剑桥国际英语语法 初级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英国)菲奥娜·戴维斯
- 出 版 社:北京:北京语言大学出版社
- 出版年份:2019
- ISBN:9787561954546
- 页数:205 页
1 Word class and word order 6
Present 现在时 8
2 Be 8
3 Present simple1:statements 10
4 Present simple2:negatives and questions 12
5 Present continuous 14
6 Present continuous and present simple 16
7 Imperatives 18
R1 Review:present simple and present continuous 20
Past 过去时 22
8 Past simple1:was/were 22
9 Past simple2:regular past forms 24
10 Past simple3:irregular past forms 26
11 Past continuous 28
R2 Review:past simple and past continuous 30
12 Present perfect 1 32
13 Present perfect 2 34
14 Present perfect 3 36
15 Present perfect or past simple? 38
16 Used to 40
R3 Review:present perfect and used to 42
17 Will,shall,won't 44
18 Present continuous with future meaning 46
19 Be going to 48
R4 Review:the future 50
20 Modal verbs:can,could,be able to 52
21 Modals for requests:can,could,may 54
22 Must,have to and can't 56
23 Should,ought to 58
24 Modals of possibility:may,might 60
R5 Review:modals 62
25 Yes/no questions and short answers 64
26 Question words:Where? When?Why? How?Whose? 66
27 Object and subject questions 68
28 Be like and look like 70
29 What? and Which? 72
30 How...? questions 74
31 So and neither 76
32 Question tags 78
R6 Review:questions and answers 80
Verbs 动词 82
33 Have and have got 82
34 Make,do and get 84
35 Prepositional verbs 86
36 Phrasal verbs 88
37 Verbs with two objects 90
38 Verb+-ing or verb+to-infinitive; like and would like 92
39 State verbs 94
R7 Review:verb structures 96
40 Countable and uncountable nouns 98
41 Plural nouns 100
42 Articles 1 102
43 Articles 2 104
R8 Review:nouns and articles 106
44 This,that,these,those 108
45 Some,any,no,none 110
46 Something,everywhere,nobody,anyone 112
47 Much,many,a lot of,a little,a few 114
48 Subject and object pronouns 116
49 Possessive's 118
50 Whose?,my,mine 120
51 There and it 122
R9 Review:pronouns; possessives; quantifiers 124
Adjectives and adverbs 形容词和副词 126
52 Adjectives 126
53 Order of adjectives 128
54 Comparatives 130
55 Superlatives 132
56 Adverbs of manner 134
57 Comparative and superlative adverbs 136
58 -ed and -ing adjectives 138
59 Tbo and enough 140
60 Adverbs of frequency 142
R10 Review:adjectives and adverbs 144
Prepositions 介词 146
61 Prepositions of place 146
62 Prepositions of time:at,in,on 148
63 Prepositions of movement 150
R11 Review:prepositions 152
64 Passive:present and past simple 154
65 Zero and first conditionals 156
66 Second conditional 158
R12 Review:the passive; conditionals 160
67 Reported speech 162
68Say and tell 164
69 Defining relative clauses 166
R13 Review:reported speech;say and tell;lative clauses 168
70 Linking words:and,but,or,so,because 170
71 Time and sequence adverbs:first,then,afterwards 172
72 Both,either,neither 174
73 Word order 176
R14 Review:linking words and word order 178
Appendices 附录 180
Verb tenses 180
Irregular verbs 181
Spelling:verbs 182
Spelling:adjectives; adverbs; nouns 183
Glossary 184
Grammar index 187
Answer key 答案 188
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