- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:林正军著
- 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7560275772
- 页数:286 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
1.1 Overview 3
1.2 Research Questions and Hypotheses 4
1.3 Methodology 6
1.4 Procedure and Layout of the Study 7
1.5 Significances of the Study 9
1.6 Summary 9
Chapter 2 Literature Review 13
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Previous Researches on English Perception Verbs 14
2.2.1 Traditional Research on English Perception Verbs 15
2.2.2 Quirk et al.'s Research on English Perception Verbs 17
2.2.3 Syntactic Study of English Perception Verbs 18
2.2.4 Relevant Research on English Perception Verbs by Halliday 19
2.2.5 Comments on Previous Research on English Perception Verbs 20
2.3 Previous Study of Polysemy 21
2.3.1 Definition of Polysemy 21
2.3.2 Relationship between Senses of One Word Form 22
2.3.3 Discrimination of Polysemy and Homonymy 23
2.3.4 Research of Different Schools on Polysemy 24
2.4 Cognitive Research on the Polysemy of English Perception Verbs 35
2.4.1 The Mind-as-Body Metaphor 35
2.4.2 Sense-perception Verbs in English 36
2.4.3 Comments on Sweestser's Study of the Polysemy of Perception Verbs 38
2.5 The Objectives of This Book 38
2.6 Summary 40
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework of This Study 43
3.1 Introduction 43
3.2 Cognitive Realization of Lexical Meaning 44
3.2.1 Experience,Concept and Language 44
3.2.2 Cognitive Semantics:Domain and Image 46
3.3 Polysemization 51
3.3.1 Category of Polyseme Senses 51
3.3.2 Polysemy:Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives 55
3.3.3 Cognitive Processes in Polysemization 60
3.4 Motivation of Sense Derivation and Activation:Context 68
3.4.1 Context:A Functional Perspective 69
3.4.2 Context:A Cognitive Perspective 75
3.4.3 Cognitive Context Within Functional Context 82
3.4.4 Functions of Context in Sense Derivation and Activation 84
3.5 Summary 85
Chapter 4 Perceptual Images and Sense Categorization of Perception Verbs 89
4.1 Introduction 89
4.2 Perception 89
4.3 Perception Schema 91
4.3.1 Sensory Path 91
4.3.2 Elements of Perception 92
4.4 Realization of Perception Verbs to Perception Images 95
4.4.1 Perception Schema 95
4.4.2 Perception Images 96
4.5 Images Realized by Perception Verbs 97
4.6 Sense Discrimination of English Perception Verbs 99
4.7 Summary 103
Chapter 5 Polysemization of English Perception Verbs 107
5.1 Introduction 107
5.2 Focus 108
5.3 Rationale 109
5.3.1 Sense Extensions across Domains 109
5.3.2 Sense Extensions within Sensory Domain 110
5.4 Method 111
5.4.1 Materials 111
5.4.2 Procedure 112
5.5 Polysemization and Sense Relation of English Perception Verbs 113
5.5.1 Polysemization and Sense Relation of See 114
5.5.2 Polysemization and Sense Relation of Hear 121
5.5.3 Polysemization and Sense Relation of Smell 126
5.5.4 Polysemization and Sense Relation of Taste 131
5.5.5 Polysemization and Sense Relation of Feel 137
5.6 Results and Discussion 141
5.6.1 Distributions of Senses 141
5.6.2 Cognitive Processes in Polysemization 143
5.7 Conclusion 143
Chapter 6 Motivations of Sense Extensions of English Perception Verbs 147
6.1 Introduction 147
6.2 Focus 147
6.3 Rationale:Motivations of Polysemization 148
6.3.1 Cognitive Motivation of Polysemization 148
6.3.2 Social Motivation of Polysemization 149
6.3.3 Contextual Motivation of Polysemization 151
6.3.4 Sense Extensions of English Perception Verbs with Contexts 153
6.4 Method 155
6.5 Motivations of Sense Extensions from Sensory to Mental domain 156
6.5.1 See:from Sensory to Mental Sense 156
6.5.2 Hear:from Sensory to Mental Sense 162
6.5.3 Smell:from Sensory to Mental Sense 165
6.5.4 Taste:from Sensory to Mental Sense 169
6.5.5 Feel:from Sensory to Mental Sense 172
6.6 Motivations of Sense Extensions within Sensory Domain 175
6.6.1 See:from Sense of Result to Sense of Action 175
6.6.2 Hear:from Sense of Result to Sense of Action 178
6.6.3 Hear:from Sense of Result to Sense of Copula 179
6.6.4 Smell:from Sense of Result to Sense of Action 181
6.6.5 Smell:from Sense of Result to Sense of Copula 184
6.6.6 Taste:from Sense of Result to Sense of Action 186
6.6.7 Taste:From Sense of Result to Sense of Copula 188
6.6.8 Feel:From Sense of Action to Sense of Result 189
6.6.9 Feel:from Sense of Action to Sense of Copula 191
6.7 Conclusion 192
Chapter 7 Perceptual Sense Activation of English Perception Verbs 195
7.1 Introduction 195
7.2 Focus 195
7.3 Rationale 196
7.4 Method 197
7.4.1 Materials 197
7.4.2 Procedure 198
7.5 Sense Activation of Smell in Context 202
7.5.1 Activation of Sensory Sense of Result 202
7.5.2 Activation of Sensory Sense of Action 204
7.5.3 Activation of Mental Sense of Result 206
7.5.4 Activation of Sense of Copula 207
7.5.5 Activation of Mental Sense of Copula 216
7.6 Sense Activation of Taste in Context 219
7.6.1 Activation of Sensory Sense of Result 219
7.6.2 Activation of Mental Sense of Result 220
7.6.3 Activation of Sensory Sense of Action 222
7.6.4 Activation of Sensory Sense of Copula 224
7.6.5 Activation of Mental sense of Copula 229
7.7 Conclusion 230
Chapter 8 Conclusion 233
8.1 Main Findings 233
8.2 Contributions of the Research 236
8.3 Implications of this Research 238
References 240
Appendix 1 Raw Corpora 250
Appendix 2 Tagged Corpora 265
Appendix 3 Discriminated Corpora by Concordance 280
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