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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:娄德平著;颜海峰,胡平译;杨四平主编
  • 出 版 社:美国新华出版社
  • 出版年份:
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:231 页
标签:主编 对话

1.我的孤独 2

My Solitude 3

2.神鹰 4

Hawk 5

3.茶道 6

Tao of Tea 7

4.宇宙畅想曲 8

Rhapsody in the Universe 9

5.我要把太阳喊出来 12

Yell out the Sun 13

6.家乡的夜 14

Night in My Hometown 15

7.海啊!海 16

Ocean!Ah,Ocean! 17

8.愿望 20

Wish 21

9.无题 22

Untitled 23

10.无题 24

Untitled 25

11.无题 26

Untitled 27

12.掠影 28

Skimming 29

13.印象 30

Impression 31

14.诅咒 32

Curse 33

15.盲 34

Blindness 35

16.无知 36

Ignorance 37

17.问题 38

Problem 39

18.影子 40

Shadow 41

19.鬼计 42

Trick 43

20.小雨 44

Rain 45

21.向日葵 46

Sunflower 47

22.太阳的披肩 48

Cape of the Sun 49

23.台湾 50

Taiwan 51

24.假面具 52

Mask 53

25.迷恋 54

Infatuation 55

26.心为鸟 56

Heart as a Bird 57

27.趵突泉 58

Baotu Spring 59

28.送游人 60

Sending off a Friend 61

29.人生 62

Life 63

30.写在小朋友贺年卡上 64

On a New Year Card to a Kid 65

31.梦的光彩 66

Luster of a Dream 67

32.梦中童年 68

Childhood in Dream 69

33.观海 70

Sightsee the Sea 71

34.小墨点 72

Ink spot 73

35.玫瑰花 74

Roses 75

36.镜子 76

Mirror 77

37.醉梦 78

Drunken Dream 79

38.年轻的鹰 80

Young Eagle 81

39.鸽子和云 82

Pigeon and Cloud 83

40.谁惹怒了天公 84

Who Offended Heaven 85

41.艺术天地 86

Artistic World 87

42.小鸟 90

A Little Bird 91

43.心从梦中飘出来 92

My Heart Flees from Dreams 93

44.眼睛 94

Eyes 95

45.生命 96

Life 97

46.距离 98

Distance 99

47.篝火 100

A Bonfire 101

48.盘点悟性 102

Checking My Epiphany 103

49.测试 104

Test 105

50.探测 106

Detection 107

51.飞到银河去沐浴 108

Flying to the Milky Way to Bathe 109

52.无题 110

Untitled 111

53.维纳斯来过 112

Being Here with Venus 113

54.白了头的芦苇 114

White Reed Catkins 115

55.眼睛 116

Eyes 117

56.云曲短章 118

Short Poems About Cloud 119

57.路灯 126

The Street Lamp 127

58.不灭的心灯 128

The Immortal Heart Candle 129

59.灵魂的赞歌 130

Ode to the Soul 131

60.沼泽地 132

The Moor 133

61.白云 134

White Clouds 135

62.舞台在足尖飞了起来 136

The Stage Rotating on Tiptoes 137

63.牵牛花 138

The Morning Glory 139

64.麻雀与金丝鸟 140

A Sparrow and A Canary 141

65.心里有个小岛 142

An Islet in My Heart 143

66.你与我 144

You and Me 145

67.时空中的马 146

Horse in Time and Space 147

68.天·地 148

The Heaven and the Earth 149

69.大烟泡 150

Da Yanpao 151

70.未来世界更美好 152

Better Future, Better World 153

71.别让风云遮住你的眼睛 154

Never Let the Clouds Blind You 155

72.小小的星 156

A Little Star 157

73.心灯 158

The Heart Candle 159

74.一座山峰在想像中变得更有神灵 160

A More Spiritual Mountain in My Mind 161

75.虚幻 162

Delusion 163

76.两姊妹 164

Two Sisters 165

77.酒韵 166

Aftertaste of the Wine 167

78.心在飞 168

A Floating Heart 169

79.童梦 170

Childhood Dream 171

80.可怜的山峰 172

The Abject Mountain 173

81.怪石 174

Grotesque Stone 175

82.受伤的心在呼唤 176

The Calling of A Broken Heart 177

83.理解 178

Understanding 179

84.敞开的宇宙 180

The Open Universe 181

85.冰与火的对话 182

Dialogue Between Fire and Ice 183

86.红酒红玫瑰 184

Red Wine, Red Rose 185

87.红酒之梦 186

The Dream of Red Wine 187

88.骗子 188

Cheater 189

89.心在宇宙外 190

Mind Outside the Universe 191

90.心旅 192

Journey to the Heart 193

91.我与马饮着月光对话 194

A Dialague with A Horse Under the Moon 195

92.鸟儿啊是凤凰 196

Ah, A Bird Is Like A Phoenix 197

93.我的身体是一本诗集 198

My Body Is A Book of Poems 199

94.背叛 200

Betrayal 201

95.心境 202

The State of Mind 203

96.蚊龙戏海 204

Flood Dragon Splashing in the Sea 205

97.饥饿 206

Hunger 207

98.情面 208

Feeling and Face 209

99.你是天壶流出的蜜 210

You’re the Honey out of Tianhu 211

100.雪里有糖 212

The Snow Wrapped in Sugar 213

101.恶魔 214

Demon 215

102.迷恋的心留给了艺术大殿 216

The Bewitched Heart is Left in the Hall of Art 217

103.拍一拍长城 218

Pat on the Shoulder of the Great Wall 219

104.把冰敲出火 220

Knock out Fire from Ice 221

105.牢笼里的鹰 222

Hawk in the Cage 223

106.送花人何时归 224

When the Flower-sender Returns 225

107.法老的木乃伊 228

The Pharaoh’s Mummy 229
