新课标教案英语 八年级 上 RPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张丹,牛改萍本册主编
- 出 版 社:延吉:延边教育出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7543760813
- 页数:137 页
Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 1
单元整体教案 1
Period 1:Section A 1a-2d 2
Period 2:Section A 3a-3c(含Grammar Focus) 5
Period 3:Section B 1a-2e 9
Period 4:Section B 3a-4(含Self Check) 13
Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 16
单元整体教案 16
Period 1:Section A 1a-2d 17
Period 2:Section A 3a-3c(含Grammar Focus) 19
Period 3:Section B 1a-1e 22
Period 4:Section B 2a-2e 24
Period 5:Section B 3a-4(含Self Check) 27
Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 29
单元整体教案 29
Period 1:Section A 1a-2d 30
Period 2:Section A 3a-3c(含Grammar Focus) 33
Period 3:Section B 1a-2e 36
Period 4:Section B 3a-4(含Self Check) 39
Unit 4 What's the best movie theater? 41
单元整体教案 41
Period 1:Section A 1a-2d 42
Period 2:Section A 3a-3c(含Grammar Focus) 45
Period 3:Section B 1a-2e 48
Period 4:3a-4(含Self Check) 51
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 54
单元整体教案 54
Period 1:Section A 1a-2d 55
Period 2:Section A 3a-3c(含Grammar Focus) 59
Period 3:Section B 1a-2e 61
Period 4:Section B 3a-4(含Self Check) 65
Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science. 68
单元整体教案 68
Period 1:Section A 1a-2d 69
Period 2:Section A 3a-3c(含Grammar Focus) 72
Period 3:Section B 1a-2e 76
Period 4:Section B 3a-4(含Self Check) 80
Unit 7 Will people have robots? 84
单元整体教案 84
Period 1:Section A 1a-2d 85
Period 2:Section A 3a-3c(含Grammar Focus) 89
Period 3:Section B 1a-2e 91
Period 4:Section B 3a-4(含Self Check) 97
Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 100
单元整体教案 100
Period 1:Section A 1a-2d 101
Period 2:Section A 3a-3c(含Grammar Focus) 104
Period 3:Section B 1a-1e 106
Period 4:Section B 2a-2e 108
Period 5:Section B 3a-4(含Self Check) 110
Unit 9 Can you come to my party? 113
单元整体教案 113
Period 1:Section A 1a-2d 114
Period 2:Section A 3a-3c(含Grammar Focus) 117
Period 3:Section B 1a-2e 119
Period 4:Section B 3a-4(含Self Check) 121
Unit 10 If you go to the party,you'll have a great time! 123
单元整体教案 123
Period 1:Section A 1a-2d 124
Period 2:Section A 3a-3c(含Grammar Focus) 128
Period 3:Section B 1a-2e 131
Period 4:Section B 3a-4(含Self Check) 135
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