白蛇传 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨孝明编译
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787513539425
- 页数:255 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction 1
1.Two sources of the legendary snake 1
2.A cultural interpretation of snake-female correlation 4
Chapter Ⅱ Prototype of the Story 8
1.Four phases of development in plot and the character of the White Snake 9
2.The development of other major characters 27
Chapter Ⅲ Theatrical Performances of the Legend 44
1.Theatrical performances of Beijing and regional operas 46
2.Critiques of the theatrical performances 60
3.Stage performances of the Beijing opera of The White Snake drama 88
4.The proliferation of the Snake drama overseas 104
Chapter Ⅳ Terms and Historical Anecdotes of the Opera 110
Script of the Opera 119
Endnotes 194
Beijing Opera ABC 203
Works Consulted and Cited 254
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- 《轻歌剧 咏叹调精选 周文楠编译作品集》周文楠编译 2018
- 《编译原理及编译程序构造 第3版》云挺 2019
- 《编译原理与实践》鲁斌主编 2020
- 《ALGOL60编译方法 (下册)》金成植 1983
- 《C语言程序设计教程》张岗亭,李立,梁宏倩编著 2013
- 《希腊罗马神话与传说中的恋爱故事 大字版》郑振铎编著 2013
- 《李鸿章传》梁启超著;李安安编译 2013
- 《记录时代原声》周海燕等编著 2012
- 《梁实秋散文集》梁实秋著 2008