited 147
Home-going-and-coming Song 148
Body,Shadow and SpiritⅠ.Body to Shadow 151
Ⅱ.Shadow to Body 152
Ⅲ.Spirit 152
答庞参军 301
五月旦作和戴主簿 302
和刘柴桑 303
酬刘柴桑 304
和郭主簿 304
其一 304
其二 305
癸卯岁十二月中作与从弟敬远 305
始作镇军参军经曲阿作 306
乙巳岁三月为建威参军使都经钱溪 306
归去来兮辞 307
形影神 309
形赠影 309
影答形 309
神释 310
Written at Leisure on Double Ninth Day 154
Return to Nature Ⅰ 155
Ⅱ 156
Ⅲ 156
Ⅳ 157
Ⅴ 157
Begging for Food 159
Drinking Alone on Rainy Nights 160
Moving House 161
My Cottage Caught Fire in Mid-Summer(AD.408) 162
Drinking Wine Ⅰ 163
Ⅳ 164
Ⅴ 165
Ⅶ 166
Ⅷ 166
Ⅸ 167
Ⅹ 168
九日闲居 309
归园田居其一 311
其二 312
其三 312
其四 312
其五 313
乞食 313
连雨独饮 314
移居 314
戊申岁六月中遇火 315
饮酒一 316
四 316
五 317
七 317
八 317
九 318
十 318
Ⅷ 168
ⅩⅣ 169
ⅩⅥ 170
ⅩⅦ 171
ⅩⅨ 172
ⅩⅩ 173
Abstinence 174
Blaming Sons 175
Old-styled Verse(Ⅳ) 176
Miscellaneous Poems Ⅰ 177
Ⅱ 178
Ⅲ 179
Ⅳ 179
Ⅴ 180
Ⅵ 181
Ⅶ 181
Ⅷ 182
A Poor Scholar 183
十三 318
十四 319
十六 319
十七 320
十九 320
二十 321
止酒 321
责子 322
拟古(其四) 322
杂诗一 323
二 324
三 324
四 324
五 325
六 325
、 326
七 326
八 326
咏贫士 327
Reading the Book of Mountains and Seas 184
An Elegy for Myself 185
Xie Lingyun 186
Passing My Ancestral Estate 186
Out of West Archery Hall at Dusk 187
On Poolside Tower 188
A Lonely Islet in the River 189
Mount Stone Drum 190
Written on the Lake,Returning from Stone Cliff 191
Journey Across the Mountain and Along the Brook 192
Passing the Pavilion on Sandy Shore 193
Passing a Night on Mount Stone Gate 194
Entering Pengli Lake 195
The Year's End 196
读《山海经》 327
拟挽歌辞 328
谢灵运 328
过始宁墅 328
晚出西射堂 329
登池上楼 329
登江中孤屿 330
登上戍石鼓山 331
石壁精舍还湖中作 331
从斤竹涧越岭溪行 332
过白岸亭 333
石门岩上宿 333
入彭蠡湖口 334
岁暮 334
Exchange of Verseon the StreamⅠ.Young Man 196
Ⅱ.Maiden 196
Bao Zhao 197
Song of Northern Frontier 197
Hard Is the Way(Ⅳ) 198
The Mume Blossoms 198
Farewell to Secretary Fu 199
Xie Tiao 200
Grief of a Lonely Palace Maid 200
A Longing Wife 200
Excursion on Eastern Fields 201
River Journey from the West to the Capital 202
Gazing at Dusk on the Capital from the Three Peaks 203
东阳溪中赠答二首 335
一 335
二 335
鲍照 335
代出自蓟北门行 335
拟行路难(其四) 336
梅花落 336
赠傅都曹别 336
谢朓 337
玉阶怨 337
王孙游 337
游东田 337
暂使下都夜发新林至京邑赠西府同僚 338
晚登三山还望京邑 338
Xiao Yan 204
Midnight Songs 204
Ⅰ.A Songstress 204
Ⅱ.A Beauty 204
Song of the Southern Shore 205
Fan Yur 205
Moored at New Tower 205
Farewell Town 206
Jiang Yan 206
After Parting 206
Shen Yue 207
On the Height 207
Night After Night 207
Wild Geese on the Lake 208
Lament for Xie Tiao 208
Six Recollections 209
Ⅰ.She Came in Beauty 209
Ⅱ.She Sat in Beauty 209
萧衍 339
子夜歌二首 339
一 339
二 339
江南弄 339
范云 340
之零陵郡次新亭 340
别诗 340
江淹 340
古离别 340
沈约 341
临高台 341
夜夜曲 341
咏湖中雁 341
伤谢朓 342
六忆诗四首 342
一 342
二 342
Ⅲ.She Ate in Beauty 209
Ⅳ.She Slept in Beauty 210
Liu Yun 211
A Southern Song 211
He Xun 212
Reply to Fan Yun 212
At Parting 212
Wu Jun 213
Song of Spring 213
Wang Ji 213
On River Yoya 213
Yin Keng 214
Crossing Green Grass Lake 214
Leaving New Tower at Dusk 214
Chen Shubao 215
Blooming Jade Trees in the Backyard 215
二 343
四 343
柳恽 343
江南曲 343
何逊 344
酬范记室云 344
相送 344
吴均 344
春咏 344
王籍 345
入若耶溪 345
阴铿 345
渡青草湖 345
晚出新亭 346
陈叔宝 347
玉树后庭花 347
Xu Ling 215
The Moon over the Mountain Pass 215
Wei Ding 216
On Hearing a Blackbird in the North 216
Wang Bao 216
Crossing the Yellow River to the North 216
Seeing a Friend off South 217
Yu Xin 217
Reflections 217
The Moon Viewed from the Boat 218
Parting Again with Secretary Zhou 218
Yang Guang 219
The River on a Moonlit Night in Blooming Spring 219
A FieldView 219
徐陵 347
关山月 347
韦鼎 347
长安听百舌 347
王褒 348
渡河北 348
入关故人别 348
庾信 348
拟咏怀诗(其二十六) 348
舟中望月 349
重别周尚书 349
杨广 349
春江花月夜 349
野望 349
Folk Songs of Northern and Southern DynastiesMidnight Song 220
Spring Song 220
Summer Song 220
Autumn Song 220
Winter Song 221
Song of the Western Islet 221
Song of Mulan 223
A Shepherd's Song 226
Theory on Literary Translation of the Chinese School 355
南北朝民歌 350
子夜歌 350
子夜四时歌春歌 350
子夜四时歌夏歌 350
子夜四时歌秋歌 350
子夜四时歌冬歌 350
西洲曲 351
木兰诗 352
敕勒歌 353
代后记 359
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