

- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈瑞华编著
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆国际有限公
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787517600305
- 页数:249 页
A 1
a fastest 1
a old man 1
examination was abolished 3
talking above 3
accidentally/luckily to meet somebody 5
according to 5
action 6
addicts drug 7
somebody's advantage 7
no affect 9
afford somebody 9
do not afraid to... 10
after 11
everybody against it 12
ageless parents 13
air out 14
all ready 14
altogether 15
alone 16
the alphabet "r" 16
also... 17
although...,but... 18
any 18
any way 19
aparted 20
appointment with my girl friend 21
appreciate the moon 22
arrest someone to the police station 22
as like as 23
assure 24
attend/notice someone 24
audiences 25
did not aware 26
B 27
baseline 27
the dog beat somebody 28
beat down the other team 28
because the rain 29
Before,... 30
begin/become cold 31
besides 32
my illness has become better 33
his body became black 33
black eyes/hair 34
black society 34
bodies 35
body check 36
healthy body 36
to book a magazine 37
book a hotel 37
bore a baby 38
both...not... 39
breadfast 40
build up/set our tent 40
burn the fuse 41
busy hours 41
buy things 42
C 43
called 43
your calling 44
wild camp 44
care 45
career disease 46
careless 46
carry...to 47
artistic cell 48
no charge 48
the goods are cheap 49
Chinese doctor 50
citizen 50
cloth 51
your coming 51
commit/offend the law 52
compare/contrast 52
complaint 53
condensed traffic 53
congratulate each other 54
contact 54
contempt him 55
I am very convenient 56
cook food 57
corrupt 57
cover/uncover my gift 59
crash 59
crime 60
get criticized 61
crowdy 62
cured by a doctor 63
D 64
you are dangerous 64
deadly fish 64
declare a typhoon 65
our eyesight will be destroyed 66
the doctor diagnose me 66
different/indifferent 67
difficult to... 67
difficultly 68
divide the letters 68
do exercises 69
do not 69
do wrong 70
double-floor 71
look at...doubtly 71
dress 72
driving fast car 72
E 73
easy to cry 73
economic 73
economic source 74
electrical supply 75
did not employ somebody 75
end of illness 76
enjoy to... 76
was enjoyed 77
voters must enrol 77
entertainment 78
electrical equipment 78
error 79
escaping lesson 79
even... 80
everybodies... 81
every day 82
an example of the food 82
lwas very excited 83
exercise 83
is existed 84
existence... 84
extravagant 85
F 86
was fallen down 86
false leather 87
famous name 88
famous people 89
fashion shop 89
favour 90
favourable 90
felt asleep 91
fight 91
find something 92
tears flew from her eyes 94
flower car 94
cook a lot of food 95
Cantonese,French,etc.food 96
frighten 96
fulied of/fill with 97
funny 97
funny film 98
G 99
get the dream 99
ghost house 99
give out 100
glorious 100
go(away) 100
go(to home) 101
go(to a place) 102
go with 102
good-looking 103
good to eat 103
H 104
typhoon signal is hung up 104
happen accidents 104
hardly 105
hatred 106
have better 106
have something 107
healthy foods 108
historical 109
many homeworks 110
I was hopeless 110
how to do 111
I 112
imaginative 112
improve(problem) 112
the nurse injects me 113
incident 114
indoor/indoors 114
insert a knife 115
instead(of) 115
intolerable 117
invite us to a dinner 118
its 119
J 120
jealoused by classmates 120
joint hands 121
join the sports meet 121
jointed the club 122
joke 123
jumped up to a pavement 124
K 125
keep in class 125
keep thin 125
a kind father 126
L 127
was lack 127
late 128
later 128
launch 129
lead us to a picnic 129
learn knowledge 130
learn 131
lessen the problem 131
lesson of this story 132
let to 132
like my father 133
list out 133
litter 134
live 135
look down people 135
lose 136
losted interest 137
he is loving a girl 138
loving 138
lucky day 139
M 140
made 140
many machineries 140
many population 141
keep the marks 141
marry with 142
master of the dinner 143
master 143
master of a corporation 144
master of a program 144
at midnight 145
mid-night meal 145
mind to 146
more better 147
murmur 147
N 148
naughty students 148
I am necessary... 148
a news 149
ninety percent discount 150
recognize his noise 150
O 152
officer 152
official 152
official hour 153
one of the boy 154
open the light 154
oppositely,... 155
others matters 155
out of air 157
outlook 157
outside activity 158
P 159
my wound is paining 159
a pale face 160
park at the pier 161
pasted a church 161
time passes 162
my father pays me 163
crowded with peoples 163
system is not perfect 164
place 165
police 166
to swim 10 pools 166
popular disease 167
have a possibility 168
possible 168
pour some wine 169
no power to lift 169
preventing thing 170
principle 170
not printed anymore 171
program 171
promise 172
start propaganda 173
protest somebody 174
proudful 175
push down people 176
put on seatbelt 176
R 178
raw steak 178
read 178
receive his advice 179
recognize many friends 180
record film 180
recover illness 181
his face turned to red 181
red pocket 182
regret 182
remain 183
remember 184
remember(people & event) 185
a respectable student 186
response to 186
rise 188
the house had been robbed 189
S 191
sacred/holy vote 191
save money in the bank 191
save fire 192
save guards 193
saw her cried 193
the scenes are beautiful 194
send letters 195
sensible 195
serious winter 196
set down/take down 197
sexy/yellow topics 198
very shameful 198
take a ship 199
shouting/sayings words 200
show out 200
ask for signature 201
silent night 202
sing song 202
situate 203
skin colour 203
sky is raining 204
small thing 204
social with 205
sociable 205
national song 206
space time 206
speak for the truth 207
speech 207
spiritual support 208
sports spirit 209
step into society 209
stop the habit 210
stop to 211
stopping effect 212
street walkers 212
successed in landing 213
before somebody success 214
suicided 215
T 216
talk about 216
talk love 216
chocolate taste 217
tasteful 217
temptate 218
working tension 219
tent(n) 219
terrific 220
testbook 220
that 221
there are somebody wait... 222
there have 223
thin body 224
think 224
I can't think 225
this/these 226
this day morning 227
thorough 227
will touch somebody 228
tour group 229
transport tools 229
traveling places 230
U 231
unbalanced 231
I feel uncomfortable 231
Undoubtly,... 232
It is uneasy to solve... 232
I am very unforgettable 233
union dinner 234
the air is untidy 234
updated 235
V 236
I very love... 236
very sad that 236
vocabularies 237
voice out 237
W 239
waste money 239
watch the TV 239
waves are high 240
the most welcomed singer 241
welfares 241
win some body 242
he is so wise 243
I wish I will... 244
a work 245
worsen your memory 245
worship our ancestors 246
this car worths... 247
write letters 248
my wrong 248
wrong way 249
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