新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材 英语专业写作 4 学生用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王星主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787544631877
- 页数:193 页
Unit 1 Research and Writing 3
1. Defining academic writing 3
2. Major types of research 4
3. Major features of academic writing 5
Unit 2 Choosing a Topic 13
1. Criteria of good topics 13
2. Major sources of research topics 15
3. Suggested steps for choosing a topic 16
Unit 3 Reviewing Related Literature 19
1. Locating the sources of related literature 19
2. Searching strateg ies 21
3. Evaluating materials 22
Unit 4 Style and Mechanics 26
1. Academic writing style 26
2. Language focus: citation and tenses 28
3. Tips on mechanics 29
Unit 5 Documentation 32
1. Purpose of documentation 32
2. Major formats and styles of documentation 33
3. Examples of citing and listing sources 35
Unit 1 Major Elements of Research Papers 43
1. Understanding library research 43
2. Major approaches of research papers 44
3. Major components of research papers 45
Unit 2 Formulating a Thesis Statement 55
1. Function of a thesis statement 55
2. Basic requirements for a thesis statement 56
3. Tips on writing a thesis statement 57
Unit3 Drafting and Revising the Research Paper 61
1. Structure and the writing process 61
2. Revising for unity and coherence 65
3. Editing for clarity and style 65
Unit 4 Writing the Abstract 68
1. Features and elements of the abstract 68
2. Tips on writing the abstract 69
3. Checklist for a good abstract 70
Unit 5 Tips on Good Writing 74
1. Respect your ideas 74
2. Write it with style 75
3. Avoid common grammatical errors 77
Unit 1 Major Elements of Research Reports 87
1. Understanding the research process 87
2. Major components of research reports 88
3. Major features of research reports 90
Unit 2 Writing an Introduction 98
1. Major components of introductions 98
2. Different ways of starting introductions 99
3. Tips on writing introductions 102
Unit 3 Describing the Investigation 104
1. Major components of describing the investigation 104
2. Tips on describing the investigation 106
3. Samples of research descriptions 107
Unit 4 Using Graphics 111
1. Purpose of using graphics 111
2. Major types of graphics 112
3. Samples of using graphics 114
Unit 5 Reporting Results and Discussion 117
1. Major components of reporting results 117
2. Writing the discussion of results 118
3. Writing the conclusion 120
Unit 1 Major Elements of a Graduation Thesis 127
1. Major purposes of a graduation thesis 127
2. Major types of a graduation thesis 128
3. Major components of a graduation thesis 128
Unit 2 Writing About Literature and Translation Studies 136
1. Choosing a topic and finding an approach 136
2. Tips on writing about literature 139
3. Tips on writing about translation studies 141
Unit 3 Writing About Linguistics and Language Teaching 142
1. Choosing a topic and finding an approach 142
2. Major topics of language studies 145
3. Major topics of language teaching 146
Unit 4 Constructing an Outline 147
1. Types of outlines 147
2. Formats of outlines 149
3. Organizing ideas and writing the outline 151
Unit 5 Drafting and Revising a Graduation Thesis 155
1. Structure and style of a graduation thesis 155
2. Macro-revision of content and organization 160
3. Micro-revision of language and mechanics 161
Appendix Ⅰ Eye Contact in the ELT Classroom of Chinese EFL Students 163
Appendix Ⅱ The Evasion Episode of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn— A Reasonable Ending 182
Bibliography 193
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