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英美国家社会与文化  英文版
英美国家社会与文化  英文版

英美国家社会与文化 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:董晓波主编;陈尚军,沈蒙副主编
  • 出 版 社:北京交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787512117228
  • 页数:350 页
《英美国家社会与文化 英文版》目录

Part One British Society and Culture 3

Chapter 1 History and Territory 3

Text Introduction to British Empire 3

Supplementary Reading The Development of the United Kingdom in Early 19th Century 13

Knowledge Expansion Battle of Waterloo 19

Chapter 2 System of Government and Political Parties 21

Text Introduction to British Government and Main Parties 21

Supplementary Reading Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ 32

Knowledge Expansion Parties and Politics 36

Chapter 3 Justice and Law 38

Text British Legal System 38

Supplementary Reading Supreme Court of the United Kingdom 46

Knowledge Expansion United Kingdom's Legislatures 51

Chapter 4 Economy 54

Text British Industries 54

Supplementary Reading John Maynard Keynes 63

Knowledge Expansion British National and Regional Variation 68

Chapter 5 Education 70

Text British Education System 70

Supplementary Reading Eton College 80

Knowledge Expansion British Top 10 Universities in 2010 84

Chapter 6 Healthcare 89

Text Healthcare in the United Kingdom 89

Supplementary Reading Emergency Medical Services in the United Kingdom 99

Knowledge Expansion Funding Healthcare System 104

Chapter 7 Press,Radio and Television 106

Text Introduction to British Media 106

Supplementary Reading Tabloid 114

Knowledge Expansion Top Ten World-Known Business Newspapers 115

Chapter 8 Literature and Poems 117

Text Development of British Literature and Poems 117

Supplementary Reading J.K.Rowling 126

Knowledge Expansion Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare 130

Chapter 9 Food and Drink 131

Text Delicious British Food and Drink 131

Supplementary Reading Changes in Eating Habits 139

Knowledge Expansion Ten Fun Facts You May not Know About British Food 140

Chapter 10 Customs and Etiquettes 142

Text Festivals and Customs 142

Supplementary Reading John Bull & Uncle Sam 151

Knowledge Expansion Pubs 153

Chapter 11 Religion and Beliefs 156

Text Anglicanism—the State Religion of Britain 156

Supplementary Reading Worldwide Distribution of Anglican Church 163

Knowledge Expansion Focus of Unity:The Archbishop of Canterbury 165

Chapter 12 Scenic Spots and Historical Sites 166

Text London:A Thrilling Place 166

Supplementary Reading London Eye 174

Knowledge Expansion Recommended Museums in London 175

Part Two American Society and Culture 183

Chapter 1 Origin and History 183

Text Birth and Development of United States of America 183

Supplementary Reading The Great Depression 192

Knowledge Expansion Nicknames for Some Cities in the U.S 195

Chapter 2 System of Government and Political Parties 197

Text American Government and Political Parties 197

Supplementary Reading Democratic versus Republican Perspectives 203

Knowledge Expansion Current U.S. Supreme Court Justices 207

Chapter 3 Economy 209

Text The Freedom of American Economy 209

Supplementary Reading Structure of Federal Reserve System 216

Knowledge Expansion New York Stock Exchange 220

Chapter 4 Literature 221

Text The Development of American Literature 221

Supplementary Reading Walt Whitman and His Works 229

Knowledge Expansion American Literary Awards 231

Chapter 5 Arts 233

Text Diversified Music and Dances in the United States 233

Supplementary Reading Golden Age of Hollywood 241

Knowledge Expansion Top 10 Broadway Musicals & Shows 244

Chapter 6 Science and Technology 245

Text Advanced Science and Technology of the United States 245

Supplementary Reading Silicon Valley 252

Knowledge Expansion Timeline of United States Inventions after 2000 254

Chapter 7 Sports and Recreation 258

Text My Super Bowl Journey:Jared Retkofsky 258

Supplementary Reading Why Do We Love Sports? 267

Knowledge Expansion The Most Popular American Spots Today 271

Chapter 8 Education 273

Text Ivy League Schools versus State Schools 273

Supplementary Reading Harvard Attempting to Put End to Final Exams 280

Knowledge Expansion President of U.S. and Their Education 282

Chapter 9 Traditional Holidays and Celebrations 285

Text Halloween 285

Supplementary Reading Valentine's Day 295

Knowledge Expansion American Holidays 298

Chapter 10 Religions and Faith 302

Text Freedom of Religion:Separating Church and State 302

Supplementary Reading A Brief Introduction to Nathaniel Hawthorne 313

Knowledge Expansion The Scarlet Letter 315

Chapter 11 Famous Sightseeing 318

Text A Tribute:Yellowstone National Park 318

Supplementary Reading In Hawaii,Thanksgiving Moves to the Beach 327

Knowledge Expansion Top Ten U.S. Travel Destinations 330

Chapter 12 American Black and Nationalities 333

Text Black Power & Black Pride 333

Supplementary Reading Michael Jackson's Black Experience 344

Knowledge Expansion THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION《解放黑奴宣言》 346

参考文献 349
