当代中国外交与国际关系 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:仇华飞著
- 出 版 社:北京:时事出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787802325685
- 页数:428 页
Introduction 1
Chapter One China and World 21
Historical Legacy and Worldview 22
Lean to One Side(1949—1959) 28
Revolutionary Self-Reliance(1960—1969) 34
Triangular Diplomacy(1970—1989) 37
Influence of ideology 39
Chapter Two China's Decision-Making Institutions 47
Government and Party Organizations 50
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 54
Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade 56
Ministry of National Defense 58
The Decision-Making Process 60
Chapter Three Five Principles and Peaceful Coexistence 67
The Bandung Conference 69
Fundamental Norms Guiding International Relations 73
Chapter Four China and International Organizations 79
The History of China in International Organizations 81
China and the United Nations 83
China's Role in the United Nations 86
Recent Events with Respect to Taiwan 92
China and WTO 99
Chapter Five China's Public Diplomacy 105
“People to People”Diplomacy 105
Public Diplomacy and China's Image in the World 105
The Significance of Public Diplomacy 111
Chapter Six Sino-Soviet Relationship 117
Sino-Soviet Split 119
From Split to Confrontation 128
Return to Normality 134
Views for the Sources of Sino-Soviet Conflict 141
Chapter Seven Sino-Russian Relationship 148
Sino-Russian Economic Relations 152
Issues for Sino-Russian Economic Relations 155
Russian-Chinese Military Cooperation 159
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization 167
Outlook on Russia-China Relations 177
Conclusion 183
Chapter Eight Sino-US Relationship 185
The Historical Background of Sino-US Relations 186
Sino-US Strategic Relations 198
Sino-US-EU Triangular Relations in the 21 st Century 205
Sino-US-Japan Strategic Triangular Relations 211
Taiwan Issue and the Sino-US Relations 218
Conclusion 223
Chapter Nine The Relations between China and Japan 227
Sino-Japanese Relations in the Cold War:Normalization and Strategic Structure 228
Sino-Japanese Economic Relations 239
China and Japan in the New Century 243
Sino-Japanese Relations:Comparative Studies 253
Conclusion 266
Chapter Ten Sino-EU Relationship 268
China's Relations with East and West Europe 269
Sino-EU Relations in Retrospect 273
Concurrent Situation of Sino-EU Relations 277
Main Features of Sino-EU Relations 283
Conclusion 289
Chapter Eleven China's Peaceful Rise and Its Foreign Policy 295
Globalization and China's Peaceful Rise 298
Cooperative Mechanism of Regional Security 305
The Recognition of Regional Culture 311
Nontraditional Security Issues 315
China vs ASEAN:Cooperative Diplomacy 321
ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreements 328
Future Outlook 331
Chapter Twelve China's Multilateral Diplomacy 336
China and Northeast Asia Security Dilemma 339
China and South Asia:Seeking Common Interests 346
China and Brazil:Strategic Relationship 350
China and Central Asia:Strategic Partnership 367
Chapter Thirteen Contemporary Sino-African Relations 371
Sino-African Relationships from Historical Perspective 373
Sino-African Relations from the Global Level 375
Sino-African Relations from the Nation Level 379
Sino-African Economic Relations 382
Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Aid China-Africa Cooperation:Opportunities and Challenges 389
Conclusion 395
Prospects:China's Position in International Order 397
Selected Bibliography 401
Index 416
List of Abbreviations 426
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