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现代酒店服务英语  第2版
现代酒店服务英语  第2版

现代酒店服务英语 第2版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:胡扬政编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787302293118
  • 页数:313 页
《现代酒店服务英语 第2版》目录

前台服务 4

服务技能1入住登记 4

Service Conversation 1You Are Our Guests 5

Service Conversation 2Registering a Group That Has a Reservation 6

服务技能2处理投诉和回应客人要求 12

Service Conversation 3Our Housemaid Will Bring Them to Your Room Soon 12

Service Conversation 4We Do Apologize for the Inconvenience 13

客房预订部服务 21

服务技能3客房预订 21

Service Conversation 5Accepting a Reservation 22

Service Conversation 6Recommending Other Hotels 22

服务技能4预订变更 29

Service Conversation 7Changing a Reservation 29

Service Conversation 8Canceling a Reservation for the Guest 30

礼宾部服务 37

服务技能5行李服务 37

Service Conversation 9Welcome to the Great Wall Hotel 38

Service Conversation 10Is It Charged or Free 39

服务技能6车辆预订服务 44

Service Conversation 11Calling a Taxi at the Hotel Gate 44

Service Conversation 12Car Reservation at the Concierge Desk 45

收银台服务 54

服务技能7外币兑换 54

Service Conversation 13Changing US Dollars into Chinese yuan 54

Service Conversation 14Changing at the Airport Exchange Office 55

服务技能8结账退宿 61

Service Conversation 15Checking Out in Cash 61

Service Conversation 16Checking Out by Credit Card 62

服务技能9解决账单问题 69

Service Conversation 17Explaining the Bill 69

Service Conversation 18Here Is the Money You’ve Overpaid 70

总机服务 77

服务技能10转接电话 77

Service Conversation 19Outgoing Calls 77

Service Conversation 20Incoming Calls 78

服务技能11其他服务 84

Service Conversation 21The Wake-up Call 85

Service Conversation 22Leaving the Message 85

客房服务 94

服务技能12客房服务 94

Service Conversation 23May I Do the Room Now 95

Service Conversation 24What Time Would You Like Me to Come Back 95

服务技能13客房送餐服务 100

Service Conversation 25Your Order will Arrive in 15 Minutes 100

Service Conversation 26Here Is Your Chinese Breakfast 101

服务技能14维修服务 106

Service Conversation 27The Repairman will Come to Your Room Soon 106

Service Conversation 28Repairing the Facilities in the Bathroom 107

餐厅服务 115

服务技能15 餐厅预订 115

Service Conversation 29Reserving a Table on Valentine’s Day 115

Service Conversation 30Book a Table by the Window 116

服务技能16餐厅迎客服务 124

Service Conversation 31Arranging One Table for the Non-reserved Guest 124

Service Conversation 32Arranging One Table for the Reserved Guest 125

服务技能17点菜服务 129

Service Conversation 33Can You Recommend Some Chinese Food 129

Service Conversation 34The Chinese Cuisine Is Divided into Eight Styles 130

服务技能18上菜服务与席间服务 136

Service Conversation 35Serving the Guest During the Meal 136

服务技能19结账 139

Service Conversation 36I Forgot to Bring My Wallet with Me 139

Service Conversation 37Do You Accept Credit Card 140

酒吧服务 147

服务技能20常规服务 147

Service Conversation 38Serving Drinks 147

服务技能21处理投诉和醉酒客人 155

Service Conversation 39I Am Not Happy with the Steak 155

Service Conversation 40A Drunken Guest 156

商务中心服务(一) 164

服务技能22文秘服务 164

Service Conversation 41Having the Meeting Material Copied 164

Service Conversation 42Typing of the Material 165

服务技能23收发传真服务 172

Service Conversation 43Receiving a Fax 172

Service Conversation44Sending a Fax 173

商务中心服务(二) 180

服务技能24票务服务 180

Service Conversation 45Booking a Train Ticket 180

Service Conversation 46Booking an Air Ticket 181

服务技能25委托代办服务 188

Service Conversation 47Renting Equipment 188

Service Conversation 48Postal Expressing 189

康体中心服务 198

服务技能26康体服务 198

Service Conversation 49Serving Basketball 198

Service Conversation 50Serving Bowling 200

服务技能27洗浴服务 207

Service Conversation 51Serving Sauna 208

Service Conversation 52Serving Swimming 209

服务技能28娱乐服务 218

Service Conversation 53Serving Ballroom 218

Service Conversation 54Serving Net Bar 220

会展中心服务 230

服务技能29会议服务 230

Service Conversation 55Reserving the Conference on the Phone 231

Service Conversation 56Discussing the Service Details 232

服务技能30展览服务 239

Service Conversation 57Reserving an Exhibition 240

Service Conversation 58We’re in an Urgent Need of Your Help 241

商场部服务 249

服务技能31为客人推荐商品 249

Service Conversation 59Shopping at the Jewelry and Crafts Shop 249

Service Conversation 60Shopping at the Textile and Knitwear Shop 250

服务技能32展示商品供客人挑选 257

Service Conversation 61Shopping at the Chinese Arts and Stationery Shop 257

Service Conversation 62Shopping at the Chinese Tea Counter 258

其他服务 268

服务技能33失物招领服务 268

Service Conversation 63Don’t Worry, Sir 268

Service Conversation 64Claiming My Ring 269

服务技能34寄存服务 274

Service Conversation 65Luggage Depositing 274

Service Conversation 66Safe-Deposit Box 275

服务技能35旅游信息服务 279

Service Conversation 67Showing the Way 279

Service Conversation 68Booking a Tour 280

服务技能36托婴服务 285

Service Conversation 69Baby-sitting Service 285

练习答案 290

参考文献 313
