Changing Global Security and China s Response 国际安全新态势与中国外交新应付 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:曲星主编
- 出 版 社:北京:世界知识出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787501244775
- 页数:359 页
Part Ⅰ Chinese Diplomacy 3
Conducting Chinese Diplomacy Under New Circumstances Yang Jiechi 3
Achievements and Challenges of China's Diplomacy in 2012 Yin Chengde 14
Main Characteristics of the New-Type Power Relations and China's Policy Approaches Liu Youfa 40
Constructing a New Type of Major Countries'Relations Between China and the U.S. Zhang Tuosheng 60
New Characteristics of U.S.Hedging Strategy toward China Yu Xintian 78
Part Ⅱ International Security 101
Salient Features of the International Environment in 2012 Qu Xing 101
International Security Situation in 2012 and Its Impact on China yang Yi 129
The Impact of Neo-interventionism on the International Order Qian Wenrong 140
Roots and Influences of New Wave of Global Extremism and Terrorism Pan Guang 148
The U.S.Rebalancing to Asia and the Regional Security Wang Haihan 162
The Iranian Nuclear Issue in the Volatile Mid-East Situation Hua Liming 174
Part Ⅲ Regional Situation 189
The Trend of Turmoil in West Asia and North Africa and Its Implications An Huihou 189
The Ups and Downs of U.S.Strategy in the Middle East Liu Baolai 202
The Role of Africa:Change and Prospect Wan Lingying 218
Current Latin American Situation and Its Implications for China-Latin America Relations Jiang Shixue 239
2012:Year of Consensus for the European Union Feng Zhongping 258
EU Governance Crisis:Changes and Prospects Xing Hua 266
Part Ⅳ World Economy and Regional Integration 287
The Impact of the Debt ofAdvanced Economies on the Recovery of Global Economy Ding Yifan 287
Four Major Obstacles to World Economic Recovery Chen Dezhao&Zhuang Fang 292
African Economy:Highlight Amid World Economic Crisis Li Ansan 308
Asia-Pacific Regional Economic Cooperation and CJK Cooperation Jiang Yuechun 325
Prospects for U.S.Economic Recovery and Review of the QE3 Xiao Lian 345
Contributors 357
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