- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:冷柏军,罗欣主编
- 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:9787566318794
- 页数:492 页
The Effect of Data Quality on Decision-Making in Mobile Environments—A Framework for Experimental Research&Reinhard Bernsteiner,Peter Mirski 1
Determinants of Individuals’Location Information Disclosure on WeChat:Evidence from China&Si Chen,Bingjia Shao 10
Data Quality Assessment in Digital Labor Markets&Peter Mirski,Reinhard Bernsteiner 19
降价式拍卖中消费者重复购买的影响因素研究&王星 杨波 马茜 27
Node Targeting and Optimal Pricing for Word-of-Mouth Promotion in a Social Network&Lu Zhang,Yaodong Ni 42
Can Consumers Detect Deceptive Product Online?—An Analysis of Consumers’Anti-Deception Mechanisms for Product-related Deceptions&Siqi Chen,Shu Niu,Jie Jian 51
The Chinese Wav of Consumer Intention to Purchase in Social Commerce:The Role of Swift Guanxi&Jiabao Lin,Lei Li,Ofir Turel 60
The Empirical Study of the Relationship between User Experience and User Loyalty of O2O Platform based on TAM Model&Yilei Pei,Wanxin Xue,Yong Yang 70
Information Sharing and the Impacts of Shutdown Policy in a Supply Chain with Supply Chain Disruption Risk&Jiancai Wang,Yaoyu Wang 80
融合多种推荐策略的电子商务推荐系统架构研究&佟强 周曼 刘金羽 赵星秋 107
卖家信誉对买家购买决策的作用机理研究:绝对信用与相对信用&赵蕊 吴宏丽 徐青 116
The Role of Situational Moral Judgment and Deterrence on Information Security Policy Violation&Han Li,Xin (Robert)Luo 125
Study on the Agile Supply Chain Knowledge Service Network Structures Based on the Structural Holes Theory&Daoping Wang,Zhe Wang,Xiaojuan Sheng 130
正面在线评论对酒店预订意愿的影响——社会距离与调节定向的交互效应&万琦梦 华迎 142
The Sharing Economy:An Angel or a Demon?&Li Tian 151
Delivery Speed Impact on Customer Satisfaction of Online Takeout Service&Jing Wang,Xiangbin Yan 161
Value of Incentivized EWOM:Influences ot Content Characteristics and Consumer Engagement Behaviors&Xiaorong Wang,Xin(Robert)Luo,Lifang Peng,Dan Ke 165
BDM-NBI:A Parallel Recommendation Algorithm with Spark&Hao Huang,Qiang Tong,Qing Lei 177
基于Lotka-Volterra的网络欺诈双边扩散模型&陈思祁 张英培 蹇洁 186
Peer Influence on User Recommendation in Mobile Social Network&Xin Lu,Kai Li,Jianyuan Yan 195
Exploring the Effects of Emotions on Funding Dynamics in Reward-based Crowdfunding&Haichao Zheng,Zihao Qi,Liting Li,Xin Luo 204
基于生成对抗网络的微博用户性别画像研究&韩露 李兵 211
Research on Precision Marketing Strategy of Yunnan Agricultural Products under the Condition of Big Data&Luming Yang,Shuzhen Huang,Kun Yang 217
分享经济下“PtoS”平台快递模式的运行机制研究&武淑萍 于宝琴 226
基于Spark的大规模并行协同过滤算法研究&佟强 张煦渤 张蓓赟 黄浩 234
Research on the Behavior of Telecom Fraudster in Identity Fraud&Jie Jian,Mengli Yang,Siqi Chen 243
Why Individuals Seek Help from Online to Offline:Effects of Cognitions and Emotions&Meng Yin,Xin Luo,Xiaoyu Xu,Qi Li 251
Study on Preventive Maintenance Strategy under a Kind of Shared Economy:Illustrated by the Example of Bicycle-sharing System&Wei Zhang,Anshu Dai,ZhenHe,Shuguang He 266
事件驱动型多因子选股策略研究——基于神经网络分类算法&杜涛 谢怀军 269
Study on the Flexible Preventive Maintenance Strategy for Products Sold with Two-dimensional Warranty&Anshu Dai,Zhen He,Shuguang He 276
Exploring the Effects of Procedural Justice and Emotions on Employees Workplace Security Behaviors&Feng Xu,Xin Luo 279
电商直播的生动性和互动性对消费者行为的作用机制研究&金珊冰 单怡蓓 季嘉瑜 徐青 284
负面口碑对品牌转换意愿的影响:品牌认知和情感的作用&丁晓燕 张新 徐峰 289
Maximizing Opinion Acceptance in a Social Network&Lei Zheng,Yaodong Ni 299
What Influence Doctors’Providing Online Medical Service&Yumei Li,Xiangbin Yan,Xiaolong Song 306
酒店负面评论对消费者感知有用性的影响的情境研究——基于时间距离视角&路晓悦 华迎 314
An Integrated Model of the Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Information Overload&Liang Ma,Xin Zhang,Xiaoyan Ding 326
云计算架构的柔性分析&刘震宇 江明 339
Value-based Spiritual Leadership:Why Is It There?Where Does It Stand?Where Will It Go?&Xiaochun Wang,Congcong Yang,Chengta Li,Chihyuan Hung 347
Understanding Customers’Switch Intention from Car-Hailing Apps to Old-Fashioned Taxi&Yu Gu,Xusen Cheng,Deng Xue 358
构建联盟区块链信用评估的个人征信新模式&刘金羽 贺玉琼 胡庆涛 王泽普 佟强 362
零售平台和零售商的最佳促销成本分担策略&高丹 陈敬文 370
The Convergence and Its Effect on the Performance between the Internet Industry and the Financial Industry&Xiaoxue Zhang,Ning Zhang 379
电子商务环境下安岳柠檬供应链质量风险识别研究&莫经梅 施莉 386
我国个人消费信贷的经济影响及信用风险控制&王璐 395
TRACE:Combination of Real-time Trajectory and Contextual Big Data towards Precise Prediction of People’s Behavioral Intentions&Mingxin Gan,Yang Han,Ling Gao 402
Based on Instant Traffic:the Big Data Analysis for Predicting Mobile Phone Users’Commuting Behaviors&Wei Ding,Ti Wang,Tao Huang,Mingzheng Sun 413
基于Spark的跨领域大规模用户建模研究&佟强 吴华益 周曼 赵星秋 423
Research for Stock Market Trend Behavior Based on Multi-Scale Time Series Features&Ning Li,Lifang Peng,Xueshen Sui 431
一种基于Boosting框架的用户画像生成方法——以“通过微博数据预测用户常住地理位置”为例&梅御东 李兵 440
Study on the Flexible Preventive Maintenance Strategy for Products Sold with Two-dimensional Warranty&Wanxin Xue,Yilei Pei 449
A Three Stage Method for Inter-Topic Correlation Analysis in Social Networks&Qimin Cao,Lei La,Tianyang Sun 456
基于机器学习的公益众筹项目融资能力评价模型研究&赵杨 谭道勋 武立强 464
微信用户抢红包行为研究:自我决定理论视角&张洪鸣 顾睿 474
基于社会网络分析的社区网络结构特征研究&陈瑞 何婷 482
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